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Life is looking up

Darth Homer

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Ever have one of those days that makes your stomach turn? I had one of those last friday...december 13th...I had my final exam for my last Networking class...I thought I had failed it along with another class and would have to extend my schooling by yet another year.


Today, I checked my grades...all had been posted...I got C's and a B....I don't have to repeat any classes, things will go on as planned, as long as I don't falter with any other class, I shall graduate next August....


Then, I got to go see The Two Towers today as well...even got into the 3:00 showing, allowing me to only pay $5.50 instead of the normal $7.50...it has been a grand day for me...now if I can only figure out a way of getting paid, but not doing any work...


I just wanted to share the good news with everyone...we can turn this thread into a discussion for those of us who have see TTT already...please do use the spoiler tags if you want to talk about certain parts :D

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That's great, Homer, congrats.


I've had a pretty decent day too. I finally got my huge English project over with (20 pages and a 15 minute presentation) and I just found out i got a 98. I feel like a large weight has been lifted from my shoulders, its a nice feeling. Now if only Havoc would post the next chapter.....

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i had an ok day. i'm out of school this week cause i'm exempt from all but 1 semester test, but my evil band director made me and everyone else in band come up to the school to return uniforms between 8:10 and 9:40, when we'd normally have to take her test. she lost me valuable sleep time! but other than that, i had a pretty good day. i sat around and read jurassic park, or i played metroid prime, ocarina of time, or paper mario, listened to the radio, or got online.


but i don't get to see LotR until at least friday. :(

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It feels good not to have to go to school because you are exempt from finals! :D


Better savor it while I can... hmmmmmmm... good day... well...


It was pretty good cause I got to see her, and then it was really good cause I got to be with her for like the afternoon extending into about 1 and 1/2 hours ago, and then it was super-good cause I come home and find out that her present finally arrived.


But other than that, I didn't get to see TTT on opening day. :(


All in all, a marvelous day. :)

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I had my last exam on last Friday too. This semester was one of my busier and harder ones. I am so glad its over. I have all my grades in but one (which I know I got an A in) and this threw my GPA up. It was at a 3.511 and now its like a 3.55+ and this way, I will be graduating magna cum lade this spring. HELL YEAH. Plus, with all the work I have been doing in my internship, I will be offered a perminate position with the company. DOUBLE HELL YEAH. Anyway, enough boasting. I am also happy all the hard work is winding down and paying off.



The battle was off the hook. Lots of blood shed, action, and a beautiful job with the graphics. You will enjoy it.


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Well, to say the least.. My grades are nothing really special and I'm doing average, but with the way the past four months have been, I would think that I would be failing most of my classes by now :o.... But I'll simply wait until next semester and hopefully beforehand, things will be a whole lot better and that I'll actually have iniative regained, but until then....... Anyways, nice to hear some of you are doing great ;). I have another year until graduation then it's either USAF (qualified with the ASVAB test, but not very many jobs which means taking it next year for more options hopefully) or US Army (Being a mercenary after six to ten years of service afterwords if I can fight in the front lines and actually make it through!).

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I have my last exam tomorrow, then I go home at 10:00 and sleep the rest of the day...or maybe go see TTT after the exams...depends on what my friends can do...


Also this morning I remembered I had a 100+ point assignment due in English (I took the exam today). I quickly typed it up and it looks to be another Ferg masterpiece. So with any luck I should have an A in most of my classes and a B in two of my three AP classes. So I should have about a 4.21 overall GPA...

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Originally posted by darthfergie


That's all my school offers for one year. I'd take more if I could.


I'm sure you would, but i was only jokin. Honestly though, most high schoolers can't handle any APs, much less 3. I'm taking 5 and its quite a bit of work....*sigh*

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