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Theory to the Ending


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Just a simple question with maybe a complex answer but why has this thread spread its way onto a third page?


Originally posted by Yufster

And now for something completely different. Why the hell am I a corley motors engineer?


As for your query about your status Yufster, you have posted that many posts onto the forum you have amassed enough to earn you the third status which happens to be 'corley motors engineer'.

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Jack, you're post just became number 100 in this thread. so not only is this thread three pages long (four for me, but i veiw threads differently) but you my friend, have contributed. :)


but that's besides the point, why has no one answered my question, which i did specify was actually a question which i wanted answering.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

Jack, you're post just became number 100 in this thread. so not only is this thread three pages long (four for me, but i veiw threads differently) but you my friend, have contributed. :)



Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!:eek: :eek:


Oh damn I've done it again.


Sorry, pointless posting.

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I think that Guybrush is a kid in actuality because of the fact that, as much as I hate it, there is no possible other description that is physically possible. He has to be a kid! How else would he be walking out of the tunnels as a child?


I actually agree with SamNMax now in the fact that he is not knocked out. However, he would have to be a child then since there are no other options.


Remember that you are playing as Guybrush.


Just think of it this way. What if you were playing as Guybrush but you were in one of those first person things? You know, where you actually see the game from the eyes of the character? I'm sure that they wouldn't have the screen go completely black when he got KO'd or became a kid or whatever. However, it would be possible to have him hallucinate as regular Guybrush.


OR *light bulb clicks on above head* maybe Guybrush was sent into another dimension, which was the kid dimension, but it was a delayed effect because of the shoddy materials used in the voodoo doll. Then, when he got on the bumper car and went flying, the effects wore off. (Or did somebody already say this?)


~Sorry if I repeated or contradicted anything that anybody stated earlier, I stopped thinking after the first five words I put down. My brain gets fried easily.

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The FACT is that they left MI2 completely open to be taken as the person playing it chose to.


I'm not saying this because I can't face the idea that Guybrush is really a kid (although it did sadden me when I first played it over a decade ago!) but because it's completely undeniable!


The stuff in Quezone's article cannot be considered the complete truth when, after the game has finished, we cut back to Elaine Marley on Dinky Island -- ON HER OWN. This isn't Guybrush's fantasy anymore... because he isn't there! Also the same can also be said when "Chuckie" goes all "voodoo" BEHIND Guybrush's back! Again, NOT part of a child's fantasy... because he didn't see it!


Does this mean that MI2 WAS completely real after all? Well, I personally think you'd be ignorant to disregard the weath of evidence to the contrary... So where does that leave us?


Quite simply: Whereever the hell you want to be! They left it OPEN for us to decide!


That can't be changed by anyone. MI2 came out in 1991, it has been set in stone since then and no amount of debating is going to change it.


Believe what you want to believe, no-one can PROVE it otherwise because it isn't supposed to be PROVABLE.


~ Johnny

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i think Hu is a typo, it certainly isn't in the english dictionary.


but i agree with ThunderPeel2001, this game was left open intentionally to be filled with MI3, but then the key people behind the story to monkey island left, leaving it open for our minds to see. that doesn't mean that we have to take one persons opinion as the true fact. it could be a number of things, but that's for us to decide.

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Originally posted by Suuri Yksl

OR *light bulb clicks on above head* maybe Guybrush was sent into another dimension, which was the kid dimension, but it was a delayed effect because of the shoddy materials used in the voodoo doll. Then, when he got on the bumper car and went flying, the effects wore off. (Or did somebody already say this?)



I said it. Exsept for the kid demension. I said he was whare LeChuck wanted him. (The Demension Of Infant Pain) (Wasn't it infant)? I guess that dimension could be Big Whoop. WAIT! It's the demension of infant Pain, right? Well, maybe LeChuck ment infant as in little child! Yes! Then the spell wore off on the bumper car! That has to be it!!!!!



:D :D :D :D :D:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Maybe its one of those things where you sound the word out and it becomes infant? Or perhaps a reverse psychology thing where... no, wait... what am I saying?:confused: I'm losing it on this thread.


I know! What if it means infinite in the fact that when you are a child, there are infinite possibilties? Or better yet, the dimension is imagination or a dream world, because there are infinite possibilities to what you can imagine or what you can dream about?


As for the pain part, you can go through pain in your dreams, like if someone dies or you get shot, basically nightmares. Or maybe the pain part just comes from the fact that he's evil and he likes to think people are hurt and evil.


That's like this one short story we read in seventh grade where this guy who is actually the devil goes to this circus. Then he does high wire acts and falls, but he isn't hurt since he's already dead, and he says that people like it when he falls since people are evil and like to see people get hurt. Which is true, in some cases. (nutcases and headcases, that is, lol) :D

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okay, Suuri Yksl, you're basically saying that you beleive guybrush is a kid because there are no other possibilities, but you keep your mind open on the subject. well, that's good, that's more than can be said about others on this topic (not naming anyone).


you, see, what i'm trying to get at here is exactly what ThunderPeel2000 said, it was left open to be interpreted in anyway. and frankly, i'm an optomist. the fact that it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it can't happen, i'm believing the best possible theory here. you say you hate the fact that guybrysh may be a kid. this is fiction and isn't explained, so you don't have to believe that guybrush is a kid if you don't want to.

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Well, you know what, I'm trying my best here, I know that I might not sound very logical or whatever but that's because half the time, I really don't know how to put my ideas into words so that it makes sense. I'm an eighth grader, okay, I'm trying, alright? I'm just saying what I think as of then and my thoughts are easily swayed and change a lot, so therefore I am not set straight on one idea and that's why I'm saying what I am and then being contradictory towards that on the very next post I put down. Simple as that.


So... sorry, I guess?


And I'm completely okay with whatever you think, I believe that too (as of now), so that explains that also. I do go along somewhat with the theory that GUybrush is a child although I do know that you think what you want to. I am just saying that as a fact, although I hate facts, GUybrush must be a child, and I do realize that this is fiction, however I am going along with the fact this not a game like Lord of the Rings or Harry POtter where there are secret little teleports and elves all over the place. This is like a somewhat realistic fiction-ish game. And I know that voodoo does put that little twist in the game where it does become somewhat like Harry POtter or whatever, however there are voodooists or whatever they're called in Haiti or something like that, so therefore it is not strictly fantasy and magic.


However, using my imagination, I do believe that Guybrush isn't a child because I don't want him to be.


. and frankly, i'm an optomist


Well, that's the same for me usually, but right now the glass is half empty because I have so much crap I have to deal with, this is the only time I really have to enjoy myself and do whatever I want, and then when I post, my brain is complete moosh and I can't think clearly anymore, so then I look like a complete moron that has no idea what they're doing and is completely contradictory toward their own comments.


And today I had testing on a computer, it was Math, it helps for my placement for classes in high school and I sat there, staring at a computer for an hour and a half looking at math equations that I needed to solve that were not easy. THey were algebra with things like the square root of the square root of z to the seventh minus x the the fifth over y to the twelfth. So I am actually considering this post pretty good. You have no idea what I do everyday, and plus, I skipped a grade, so this is really hard stuff.


And that's what I think. SO from now on, you all just tell me what you think of me whenever you want to because I really don't care anymore.


That's all I've got to say.:(

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I have a weird theory... but I need help here...


The first MI wasn't made in those years who everyone thinked that the BERMUDA TRIANGLE (You know what I talking about, don't you?) had portals to travel around time and space? :D


I remeber that in Puerto Rico (I think) were discovered death men in the beachs wearing pirate clothes!! (I saw this at Discovery Channel) :eek:


This is a quote from Yahoo about the Bermuda Triangle:


"It has been the site of numerous disappearances of planes and ships, and various abandoned ships have been discovered there. Reports of unexplained occurrences in the region date to the mid-19th cent. Non-supernatural explanations cite the area's violent freak storms, the local turbulence of the Gulf Stream, and the quickly shifting topology of the area's seabed. It is also one of the rare regions where magnetic north coincides with true north, which could disorient inexperienced pilots."


Maybe this was an ideia for the MI series... anyone with me?


Some points:


• ATLANTIS always had relations with the Bermuda Triangle mistery... And years later, what did we see? An Indy game with a similar scheme.


• Like the quote says "It is also one of the rare regions where magnetic north coincides with true north" - STAN's compass!!


• Where the Bermuda Triangle is? DEEP IN THE CARIBBEAN!! (Why Ron would gave to this sentence "Deep in Carebbean" that much emphasys?


• Bermuda TRIANGLE - Maybe the Tri-Island Area?


I have created this theory today... and this is all i discovered at now... maybe I try to write more if you liked!! I just need some time to research... ;)


Sorry for crap english...

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Suuri Yksl: PLEASE read my post! I repeated it TWICE for you now, for goodness sakes! I can CONCLUSIVELY PROVE that it is CONCLUSIVELY UNPROVABLE that Guybrush is a kid. No tricks, no clever wording, just plain FACTS. Why are people still arguing about something that CANNOT be proven one way or another...


The game designers left it OPEN so that it DELIBERATELY WASN'T PROVABLE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Why is everyone trying to convince everyone else of their OPINION when the facts say that Guybrush is NOT a kid (within the realms of the game itself) -- BUT it's clear the designers wanted us to play around with the idea.




But, who cares about logic, eh?


~ Johnny

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The only thing is, if somebody was making a game that was based on the bermuda triangle....


....Don't you think that it would have been LESS VAGUE!??


I by now completely agree Ron Gilbert shares too much of the good stuff. Tim and Dave have a company http://www.doublefine.com HERE and it's excellent. BUY PSYCHONAUTS!!! Go there!


And I think SamnMax is loopy. Where did you get infant from?


And and and... I think the INFINITE pain may have been being a kid and being with his parents! Augh!!!


And I really wish they'd make MI3a

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Suuri Yksl: PLEASE read my post! I repeated it TWICE for you now, for goodness sakes! I can CONCLUSIVELY PROVE that it is CONCLUSIVELY UNPROVABLE that Guybrush is a kid. No tricks, no clever wording, just plain FACTS. Why are people still arguing about something that CANNOT be proven one way or another...


Yeah, I think I've read every post that's on this thread, and I do understand what you are saying, I am reading it, and it is getting across to me, I can still say whatever I want to and convey my thoughts. That's like if I'm talking and someone tells me to shut up when I did nothing to them, I'll still keep talking, and I will still keep posting what I think.


I know that it has been purposely left open for people to think what they want to and I think that everybody does by now. So I will post what I want to. I don't see anybody saying anything to anybody else when they're posting. Why does it have to be me?


You guys just tell me what I am doing to make you tell me that I am not getting it and I will gladly fix the problem. But I do not see why I do not have the right to put something down and then have somebody say something about it?


Would you guys like it if I just stopped posting here and left you all alone? Am I doing something so freakishly wrong that I have to be criticized on what I am trying to convey? Maybe I'm not making sense, maybe I clash with the rest of your personalitys because I don't know anything about hacking or computer crap.


I want all of you tell me what you think of me, and lets see what the real problem is, because I knew that there was one from the beginning. Every single time I post, nobody brings it up again, everybody just acts like if I was a little two year old trying to interrupt a very important conversation between two grown adults, just push me aside. And you know what, I can't really post that much because I've only played the MIs and not other ones, so that's why I only stay around here, because I don't know anything about FOA or whatever and all those other ones. Maybe that's why I don't seem to matter, maybe it's because you don't know much about me, because you all seem to be one big huge happy family, and here comes me, the little stepchild, coming into everyone's life and I just don't fit in with the rest.


So just tell me. Tell me what you think of me and I will stop acting how I do or whatever and fix the problem.

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Awww I Like you Suuki.


I love hearing everybodies thoughts and it's this thread that's made me doubt Ron's actually involvement (Or at least the level of it) in the MI games. There are loads of interesting facts that come up like the one about the Phatt Library. And besides I've read interviews with those guys and they always seem to say they'd work again with that dude, or the team from that game or whatever (I think Tim Schafer said he'd love to work again for Micheal Land, and Dave Grossman said that about Sean Ahern, or something, I can't remember.) But I don't think it's ever said much about Ron and the MI team. He does sort of come across as a self loving self important bastard. There's no denying he's a brillant designer and stuff but I agree it was probably all joint effort between several really talented people.


The issue is sort of becoming less 'What does the ending mean' and more 'Ron or Tim or Dave?' LOLOLOLOLOL :)


I love the Fantasy VS Reality idea. It's obviously based on a theme park a lot. I don't know why the Fantasy would involve a theme park though. But I love the idea and it fits in pretty well. And I'm big fans of Tim and Dave too. Did Ron have anything to do with Day Of the Tentacle? Because that game was truly a work of art :)

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Geez, I wasn't critizising you, I just wanted you to know that the thing you keep arguing with people about and (seemingly) endlessy coming to terms with has been concluded to YOUR satifsaction... so there's no point in antagonizing over it or trying to convince yourself that you're wrong.


I'm sorry but I thought you were trying to aim for some sort of conclusion. I was trying to point you in the right direction, if you want to keep the "discussion" going, by all means do so. I just thought you might be getting frustrated by now.


Just so you know I'm not just randomly getting at you, here's some of your quotes from the thread:


I do go along somewhat with the theory that GUybrush is a child although I do know that you think what you want to. I am just saying that as a fact, although I hate facts, GUybrush must be a child.


and then


However, using my imagination, I do believe that Guybrush isn't a child because I don't want him to be.


and then


I think that Guybrush is a kid in actuality because of the fact that, as much as I hate it, there is no possible other description that is physically possible. He has to be a kid! How else would he be walking out of the tunnels as a child?


However, he would have to be a child then since there are no other options.


These are just from two posts made AFTER I tried to point out the fact that there ARE "other options" and infact YOU are RIGHT -- Guybrush CANNOT be a kid (within the realms of the storyline)!!


And finally:


SO from now on, you all just tell me what you think of me whenever you want to because I really don't care anymore.


There's no need to take an informal chat on a decade old adventure game so personally... no one is talking about YOU personally.


~ Johnny

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