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Bored of the Rings


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and you are bored about it


Once...Long ago, there was written a book

which did revolutionize the literary genre

which we know as "high fantasy"...



It also made pots of money for its author, a Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien...



With this fact in mind, the Harvard Lampoon, in the

yeare of our Lord 1969, put together an epic parody

which they felt certain would be just as beloved,

just as enduring, and which would also net

them big, scrummy wadges of cash...



They were wrong...



But what they had managed to create

will go down in history as one

of the greatest cult classics of

satire ever created...



The name by which this infamous epic

would forever be known was:





Then Go HERE

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It'd be a fun little thing to read on the net but these guys want me to pay for a copy? :D


Oh, speaking of old books, I just found a few really old copies of LotR. :o One of which is the first printing of TTT that was made in America. It was an illegal copy. :D Tolkien didn't want his books printed on paperback but these people did it so he sued them then in about a year he made some official papersback and released them here. You can see the illegal printings here. They're from 1965.


I only paid like 80 cents for each book. :)

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536




Ummmm.... Hi.


Welcome to the GB.Com Forums, however...


your post falls into realm of SPAM. You must include alittle more "meat" to your post or at the very least make it pertain to the topic of the Thread.


Just be more careful and you too, can enjoy this wonderful forum and all it has to offer.


By the way, I really did mean Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay here. It's always nice to see a new face around these parts. ;)

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