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Official SWGB 2 GB.com Thread

Guest DarthMaulUK

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I wouldn't be surprised if there was lag as the AoK engine was only designed for 150 pop (I think, could be 200). Anyway I don't think LA changed the engine in any way that it would be able to handle larger pop caps any better.


Anyway, as for campaign ideas:


I'd like to see an approach to campaigns like the Westwood style where you choose which front to pursue, though it would probably be a sector of space rather than a flat map. This way you could work minor missions into the Clone Wars or the Civil War. The Battle of Naboo might be focussed on for an introductory campaign, which would feature Trade Federation, Naboo and Gungans.

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I was thinking that each campaign would be separated into two sides of the same important SW situation- for example, the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, the New Jedi Order and so on. You'd generally start off with the evil side's campaign and then move on to the good side- for example, the Battle of Naboo begins with the Trade Fed invasion campaign, then the Naboo and Gungan striking back campaign.


I'm not too sure about taking a Westwood-style map-selecting course. It wasn't too successful in the Westwood games in terms of enhancing the gameplay a lot, and one finely-honed story-benefiting mission is far preferable to three missions with no real story and slightly differing gameplay. There will be quite a lot of scenarios anyway (I'm thinking around 7 per campaign, with 2 campaigns per SW situation, with about 5 of them, so that makes 70+).


Each race's campaign would be put in to the timeline/situation where they're the most well-known and suited for. So the Galactic Empire wouldn't have the Thrawn Crisis, they'd have the Galactic Civil War (evil side), with the Imperial Remnant taking Thrawn. It would be fairly easy to come up with campaigns that don't interfere with established storylines- last night I came up with the Imperial campaign, which occurs about a year prior to the Battle of Yavin.

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Maybe we could have stories based more around minor things that lead to a big event.

Like you have the hero of a campaign as a non-movie hero and then move through it with him and THEN leading to the battle of Endor or so. Like for the rebs you could have a guy whose mission is to escort a Bothan spy to Rebel HQ.

I was thinking it can be like the Missions in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault(ok not an rts but whatever).

You have a big campaign(mission) which is seperated into many different parts. You have many objectives but each of them leads to the scenario that follows.

A little bit like the SWGB's Second wookiee campaign. It follows one path.

But in SWGB2 it should be better tho...

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I think the Campaigns for Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire should follow the movies with some additional scenarios in between to fill in the gaps. Maybe have a couple EU scenarios after Battle of Endor. Like a scenario to capture Courscant and then maybe add Thrawn scenario last.

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i think a scenario following the movies exactly maybe isnt the best idea...

maybe something that can be considered filler for inbetween the movies is a better bet.

For the empire something with Bossk and Boba, CIS has some Jango and Dooku stuff. I dunno, but don't follow the movies.

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Mandalorians... (snort of derision)


Sorry about that. The campaigns should feature the major movie battles as focal points and include other missions and minor battles in between. For example, the Clone Wars campaign might start with the Battle of Geonosis, move through some other missions, then probably end on the battle in Episode III.

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Since Episode III will start out right at the end of the Clone Wars. I would think there would be new vehicles and ships put into service by the Republic. I would think if they used Episode III material in Galactic Battlegrounds 2 then it would include the 1st AT-AT Walkers, AT-ST Walkers, Speeder Bikes and Tie Fighters. Instead of using the AT-TE Walker and other Episode I and Episode II vehicles and ships.

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I believe AT-ATs were put into service long after the Clone wars. It says in the Databank that the Empire needed a very strong Ground unit to enforce their will. They created the AT-AT for that. So it will come later(doN,t expect to see it).


And AT-STs, well...I dunno. But I doubt you'll see any ''prototype''.

Besides, ANH starts over 25 yrs after ep3 so....

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Who's to say they didn't use them before Episode IV? George Lucas will make that decision. I think Proto-type AT-ST and AT-AT will appear in Episode III. Episode IV is the about the first major battle won by the rebellion. The empire must of had many strong and powerful starships and vehicles to enforce the governement all the years. Face it, The AT-TE Walker was slow, The huge cannon thing in Episode II was even slower and used on large buildings, etc. Republic Assualt Ships had minor weapons for defensive but were more of a troop transport ship. There has to be the proto-types of Original Trilogy vehicles. Just like there will be proto-type star destroyers and probably tie fighters.

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Luke's Dad, where did you find that out? It would be a shame, as I always imagined the coolest way to start Episode III would be that immediately the opening crawl finished the shot pans to the middle of a huge space battle, with Anakin and Obi-Wan zooming around in Jedi Starfighters. Oh well, I'm sure whatever George does will be perfect.

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In the clone wars (the game) they had a prototype for the AT-ST but it was stronger and slower that's all.


Their must be a big battle! The Jedi will not just walk over to Palpatine and say KILL ME! And how do expect padme to die? :snipe1::chop1::flamethro (couldn't find the evil madman smilie)


Now what was this thread about? Ideas that was it!



Okay a little more unique civs unique buildings (they all almost look the same), more realism....

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in the words of fellow mods:


yoink !


your rank upgrades every few hundred posts. Points are excessively debated in the feedback forum or you can simply browse the off-topic one. Points can make you change your title, color it and basically upgrade your forum-experience. You can donate points to others if you'd like; all geared towards advancing good will amongst mankind (well, at least no more than 3 wars a year anyway).. :p


as for my GB2 idea's (and to get this back on topic):


- Structures have multiple rooms that can be battled over


- spy-droids can give a first-eye-view through a holo-projector


- Jedi actually constantly shift from dark to light; depending on your actions


- diplomacy can make an inactive population rise up and riot (sort of like in C&C Generals


- SCALE !!! (that means; everything big, bad and massive)

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Eizo, It wasn't a real proto-type of the AT-AT Walker. It had 6 legs. I was referring in one of the previous post that I would like to see a 4 legged proto-type AT-AT Walker in Episode III that could be added to SWGB 2. The same for a 2-legged proto-type AT-ST Walker.

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Originally posted by eizo131

Their must be a big battle! The Jedi will not just walk over to Palpatine and say KILL ME! And how do expect padme to die?

Why does everyone feel the need for a super CG battle scene?

And who said Padme dies in III?

the kids need to be born before she dies... and anakin cant know about leia...

The Jedi must all be hunted down and killed, and the others (obi/yoda) have to flee. and i dont even think all the jedi need to be killed, just the idea that they're being hunted and since they're so outnumbered there's no way to avoid being hunted and killed. this would need at least a few to be killed in the movie.

AND the empire needs to be ridiculously over powered and dominant towards the end of the movie so that "a new hope" actually means that they at one point had no hope.

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ahh ok forget the AT-XT all together.


Their must be a big battle! Otherwise the movie will be really boring, I guess they killed the sepratist... Who else could they fight...? Ok maybe their won't be, but that would the first three movies not have any climax (except the clone wars)


Padme must die, otherwise she would be in Ep.4,5,6 and she isn't. Yes, she must give birth to Luke and Leia but after that... her future is very unclear, heh as well as Jar-Jars


Now then SWGB2 must be far more unique, more UUs less of the same, No mechs (except for a speeder with a gun on top) for the rebels. Stronger mechs for the republic.

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I like Paragon_Leon's


- spy-droids can give a first-eye-view through a holo-projector

- SCALE !!! (that means; everything big, bad and massive)


ideas. I want things to scale. That means, HUGE AT-ATs and stuff. And the Spy droid was a nice touch. Maybe you could upgrade it. Make it more stealthy or have better viewing, maybe it could be outfitted with a sniper gun or something. And the enemy can upgrade defenses to detect the spybot.

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