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This forum's boring now!

Sherack Nhar

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Swish (or Flash) does not page a page look great!


It can ...


There are very good looking Flash sites, but lots of them are crap compared to html counterparts. Flash is so overestimated. You can do a lot of things with it, so people do a lot with it.


When I click a button I don't want to hear some corny music and a bad long animation ... well, maybe once, but not every time! I don't want to wait 5 minutes for a page to load because there's flash in it ... I'd click it away.


Flash is an enhancer, not a site builder. Most times when a site is build in flash only it's evil. Flash can be great to make a simple interface where the menu is flash. Or to add some special features (like e-cards) in flash.


Flash will never be better than html, Webdesigners can make it look better tough.


It's the knowledge of html and the creative picture editing that makes a site look good. Flash is just an enhancer.


My €0,02

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To each his own, i guess.


To me, the vast portion of HTML pages are repetitive and crap, especially in the hands of amatuers, which most pages are. Sure, HTML can be great, but honestly, i like flash a ton better.


As for animations, you're right, long ones are annoying. But i think ones that are a second or less are alot better and more interesting than the load times that HTML has, where the screen is just blank or partially filled.


As for load times, they are only bad if you have music or sound. That entire page i made is only 185k, about a 1-5 second load for broadband, and not too much longer longer for 56k. Comparable to HTML really.


I do know what you mean about the sounds, though. I hate some of those annoying sounds that play. Music can be nice, but thats where you get the long times, so it not really worth it. I just wanted to add the SW credits music into the credits of my site. Don't worry, i'll never have have lots of little sound effects that are cool maybe the first time, but annoying as sin the next 5000.


I also know what you mean about amatuers trying to use it. I haven't made a whole lot of actualy sites, but i have done a couple. At first i was obsessed with just using "cool" effects, as most people are. Then i realized that the best looking sites are the simple ones, the ones that have less load times, the ones that look cleaner, the ones that flow smoothly, not the ones that are crammed with effects. You can put the effects in an intro if you want, as long as its usefull and introduces the site.


I just think a site like the one i made is better than me putting up one with an all black background and a blue sidebar with a title at the top and some options at the side. I mean, how else can you really do it? Put the menu at the top? I think Flash just gives you alot more options alot more conviently. Sure, it can be worse, but it can be alot better too.

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I just think a site like the one i made is better than me putting up one with an all black background and a blue sidebar with a title at the top and some options at the side. I mean, how else can you really do it? Put the menu at the top?


:eek::ball: direct insult at my way of doing it :( :( :(






don't laugh, don't smirk, you can cry if you want though ;)


*braces himself*

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Well I'm SUPPOSED to be working with Eets to make some kind of simple main directory page that would hold all the member 'profiles'... IF ONLY EETS WOULD QUIT PLAYING HIS STUPID DREAMSCAPE FOR FIVE MINUTES!! :mad:


Shup ho! I made you a web site. :p

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

this forum is not boring


you know whats boring?


this Thread!


And again, NL Ackbar becomes so bored he goes looking for a fight! :rolleyes:


What's with you Ackbar? Do you want to make enemies? :confused:


Perhaps, you should just stick to the threads where you can add valuable input, otherwise you're mouth (or fingers as the case may be) seem to get you in trouble. :p

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