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Ponder This!

Lord Helmet

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by irulual

Now I have my first business venture. Thanks for the idea Wraith. I am the galaxies only insurance broker. Wooohooooo! Monopoly, here we come! ;)

yeah.. and how are you gonna proof that a guy is telling the truth or not? hah? he could be lying :p
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Oh, I see the miscommunication here, you actually thought I was going to cover these peoples claims. Are you insane? I was planning on making a con-artist buddy. That's what I wanted the Devaronian for. ;)


You actually thought I was planning on making a legitimate business? That's funny.

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Originally posted by irulual

Oh, I see the miscommunication here, you actually thought I was going to cover these peoples claims. Are you insane? I was planning on making a con-artist buddy. That's what I wanted the Devaronian for. ;)


You actually thought I was planning on making a legitimate business? That's funny.

lol... right there.... you are so dead... not by me :D but by the bounty hunter collecting your ASS! :p :p
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If your ship is toast, chances are that one of the following is correct:

A)You bit the big one with the vessel.

B)You can't afford to hire a bounty hunter.

C)You would rather get a new ship with the money and kill me yourself.

D)I have far more money from the insurance money I have been collecting and will pay the bounty hunter even more to kill you. ;)


And hence, I have outwitted the stupid smuggler.

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hah... it wont work..

if you would have read up :D you would know that you cant put a bounty on someone with out a realy good reason.. so when some poor Twit buys your scamm... and he sends a bounty hunter after you... you cant send one back.,. cause you have no reason for it :p :p

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

hah... it wont work..

if you would have read up :D you would know that you cant put a bounty on someone with out a realy good reason.. so when some poor Twit buys your scamm... and he sends a bounty hunter after you... you cant send one back.,. cause you have no reason for it :p :p


Yes I do, he sent one after me. ;)


Revenge, the only reason.

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Yes, I'm a bastage and a fargin icehole. Haven't you ever seen Johnny Dangerously? <-way off topic I know Wraith.


"Nobody messes wit Roman Maroni"


"You shouldn't kick me in the balls, my sister kicked me in the balls once........", falls to ground still counting on his finger, whilst holding his nether region in agony.


Anyway, a real insurance company might be cool, though I would never want to run it. Too much money moving around for me to be interested. I'd be too tempted to make a break with the loot.

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Actually I imagine the situation to be somewhat like it is in Neocron. In Neocron you have a "Soul Meter" which tells basically what you did, if it was morally correct or not. Now they did it there by tagging everyone with status marks, so for example, newbies are tagged with green, people that outskill you are marked with red and your teammates are marked with blue. If you kill the reds, your Soul Meter goes higher because the reds most likely did something bad but if you kill green or blue your Soul Meter drops and if your Soul Meter is somewhere around -18 (I forgot the real number) then the NPC Cops come with their super-atomic weapons and start owning you on sight. So if something similar to this was implemented in SWG, the names on the bounties would appear to whoever has the lowest "Soul Meter". In other words, your ACTIONS make you pay, not slander and second hand sources of information.

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Wouldn't it be the opposite though? I mean, Vader wasn't after Luke because Luke accidentally took out a squad of Rebs with friendly fire. I don't know. I think there would have to be some form of request system.


"Hey Mr. Admin, I'd like to place a 10,000 credit bounty on BD's head cause he shot my pet Wampa."

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Yeah but a) that kind of request depends on the unfounded mind of the one asking for the bounty and b) the fact that i actually killed the wampa would have to be proven c) it leaves openess for lying and placing bounties on anyone you don't like, so if you're rich you can kill anyone and that takes fun out of the game, so i'm quite certain that won't be the case

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