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Ouch. (Star Trek: Nemesis Review)

Boba Rhett

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Go here. Weep and repeat. :(


Just a little piece from it:

The lighting in this film is bad, the makeup is bad, the acting is bad, the story is bad, the action is adequate, the space stuff is cool but uninvolving beyond eye-candy, this is just a waste of resources, time and money.



Harry mentions a whole lot of things in his review that I agree with. I'm going to wait until after I see it to make any final decisions but this really gets me down. :( He had bad things to say about almost every single character and aspect of Star Trek: Nemesis.

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I like star trek movies for the most part. The only thing that bugs me is when they get into space battles. Most of the battle is them analyzing exactly what happens. Then they talk. then fire AAAAAhhhhhhhhhh laser. Then talk some more. Space battles in star trek are soooo slow. But that's a shame that nemesis got such a lowsy review....i was planning on seeing it friday.....

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I've never heard of him either. And I don't care to if he's dissing Star Trek. TNG is the best of all serie's with DS9 a distant 2nd.


I plan on seeing this movie, prolly on cheap night. I hear its like 3 hours long though, kinda long even for Star Trek, but I guess it has to be seeing as its almost definite this is the last movie starring the TNG cast.

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Seven of nine only had two things going for her. Guess what they were. Well, I take that back, she had a few more things too. :D


I have never hated a television or movie character quite as much as I hate the doctor.


What's not to love about the TNG crew? Do they not have large enough breasts or what? :D

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Originally posted by ET Warrior


Dont worry Rhett.....i like the Next Generation! :D

I like Next Generation too. :) I think theyre all cool. Though I havent seen them in so long. I dont know when they are on. Are they even still running? Well my favorite sci-fi show now is Star Gate. Anyway I will see Nemesis on Friday.
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I dunno, its just that seeing Picard's bald head just puts me off. And sometimes the sets looks too..er..yllowish or something. But the best Trek movie ive seen is First Contact becos i absolutely love Borgs! ( No, not 7of9 ) And ok, maybe I like her coz shes got ,erm, assets. I dont wanna get punched in the face again so lets move on to another topic.


I love Enterprise!

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Next Generation and DS9 were the only good Star Trek serieses I've seen. LeVar Burton is one of my favorite people, been so since his Reading Rainbow days ;) And Patrick Stewart is a great Shakespearean actor, and I wouldn't mind seeing him in Episode III... Anyway, I've heard nothing but bad about this movie since its inception. I hear Data


in a really, really stupid way. And I can't take the commercial seriously... "We always wondered what would happen when we found life beyond earth... what happens if they find us first?" Or some such junk... ripoff if ID4... also doesn't correspond with the Star Trek mythos, at all.



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I thought that Elite Force was quite good... the only problems I had with it were its length (or lack of it), and the ending... Everything else was pretty damn good, IMO...


...And I shall be making my own mind up about Nemesis and its worthyness as a Trek film - I make it a point never to waste my time listening to the critics :):D

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Elite Force was a great game, one of my favourites, and Elite Force 2 is gonna be awesome!


Voyager is also my favourite. I think it has the best characters and storylines. TNG comes a very close second.


I don't give a crap what critics have to say about any film. I view that as 'one' persons own opinion. I always make up my own mind. I admit I have been dissapointed by many films that have imo been overhyped, but I'm still glad I made my own mind up and didn't go to see the film because some stranger didn't like it.

I will be going to see it, no matter what!


if I can get a babysitter! :(

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