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JKII multiplayer role playing?!

Darth Scythe

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Hello everyone,


I have been playing jedi outcast 2 multiplayer for about half a month now and ive seen some annoying people and some cool ones as well. But the thing that gets me the most (being a big star wars fan) is the mindless killing that goes on within the games. I think there can be much much more to the multiplayer then just running about, saber drawn slashing and killing. I think if a group of people start a server(s) with role playing as the game title it will add alot more fun to the game. If sith and jedi fight with storys and detailed characters then I think that it will just add to the enjoyment of the game. If you think so plz add to this and we shall brain storm about this idea. If somebody as already started this and I dont know about it PLZ god tell me I am a good rper and I'd love to join in playing with you.


thanks and may the force be with you.


-Darth Scythe- [==o=||----------------

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Role-playing in JKII was quite popular a few months ago, however it died out cause too many people would be idiots and not follow the rules. Too bad, RPing was actually pretty fun. :rolleyes:


I dunno about RPing right now but perhaps you could make it work with ProMod (which greatly balances the game and alows bounty hunter vs. jedi/sith duels), and also a good server and admin that can keep everyone behaving good and respectfully.


[edit] btw R15 he was talking about JKII...

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Well since you asked I have done some good thinking on how the rping would work in the game. Im sure there are better ways but this is what I came up with.


Well each person would have their own character with backround story and so on (skins and sabers also). There would be rules the same type of rules that apply in star wars. Such as jedi dont run about with sabers draw swinging at little thing. Talking would be done with the chat and any movment or action that could not be done with the character would be put within the ::'s (example- ::His thin lips curl baring an evil grin::, or ::The sence of his power in the force emmited through out the foce with a eary and twisted almost sickly tone::)

Stuff like that.

You could also do storys and such, Im sure the possibly is endless once more minds start thinking about it.

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Sounds like a plan. Servers allocated fo rpging is a damn good idea, so it and hardcore fpsers dont argue.



When a duel starts, I nod. That's as far as I go, but then there's these people who expect me to crouch for 5 seconds, stand up.... bow again, walk around eachother with sabers off and stand at certain distances away before we ignite sabers and fight. The whole ordeal takes about 30 seconds before we actually fight. If I'm in a public server, it's a joke.



I enter a duel.... I have my saber off when the duel starts. I nod my head, turn on my saber, and wait for them to acknowledge they're ready too. Then I attack. That's the most I'll do.



If they want to play role play fighting, they can make a role play server. It's a damn good idea. But when people try and force everyone in a public server to spend valuable fighting time bowing virtual characters to eachother as a sign of 'respect', then it just gets silly.


People may ask why it is that the role players have to make their own special servers and the fps-ers dont. Well, simply, it is a fps game, and will remain that way at heart.


There are some roleplay servers out there. Increase the number, and the 2 community groups wont bag eachother out anymore :) They'll be able to get along as they wont be forced to interact. I enjoy a good rpg as much as anyone, but there's a time and a place for that fun to be had, and making everyone in a public server have that fun isn't the way.


Start up more of a community. If you build it, they will come....:D

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