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Not bad...


Yo, I'm DJ Nitro and my words be flowin'

Left to right, logical, is how it's goin'

I got no delusions, I know I'm white

But I'll wax ya poetic all day and all night


So kick back and chill

Cause my rhymes be ill

And I'm Biggie-Sizing this beat

Like a Super Value Meal


Now I be in the groove, totally unstoppable

Don't even try, cause I'm that chart toppable

Eminem? White boy got nothin' on me

And I could do Vanilla Ice 'fo I could do my ABC's


Gigolo for an year, way back in Japan

Hung Lo, Wei Lo, to the back of the van

Man never made the money, money made the man

Multi-million dollar jizzlets and the geishas ran


Now it's been a great time, had myself a blast

But I gotta get some sleep and I gotta get it fast

I'll catch y'all tomorrow, see ya on the flip side

When I'm finished dreamin' and being Miss Tara's nighttime guide.

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Bring out my favourite fellow,

Bring out the cherry jello

God knows I really wanna,

Bring out the greased Iguana


Bring out my little poochie,

We'll do the hootchie-cootchie

God knows I wanna disco,

Bring out the butter Crisco


Bring out the chimpanzees-es,

We'll give them our diseases

Bring out the platypuses,

They've got a thousand uses


Call out the Glasgow bobbies,

We'll teach them brand new hobbies

Dollies inflatable,

With morals debatable


Bring out a Bengal Lancer,

Dressed like a belly dancer

God knows I'm really randy,

Good thing I'm really handy


Bring out the chains and leather,

Bring out the ostrich feather,

Bring out my Uncle Neddie,

Clad in a tartan teddie


Swine, donkeys, sheep and cattle,

I'll make their jawbones rattle

I'm as horny as a klaxon,

I'll even take a Saxon

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Obviously, they can't use real records; that'd be like one of us trying to scratch with a bottle-cap. There's probably a facility (probably in Autobot City) that makes "maxcon"-sized reproductions of human artifacts.


Originally posted by Nute Gunray

plus those Decepticons wouldn't be getting their funk on, they'd be stomping on the pathetic meat-machines of course.


You're forgetting that Decepticons are as individual as anyone. Someone like Ramjet or Skywarp would get their kicks wastin' the place (though human-lover Thundercracker is probably hanging out off-camera ;) ), but I don't think Soundwave's heart was ever really in it. He strikes me more as a fiercely loyal guy who's just doing his job. Besides, according to at least one G1 episode ("Autobop"), Soundwave's no stranger to the club scene.


As for Ravage and Laserbeak, they're obviously game if their keeper is, and Rumble and Frenzy can't resist a good party. Ironically, it looks like Rewind is the one who's gonna make a scene, as he looks about ready to attack Rumble.


Blaster OTOH, is obviously having the time of his life! :D

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Please proceed with caution cause the lyricist is fatal

I could kick your little monkey-ass like Kato

Formulate your rhymes like a child forms play-doh

Calm and serene like the study was Tao

Poetry machine with correct mechanisms

Immune to disease, I defeat organisms

that are waiting in my path, I overstep the critters

Give you ass the willies and your moms'll get the jitters

Quitters turn to losers, losers are forgotten

Tangle in my fore with, hopes that I stop rockin

Never will that happen only if it is permitted

Wait... I think somebody shi*ted

I guess that will be me cause I'm the only one MCin

I go for what I know doin a show for human beings

Always try to lead yo never will I follow

Blowin up the spot like Fred did to Rollo

And when it comes to days like this, I got lyrics to go

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I'll quote rhymes I did a while back in the RGP forums:


Hey Syrnl let's compose antother music. Ready DrumDroid?


:c3po: *bizarre electronic noise*


Great, give me a fast beat.


:c3po: *Fast Hard Rock drum Beat begins and Syrnl follows with some kick ass heavy distortion guitar rhythm*


Dig this:


Hey you Rebel Scum !

Get out of my way you ugly bum

Back up ! Back up !

Or you shall Succumb !


Suuuuuucuuuuumb !

Rebel scuuuuum !

Suuuuuucaw-aw-aaaawb !


You Rebel scum !

See this blaster gun?

I'm fed up! fed up !

Then you better run !


Suuuuuucuuuuumb !

Rebel scuuuuum !

Suuuuuucaw-aw-aaaawb !


*Fast action Guitar solo, Syrnl must be using the force or something because he is playing GOD-LIKE*


Don' t ya dare turn back,

Or I shall attack !

No hesitation !

Against the Rebel Nation !


Suuuuuucuuuuumb !

Rebel scuuuuum !

Suuuuuucaw-aw-aaaawb !


Can't fight the temptation,

To kill this rebel degradation,

It is my life's dedication !

Laser reaches it's destination,



Suuuuuucuuuuumb !

Rebel scuuuuum !

Suuuuuucaw-aw-aaaawb !

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Bust my ass in school

To be a certified fool

Now intellect of curb is my only tool

But street game is so uncouth

I took the SAT, and that the Sad Ass Truth

I'm not gliding but I'm striving

Hanging on by a thread and it's called surviving

Hang on, hang on, hang y'all

Walk the street and keep you head so tall

For time is short, no time is bought

You're only in the wrong if you get caught

So kick in doors, bang on walls, shout in halls

And Get yours.

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