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What are the best mods out there?

Jedi AC

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Originally posted by soul710

What features does promod 3 have ?

and do i need to have jedimod 1 installed to have the yoda model with correct size or does it work with jediplus 43 ?


Someone might correct me here, but I think Jedimod was just about the first mod to come out. There are a bunch of derivative mods -jediplus, jedi++, I don't know them all- that were basically manipulations of the original Jedimod.


I know one of them is said to have malicious code contained in it. Although I think it only affected servers (provided the author a backdoor to get in and mess with their computer or something).


I would recommend NOT using it regardless of how cool it might be, just because the author is apparently some kind of jerk! Whats to stop him from encoding a virus to wipe your hard drive in 6 months???


Most of the Mods I've seen just add neat candy to the game, and a bunch of server options -like making you sit down, or kiss someone-. They also use some of the other animations in the game, which look cool but don't do much to improve the gameplay.


There is more, but you get the picture -it's mostly visual stuff and some server-side parameter tweaks to make things stronger or weaker.


For that stuff and getting Yoda back down to Muppet size, Jedimod is probably your best bet.


For cool animation stuff, Style Over Substance looks like it lives up to it's name. I don't think they have anything released yet. But they have been working on it long enough. KEEP IN MIND, that at this point animations CANNOT be added or edited in JO. So whatever they are doing, it involves using the animations that already exist in the game.


ProMod 3 (which is supposed to be released today -after a good two months of development) is the ONLY Mod I know of that FUNCTIONALY changes how JO Multi-Player works. ArtifeX started working on it when the MP sourcecode was released, and -as of ProMod 2- I can tell you it REALLY improved the way the game plays.


ProMod 3 is going to be a major upgrade from ProMod 2. It is NOT intended to be an 'eye-candy' Mod (ProMod is based on a Targeting system which eliminated the random number generators used in JO's original code to determine how your well Saber worked). That being said, ProMod 3 is starting add some of those features (custom saber colors, for example). So, while improving gameplay is at the core of what ProMod is, it also is adding some of the fun stuff.


I don't know if it allows for the "Yoda factor" yet. I know it was seriously considered, but Artifex may have backed it off if it allowed for unballanced gameplay. ProMod is all about ballanceing things, so it's skill with a weapon that prevails, NOT who controls the Fletchete. Also, he added a jetpak which I have heard is pretty cool.


Hope this helps

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KEEP IN MIND, that at this point animations CANNOT be added or edited in JO. So whatever they are doing, it involves using the animations that already exist in the game.


wow that sux...y doesnt Raven allow this in this game (assuming its them :confused: ). Why doesnt Raven try to help the mod community the best it can? I'm guessing they r afraid of copyrights laws or such...:rolleyes:

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I just downloaded Promod Beta 2 this morning and after one day of playing I have to say Promod is the best mod for JK2 out yet!


We just need some more people to get promod servers up...las I checked there were THREE! One was ArtifeX's server and was locked for beta 3 testing and the other two were empty...even after I joined for a bit. We need more servers for this great mod!


*goes back to playing against bots...sigh...*

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Originally posted by Kam Riser

I just downloaded Promod Beta 2 this morning and after one day of playing I have to say Promod is the best mod for JK2 out yet!


We just need some more people to get promod servers up...las I checked there were THREE! One was ArtifeX's server and was locked for beta 3 testing and the other two were empty...even after I joined for a bit. We need more servers for this great mod!


*goes back to playing against bots...sigh...*


Beta 2 is crap now (and I use the term loosely!). Download 3.0. As for the servers, Artifex's server is now open to the public, though his version is different from the one on http://www.jediknightii.net, so you will have to download it in JO. The others are silly-@$$ dead's that use Beta 1.

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Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas


Someone might correct me here, but I think Jedimod was just about the first mod to come out. There are a bunch of derivative mods -jediplus, jedi++, I don't know them all- that were basically manipulations of the original Jedimod.


I know one of them is said to have malicious code contained in it. Although I think it only affected servers (provided the author a backdoor to get in and mess with their computer or something).


I would recommend NOT using it regardless of how cool it might be, just because the author is apparently some kind of jerk! Whats to stop him from encoding a virus to wipe your hard drive in 6 months???


Most of the Mods I've seen just add neat candy to the game, and a bunch of server options -like making you sit down, or kiss someone-. They also use some of the other animations in the game, which look cool but don't do much to improve the gameplay.


There is more, but you get the picture -it's mostly visual stuff and some server-side parameter tweaks to make things stronger or weaker.


For that stuff and getting Yoda back down to Muppet size, Jedimod is probably your best bet.


For cool animation stuff, Style Over Substance looks like it lives up to it's name. I don't think they have anything released yet. But they have been working on it long enough. KEEP IN MIND, that at this point animations CANNOT be added or edited in JO. So whatever they are doing, it involves using the animations that already exist in the game.


ProMod 3 (which is supposed to be released today -after a good two months of development) is the ONLY Mod I know of that FUNCTIONALY changes how JO Multi-Player works. ArtifeX started working on it when the MP sourcecode was released, and -as of ProMod 2- I can tell you it REALLY improved the way the game plays.


ProMod 3 is going to be a major upgrade from ProMod 2. It is NOT intended to be an 'eye-candy' Mod (ProMod is based on a Targeting system which eliminated the random number generators used in JO's original code to determine how your well Saber worked). That being said, ProMod 3 is starting add some of those features (custom saber colors, for example). So, while improving gameplay is at the core of what ProMod is, it also is adding some of the fun stuff.


I don't know if it allows for the "Yoda factor" yet. I know it was seriously considered, but Artifex may have backed it off if it allowed for unballanced gameplay. ProMod is all about ballanceing things, so it's skill with a weapon that prevails, NOT who controls the Fletchete. Also, he added a jetpak which I have heard is pretty cool.


Hope this helps



well i've been playing jediplus now for a while, mainly because of the two saber & dualblade feature, combined with some cool maps & episode 2 models theres great starwars feeling.... what mods exactly could be a virus ? jediplus ?? if so i would have to del it quickly... :rolleyes:

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If you want a balanced game with depth (and some new cool stuff like the jetpack), a game where skill determines the winner - choose Promod.


Ever wondered what it's like to stick your tongue in Desann's mouth? Want to try fighting 0,5ft tall rodians dual wielding two double edged lightsabers with a 12ft tall Leia? If so, choose some of the other mods.


To each their own. :)

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Ha ha ha ha ha, youve explained the very escense of all the other popular mods. Though I don't know why anyone would use the Sith Saber.. it's so weak, the two lightsabers are better (not to mention over powerful).


Suposedly, Artifex will be putting Sith saber, dual lightsabers and model scaling in ProMod, but knowing good old Arti Fett, it won't be dumb and unbalanced like in JediPLUS

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