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Kissing under 'ish


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I read this at another forum this morning, thought I'd share with y'all


The name Mistletoe comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "Mistel" which means "dung", and "tan" which means "bough". So, literally, Mistletoe means "dung-in-bough"; a reference to the large amount of bird droppings on its branches when the Saxons discovered it.



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*shrugs* Canadians....;)



Anyways, when two people (presumably one guy and one girl;)) stand under mistletoe they are supposed to kiss. I don't know anything about loving each other forever, but its sorta like a christmas tadition that everyone (well...most anyways, i guess) knows but no one follows.

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No one knows the proper etiquette of the mistletoe, it's actually rooted in ancient norse mythology, I'm sure one of our 2 experts can enlightne us sometime, but anyway...


You hang mistletoe in a doorframe and when you meet a female whom you love going through you kiss her and pick a berry from the misteltoe. When all the berries are gone, no more kissing.


If you are not kissed under the mistletoe you suffer the bad luck of having to wait at least another year before you will be married.


Such is mistletoe.


*edit - it's also mildly poisinous so don't go eat it. ;)

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Yes I will be glade to enlighten you on the story of the Misltoe. Short version it killed a god: Long Version read on...


Before I begin with the actual story, there is one point that you must keep in mind. The Norse gods can be killed, with that said on with the story.



Odin and Frigg, had twin sons Hoder and Balder. Hoder was the god of darkness, amoung other things he also was blind and ugly. His twin brother Balder was beautiful, raidant, and the god of innonence and light. Balder was beloved by all of the Aesir and usually was happy and smiling. This changed one day when forboding dreams came to him. Balder turned gloomy and when his parents implored him to tell them why the sudden turn of moods he told them about his dreams and the fear they caused in him. This cause great concern for Odin and Frigg. Odin at once set off to speak with a dead Vala.


Disguising himself, Odin learned that Balder was going to die by his brother hand. He also learned that he would have a son named Vali who would avenge Balder's death. Odin then questioned the Vala on who would not shed a tear for Balder so he may be ressurected. That question revealed his idenity and the Vala refused to answer any more questions.


This sadden the Allfather, who knew fate could not be averted. However, upon entering Asgard, Frigg assured him, that she had protected her son. While Odin was away Frigg had everything under the son promise not to harm Balder.


With those promises the Gods found a new way to amuse themselves. In Idavold they gathered and used Balder as a target. They would toss all kinds of different object at him and he was never hurt. Everyone enjoyed their new game, everyone except Loki who hated happiness.


The Sly one then question Frigg on how she managed to protect her son. She answered Loki with pride stating how she had everything promise not to harm Balder. Everything except the Mistletoe, which grew near Valhalla. It was so small that Frigg so no reason to fear it. This was all Loki needed.


He made his way to Valhalla took the Mistletoe and crafted a dart from it. Then Going to Idavold where the Gods were once again having fun tossing missles at Balder, Loki found Hoder who was not participating in the fun since he was blind. Tricking Hodur, Loki gave him the dart made from the Mistletoe and guided his

hand. Letting lose the dart it hit Balder and killed him on the spot. The Gods were outraged at this, and they blamed Hodur.


Odin had a son named Vali and before he was a day old he avenged Balder's death and killed Hodur. THe gods then sent Hermond to visit Hel and see if she would release Balder and allow him to return the the land of the living.


She agreed, with the condition that everything and everyone on the earth and heaven would shed a tear for Balder's death. Otherwise he would have to stay in the underworld until the end of the world. Hermond told Odin. Only a giant who lived in a cave (Loki in disguise) refused to shed a tear for Balder. As such he has to stay in the Underworld until the end of time.


There you go (and I left a lot out :))

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Alright. I'll tell that one.


Early morning on Asgard, Thor awakens and reaches over to grab his hammer Mjollnir. To his surprise and anguish the hammer was not there. Thor immediatly searches his hall of Bilskrnir. The hammer of the god was not to be found. In his desperation he goes to Loki and tells him what had happened. The loss of the Mjollnir frightened the trickster. He knew that if the hammer was not found soon the giants would be living in Asgard instead of the Gods.


The Two quickly hurry to Folkvang, and speak with Freya. Loki asks to borrow her falcon plumes so he may search for the hammer. She without hesitation quickly agrees, and Loki puts on the plumes.


Taking flight Loki searches for any signs of the hammer, and suddenly spys the Giant Thrym. Landing Loki inquires about the hammer. Thrym tells Loki that he has stolen the hammer and buried it so deep that Thor will never get it back. However should the gods give him Freya as his with he will return the hammer to Thor. Loki immediatly returns to Asgard and tells the anxious Thor what has happened. THe two then go to Folkvang and tell Freya and who burst out in anger and refuses Thyrm proposal.


All of the Gods then go to Gladsheim to discuss what they should do. Heimdall joins them from his hall, and has a strange idea. Disguise Thor as Freya. This made all the gods laugh and annoyed Thor. Heimdall presisted, saying that they should dress Thor up in a bridal veil, an appropiate dress, with broaches on his breast. Put the necklace of Brisings around his neck and presant him to Thrym. The gods saw the merit of this plan and as Heimdall said dressed Thor up like an appropiate bride. Loki was also disguised as an attendant.


Loki then brings Thor to Thrym. Thrym is overjoyed to see the Gods compleing with his demands. Immediatly he has his servants go about readeing a feast to greet his bride to be. The two arrive at Thrym hall and they sit down to the feast. THor is famished and eats a goat and eight salmon. This astounds Thyrm who enquires how Freya could eat so much. Loki responds quickly saying that She hasn't eaten in eight days so great was her desire for this day.


Thrym then looks at the Bridal veil and sees red eyes looking back. Inquiring about this, Loki quickly responds saying She hasn't sleep in eight days so great was her desire for this day. Thrym sister then came to Thor wanting a dowry for the wedding, but she is interrupted by Thrym calling for Mjollnir to be placed between them, and that they be wedded at once.


Servants brought forth the mighty hammer and placed it by Thor's feet. At once the thunder god grip the hammer and removed his disguise. He showed no mercy and all the Giant and Giantesses were struck down. For her greed Thrym sister got an indent of Thor's hammer in her head. Thor and Loki returned to Asgard with the hammer.

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