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Fav Sport of All Time


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Originally posted by Padanime

if u would have asked me this 4 years ago i would have said hockey. it was my great passion and i was very good at it ;)

but as i now cant play hockey anymore due a broken wrist problem i started playin indoor&outdoor soccer. so soccer is now equally ranked with hockey.


but if ur askin in which fav sport i had the greates moments, i have to say hockey as i once played a world championship. :D


How long has your wrist been broken? how do you type? just one hand? I can't fo that...:(


Seocnd of all, did you win? :D

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Hockey is the greatest sport on Earth.....if only the avalanche were doing good this year.....i dont understand, look at all the talent we have....blake, sakic, forsber, roy, hejduk, foote...we have no right to lose the games we're losing ;)


The bruins are doing really well again this year, they might actually make it to the finals...


I hate the redwings.

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Snooker's #1 for me... Then Rugby, then proper football :)

Posted by Padanime

but if ur askin in which fav sport i had the greates moments, i have to say hockey as i once played a world championship. :D

:eek: :eek:





...Did you win? :D ...And who were you playing? :)

Posted by ET Warrior

I hate the redwings.

*looks at Redwing sneakily*


...That's going in my sig :D

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Tae Kwon-Do


I do that too, but i consider it a martial art really. Unless you do the deviant WTF stuff...


And can we please call Football, Football!? It is not soccer.


*Football (but technically its Association Football)


*American Football (the homos with the shoulder pads)


EDIT: Before you start saying they wear them cos theyre so tough, in England we dont use shoulder pads in a game called Rugby...you should try it sometime, its got some SKILL in it.



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There's magic in basketball. It's just so damn cool!


I like football too. I mean real football. Don't really understand why Americans insist on calling their version of rugby FOOTball. That's like calling hockey handball 'cause sometimes players catch the puck with their glove. :confused:


Football is boring to watch. 90 minutes of passing the ball and then maybe, just MAYBE someone scores a goal. It's real fun to play though..


Now basketball....that's a game where something happens every second. You might see dozens of spectacular performances during one game. And I love playing it too, especially on the street with talented people. Great fun.

Who needs drugs - making those "impossible" shots gives you a high beyond compare. :)

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ok ill explain my hockey story a bit more.


a few years ago i went with my country (belgium) to the world championship to Zell Am See (austria). we didnt play bad but as we r just a minor hockey country, our story was over rather fast.


a year later we went for the next world championship to switserland (spelling :rolleyes: ). it was fun cause the american players stayed also in our hotel. most of em couldnt sleep at night because of the time difference, so instead they started drinkin and played cards in the hallway. at 3am they knocked on our (me and 2friends) door and invited us for a drink. it was really fun. they were pretty drunk and sold some of their stuff to us. so after the final game i bought a whole oufit from an american, a helmet, some sticks,... all pretty cheap. :D


as for me stopping with hockey:

i think its a less than a year after the world championship. our team was in the playoffs and not doin bad (i was the league leader in goals :D). the lines changed and i got on. i did the faceoff and won it. i got a pass from a buddy and was tripped by an oppenent. i fell right on wrist and the game was over. and untill now, my wrist isnt fully healt. i still have trouble lifting things with my right hand.

god i miss those days :(

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