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Happy Thanksgiving to All


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its called sinterklaas and its the 6th december.

that night an old man (sinterklaas) with a beard helped by his black (zwarte pieten) ppl, walks on the roofs, comes down the chimny and places gifts for the kids.

so that evenin when kids go to sleep the put a shoe (for the gift) some sugar (for sinterklaas´ horse) and some drinks (for sinterklaas and zwarte piet) by the chimny.


(and its not santa claus cause we also have him ;) )

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puts his arm down his computer, goin through his connection untill reaching eets. he grabs eets and smacks his head against his computer for about 10 times. eets drops on the floor sayin wtf.


eets: why did u do that?

pad: u called me dutch

eets: arent u?

pad: no, im not, im BELGIAN

eets: sorry for that o great 1. have a free gift.

pad: what is it?

eets: ....

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Originally posted by Young David

It's december 5th !!!!!! But No, in Belgium they have to celebrate it on the 6th ...


ok ok, my mistake


children put their shoe and stuff the 5th at the chimny as sinterklaas comes that night (5th -> 6th). SO its the 6th december kids get their presents.

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Originally posted by UsetheFORX


yep im from canada :D


Canada is still in America you know.


And so is Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Cuba and lots of other countries.


You think that's weird?



You should see Decemberween.







Now that was scary!

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oh good lord...thanksgiving!!!


my parents had my *future* in laws come over for Thanksgiving. My future in laws are sommmmeethin else. They are especially unhappy with us and how we aren't married yet. My parents are thrilled and treat my fiancee like their son in law. His parents do not like the fact that my parents are being supportive and they make subtle comments showing their lack of disproval. I had a horrible episode on t-day as I had some sort of attack - I couldn't breathe, my heart beat sky rocketed and I passed out! My future MIL (mother in law) said that it was all in my head and that it was an axiety attack. WTF!! The doctors are genuinly concerned esp cuz of the baby! Shows you how much she really cares right?? They also made comments about what my parents are getting my fiancee for christmas - when my mil found out what her son was getting she shot the look of WTF?? Its an expensive gift - and I think that they are upset because the most I ever got from them for christmas was one year a candle, next year a candy dish, last year bath and body works. I think the most they spent was 15 bucks. I don't expect anything - but I think they were pissed cuz maybe they feel obligated to do the same for me. I know they won't and i wouldn't want them to anyways especially if it didn't come from the heart. :( This is what I have to look forward to in the future. I'm trying not to say to much to my fiancee cuz I don't want to hurt his feelings or him feel attacked about his parents. He's just going to have to realise for himself that he needs to strap on some cajones and start letting them know he doesn't approve of them treating me or my family like this.


Happy Turkey Day though


thanks for letting me vent!

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