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Fixing my Game ;_;


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Well..... don't think this is lame before you read the whole post.

I just bought this new game today for me pc, and while all the outdoors scenes are very bright and easy to see, many of the scenes take place under ground or in caverns, etc, and they are so dark, completely dark actually, that virtually nothing can be seen, and I can't advance any further because of it!! And I want to! I want to advance, dangit!


Now I'm not totally retarded. I did attempt to adjust the brightness of my moniter, but the little buttons on the front of my mon. are apparently only there for decoration, because they do nothing.

Like, it's not that they lighten the screen a little bit, it's that they really do nothing. Maybe there is a pass word I have to speak to activate them?


Anyways, is there anyway that I can change the lightness settings on a game if there is no place in the game menu to do so???


Please help me. -_-

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Just try out at http://www.omf.com


And don't give some lame reason you want to become a beta-tester, some lame reason like: "Yeah, OMF: 2097 kicked major arse and I think that the new OMF will roxorez and kick some even more major arse!!! YEAH ROCK ON, BABY!!!"


Fill out the questions. Put in something smart. Send. Be Patient. Do some preliminary stuff. And voila.


Now I'll go beta-test some more.

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