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MP Force Is Lame

The Count

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Originally posted by Emon

...so play on no Force servers...



good idea.. maybe they will take that advice and stop playing on force servers and complaining.. thats lame.. thats ghey, etc...



cause you know that is exactly what they do..


or here is a better idea.. make your own server and disable force.. then you cant complain.

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oh yeah, one more thing... just incase you forget...


this is a star wars game.. umm.. with jedi / sith.. umm.. they use force... umm. play unreal or quake if you dont want force.. oh yeah, then you would complain about asmd whore or rocket whore.. oops... sorry.. umm.. maybe give up on multiplayer games.. you might not be someone who can interract with other ppl very well during multiplayer.


and if you are wondering why i am so mean right now, it is because i have my own server and watch ppl play all the time, seeing each other complain constantly.. i give them 1 chance, and if they continue to complain about legal moves etc.. i kick them. complaining just annoys me. complain about something legitamite. like ppl interfereing in duels, unarmed attacks etc... :)

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Sorry for the rant(s), but seriously, please don't complain about really useless stuff to complain. It:


1) wastes forum space

2) annoys many people

3) makes you look like an idiot (really)


instead of complaining, why dont you make yourself useful and start a discussion as to WHY force is cheap in mp. Complaining wont get you anywhere in real life, why should you think its any different here? :eek:

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If you learn how to counter the moves, it makes the game more satisfting :p


There is a lot of push / pulling in games, and I personally feel sorry for the darksiders who don't have absorb :D


Push can be useful for rockets etc. But in saber only it's mostly useful for flag carriers trying to get people away, or if you fall and push your opponent back so they can't finish you off :D

Pull is useful for pull-kicks.


I don't really mind people pulling / pushing as long as they do other moves, if they repeatidly do it, just kick them to their demise ;)


I dislike saber throw, even though it is apart of the game and the only time I've seen it in the movies, is when Vader throws his saber in a duel with Luke. Bots love saber throw more than jumping off edges; which is why I have it disabled ;):D


Grip can be counter-attacked by either absorb or push. Grip-kick is more annoying though; even though I've used it on some occasions for the damage it does.


If you hate people using force powers too much; either learn how to combat them, or go to a server with force-disabled.


It wouldn't be Star Wars without the Force and it wouldn't be challenging without the Force-spamming :D

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Well for one thing not ranting because I get killed by something...I don't care about winning or any of that...I just like to play....70% of the time in all online games I mess around.....when I do give it all I got I tend to kick ass but none of that matters to me...just looking for a good time...not some meaningless status of being good at something.....I'm really a single player person....

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I actually have to agree here, JK1 had superior multiplayer with its distinct lack of push/pull. Sure Force Destruct was almost as bad, but knocking someone into a pit didn't give you a kill, so there was no incentive to spam destruct in that way.


What JK2 multiplayer should have been is JK1 multiplayer but with a bit of weapon balancing and lightsaber enhancements.


JK1 was fun because even though some moves were spammed (Conky and Destruct), a good player could defend against them using skill, you knew that if someone killed you they were better than you or had an advantage in the encounter. In JK2 people get killed more from spamming moves (read "no-skill newbies") than by people who are actually good at the game.


I would *really* like to see a mod which effectively ports JK1 gameplay to JK2, with force-pull of pickups and all.

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People, you missed the entire focus of the thread. Instead of READING like you should have, you automatically assumed that this was your normal run of the mill "Whine about force server" thread. Wrong.


I think it was pretty clear what he stated:


SP Force does not equal MP Force


As a matter of fact, I would love to have a grip that allows me to throw people into walls for damage, or a somewhat homing saber throw. We aren't talking about "lightning is lame" people, read please.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Well...Detriq, once you get into the high-end dueling side of jk2, push/pull games take a LOT of skill/timing etc. Push and Pull aren't just used for throwing someone to his death.


I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about FFA/deathmatch. I can't comment on duel mode because I hate it with a passion. I have no intention of EVER getting into the high-end of dueling in JK2

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ


I thought it was pretty obvious that I was talking about FFA/deathmatch. I can't comment on duel mode because I hate it with a passion. I have no intention of EVER getting into the high-end of dueling in JK2



I was making the topic more general, and what's wrong w/ dueling? It's the only gametype I enjoy 8).

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Originally posted by griff38

I understand what your saying Count, from what I have learned in this forum 2 completely different teams built sp & mp.


There is a huge difference between force powers results.



oh great now i am a battle droid


Not true, you can only kick at the end of a GK (if you're on the receiving side, of course) What you did was called a gliche-kick. If you kick after a gk while you're still in the animation, your kick will do 80 damage. This is obviously a risky defense but it's a nice last resort manuever if you're already oof and Ohohf*Kd



*edit* I quoted the wrong post... I was talking to Kynes (look one post down from the above)

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