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This forum's boring now!

Sherack Nhar

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Note: this isn't yet another 'forums are dead' thread. I think this board's very much alive still... but it's boring!


Where are the trolls? The flame wars? The 1337 spammers that we can all bash without fearing warnings from the mods?


Poking fun at krkode is getting old now :)


Rhett is MIA. Leon doesn't come anymore. It seems like the only thing we can think of to entertain ourselves is to create pointless game threads. Yes, the story threads worked for a while (LOS, story contest, Dark Tide) but how long can that go on? We need something new!


It has become boring to the point that I miss viper :D At least there was some action going on back then! And what about the old time when Leon tried to create a senate? At least there was something to talk about that affected us directly. It may not have worked in the long run, but it was very entertaining to see such a great community effort.


What should we do?

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You should visit the Swamp then. We are always getting Trolls and Spammers. :D


We always have controversy too. There are Revolutions and we also have the occasiona Flame War or two. ;)


I personally like this place cause it is a bit more serious than the Swamp and is more sane.


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Dark Tides isn't dead yet, even though it seems only Havoc, Homer, and I even read it. If you don't read it, you really should, its great, at least in my rather biased opinion ;)

[/shameless plug]



I do know what you mean though, the forums are very boring. I really only come here to see whats happening in Dark Tides and the maybe one good thread in the entire forums.


We have had a few debates, but not many people can actually debate very long before it breaks down into the same argument over an over again because most don't seem to know how to listen...err...read.



Don't look at me for ideas though, i haven't started a thread in several months ;)

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Ratmjedi, the Off Topic forum here is my home, there's no way I'll risk going into the swamp after the invasion... ;)


As for ideas, I don't think debates would settle it. Here's something: Maybe we could start building a kind of 'member directory' for the OT forum. Every regular posters could get their own page on this directory, which would be like LF's profile page but more in-depth. We'd have a self-introduction paragraph for everybody and anything else that the person wants to be added on their space. We could store our pictures in there too!


Anyway, that's ONE idea (Eets hated it ;)). Any others?

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what's this about krkode...the dark spammer!


*i do have a dark complexion* ;)


And Eets, i ain't going out without a fight... :laughing::evil2:


*a dark cloud descends*--> now, the forum has a new enemy to fight...with fighting comes excitement, with excitement leaves boredom!!!



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Such a good place, I've been missing ya'll lately. I haven't been able to get on in like 2 weeks until yesterday. Such sadness.


This place is boring, but something will come up, I much rather like it boring than spam/noob-filled. Don't get me wrong, noobs aren't bad, but being overloaded with them is. This is a much more mature place. And I hate debates, cause as Tieguy said, people won't read/listen, and try and see where the other person is coming from. (I'm guilty of it too)


I don't make content, that is for others than myself, I comment. Sometimes it seems that I want to make a thread, cause I think I have something interesting, but I fear it's just the noob in me discovering something everyone else has already seen, so I don't post it.



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who's talking about webspace without talking about krkode?


Hey, just so you guys know, you could always get hosted on my site with space, bandwidth, cgi-bin, mySQL, and all the perks you could get only with krkode :D you can talk to me if interested...the "designer" (whoever wants to put this stuff together) can have his own access to the ftp too :o





that's not an advertisement, just an offer for this noble deed that seems to be under development...


and also, you guys are welcome to kill me...yah, pick up those rotten tomaatoes ;)

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It seems I have come too late to this place when I came here. It was all still good too, it's just that I had lost my power to spam correctly by the time I had joined ;). It seems some are too busy to come here though and some have just lost interest, but this forum is better than another one I visit and post alot on with most of the annoying n00bs and suppressive staff there. I'll have to think later on how to make this place better, but as Ratmjedi pointed, it's a good forum were most members are sane ;)!

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Originally posted by krkode

who's talking about webspace without talking about krkode?


Hey, just so you guys know, you could always get hosted on my site with space, bandwidth, cgi-bin, mySQL, and all the perks you could get only with krkode :D you can talk to me if interested...the "designer" (whoever wants to put this stuff together) can have his own access to the ftp too :o

Umm thanks for the offer, but most of that stuff is unnecessary... And besides I'm not sure I'd like to have this member directory under the juridiction of the last die-hard spammer of this forum... ;)
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you don't need to use ALL of it :o


And besides I'm not sure I'd like to have this member directory under the juridiction of the last die-hard spammer of this forum... ;)


oh, ok :rolleyes:






:D *atleast he still thinks i'm the last die-hard spammer* :D I feel like the last of the mohicans :evil2:


well, just in case you run into BANDWIDTH problems or SPACE problems with all those pics you might want to place there, and just in case you seem to be getting annoyed with the ADS and the LIMITS they place on you, and just in case you need MORE of that stuff, i'm still here (until you kill me, that is, but that'd be hard...) :D:p

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