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Sherack Nhar

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Wow good to see you Leon!


Latest list:

Clefo, Tie Guy, krkode, Homer, Rhett, Havoc , Eets, Shannon, Rogue Nine, YD, MadDoofer, Fergie, Artoo, Ratmjedi, Leon, and super-me. 16 people and growing...


Anyways, so are we actually doing this thing? *stares at Sherack*
Absolutely! If you think you're ready to submit your page (or page content for the HTML-disabled people out there :) ) just email me using the button in this post and send it in! I'll recontact you through PMs if there's something wrong with your stuff.


EDIT: I see that the email function has been disabled by the fricking admins... here's my email: SherackNhar@hotmail.com

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i'd like to correct your little program, Homer


if (forumer == krkode)


cout << "You dirty spammer!!"


cout << "Good post!"


When you put a single "=" sign, you're assigning the value krkode to forumer, but when you put "==" then you're checking weather krkode equals forumer and going on with the if else statement.

And you forgot semicolons!!:o


That's all for "Programming with krkode" for today :D

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Not to mention the braces Kode. He's got a compound selection statement with the "if" but no braces, thats definately not gonna work.



Anyways, were we gonna follow some sort of plan, Sherack, or are we just free to do whatever we want however we want?


And is there a size limit for the page itself?

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Yeah, what kind of stuff do you want from us?


Fav Avatars? Links? Personal Bio? Comments on World Domination? Or a Research Paper on the fundamental laws of good posting habits and good hygine? Or is it totally loose?


(BTW, I doubt I'm decent enough at HTML to do jack squat [yes I do know some HTML, but not enough to design anything decent], so I'll just send content when I get time.)

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It can be anything you want as long as individual file components (like pictures or sound files - your choice) must not go over 255kb.


As for the size limit of the whole page, well just make it reasonable, think of 56kers :)


To give you some ideas, I think most people are going to make an enhanced profile page with pictures of themselves and info about them like favorite hobbies, etc... Basically this directory would be a place to learn more about the members here. So put in whatever you would like people to know about you, or what you'd like to share with them!

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Originally posted by darthfergie

(BTW, I doubt I'm decent enough at HTML to do jack squat [yes I do know some HTML, but not enough to design anything decent], so I'll just send content when I get time.)



Use frontpage then, anyone can do that, and most people have it. You do have it, right?

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I have frontpage - never used it but I will try. I won't be getting my digital camera till xmas so I won't be able to put any real cool pics till then. I was going to post my pictures when the baby comes - figured that be a neat thing! But I really don't have any other ideas besides that. I think it be kewl though if people put the country's they were from. Like as in how Young David was telling us about the Sinderklaus thing and those yummy sounding cookies. Its neat to see those kinds of things.

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I just want to let you guys know that I may not get my site done for awhile, first of all, it's been a little while since I've last done work in html, no biggie there I'm sure I can pick it back up...second, and most important, is that I have finals next week and am busy prepping to start to think about possiibly beggining to start studying...

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Alright, i had some free time (no school), so i just sat down and made the entire page. I hosted it myself, but Sherack, let me know what site you want to put it on and i'll redo the html for it.


Tie Guy: The Complete Profile

It runs best in resolutions greater than 800 by 600


If you see any errors/glitches then just let me know and i'll try to hammer them out. Thanks.

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Pretty sweet Tie Guy:) .


BTW, no for some reason I do not have a front page editor...I've looked...but no. I'll just get the text, pics and stuff together with a pic of it all pasted in and send it to you sometime sher.


(Dang I wish I had Flash...BUT IT COSTS $499:mad: . Just $100 and I would get it.:mad: I would love experimenting in that program...)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

(Dang I wish I had Flash...BUT IT COSTS $499:mad: . Just $100 and I would get it.:mad: I would love experimenting in that program...)


Swish is better :p


I wanted to add sound but they each amounted to over 255kb, so i couldn't do any of them. I even tried to edit some of them to make it under 255 but i just couldn't make them that small.



BTW, did you find the "secret" in the credits?

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Originally posted by darthfergie




...no...don't think so...


Yeah, swish, its a flash editor. Its much easier and more efficient than Flash. And once you learn how to really use it, it can do almost everything Flash can, and alot that Flash can't (not without a ton of work anyways)



Sherack, the names are the last names of my friends, with the first names made up, to protect their privacy, ya know. Just doing a little name droppin' :D

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That's splendid, Tie Guy!! :)


darn...i have flash MX, but i dunno how to do anything with it :(


i guess i'll learn, though :o


in your credits, for the inspiration, you said inpiration :p


just thought you oughto know :p

Anyway, i'm beginning work on my own :) behold y'all :rolleyes:


and a question to Tie Guy, is Black Sun productions your company, like is it a name you like and gonna make it the name of your future company or something, or what?

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Originally posted by krkode

and a question to Tie Guy, is Black Sun productions your company, like is it a name you like and gonna make it the name of your future company or something, or what?


Its my "company". I do webpages and graphics/logos and also intros for videos. I really made it just so i could make the logo, but it ended up looking pretty cool so i kept it.


Oh, and thanks for the error reports, guys, i'll fix 'em tonight or tomorrow and re-upload it.

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Originally posted by krkode

aaah...do you work for money or for pleasure? (i would guess pleasure) do you do it for others too?


And that "welcome" sorta reminded me of the 1st anniversary intro you made :)


Do you by any chance have it still? i'd like to see it again :)


Pleasure and volunteering, mostly, though i did make one website for a guy and got paid. I made my church youth group website (though someone else maintains it), and i've made some things for friends of mine, that sorta stuff.


I think i still have that intro, let me see if i can find it.....Wait, here it is:


GB.com Anniversary Banner



Hmm....it seems to be going a ton faster than i remember...oh well...

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Originally posted by krkode

I'm learning to program in php and mySQL so i can make good websites, but i guess i'll handle flash first.


I guess when it's flash (swish) vs. php it's a look good vs work good.


Isn't it painfully long to edit the slightest spelling mistake in a flash/swish website??


No, i open Swish, click on what i want to change, and change it. It is a little harder i guess, but its worth it because it looks a ton better. The one problem comes when inserting things in the middle, there is an easy way to insert frames, but if you do then you have to go back and change all the "go to frame" commands if you have them. Its still not too bad and that doesn't happen too often anyways. There are some ways around that too.


Flash, however, can be difficult with all the key frames and everything, but not too too bad.



BTW, i fixed those changes.

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