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How was the first Human born?


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This is a disscussion topic of how the first ever human was born..


I think we have evolved from apes over millions of years, but how did apes come to life to form us?


I think this will be quite a good topic...


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Didn't we have a thread about this a little while ago...? ^_^

Posted by Flanders

This is a disscussion topic of how the first ever human was born..


I think we have evolved from apes over millions of years, but how did apes come to life to form us?

You can't fool me. It's turtles all the way down! ;)




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Originally posted by obi-wan13

In the begining, God created the Heavens and the Earth. That's my story, i'm stickin to it. ;)


Now you *remembers Obi´s a supermod*, clever nice person :D


Adam and Eva? :p thats outdated (how do I know? no clue... :D)


Nah, seriously, I belive we evolved from apes, wich was born, well.... they were living cells that was created from well Earth. I really have no clue what Im talkin about but I think thats a good guess :D

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We evolved from apes, apes evolved from lesser creatures and so on and so on. Where did the first creature come from? Im sure that I do not know, but dont give us that Adam and Eve crap. The bible is complete nonsense. The bible can easily be proven false by noting that there are no mention of Dinosaurs in the story of creationalism that the bible puts forth. The reason is, quite simply, that whoever wrote the bible had no idea what a Dinosaur was or that they existed. Thus our scaly friends were omitted from the good book. End of story.

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I'm not getting into this debate but there are christians around the swamp that do not like seeing these kind of posts like "the bible is complete nonsense" and "don't give us this adam and eve crap".


Respect other people's beliefs. You don't have to believe in God but please don't insult Christians beliefs.



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Oh, but first of all, it is nonsense. You can debate it, as many have tried, however.


Second of all, wouldn't you react by saying I've got crap beliefs if I said that I'm God, or that my dog gave birth to the first humans? They're totally refutable, totally ridiculous, and you can only expect to get that kind of mud thrown at you for saying such things.


However, I'm not going to say Christian beliefs are crap, no matter how fitting it is.

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I kinda think we are aliens from another world that came here because of how there is the missing link with apes....just ape and then man...no middle to show evolution.....and the fact that we have all these inactive genes that scientists have no idea what they are where they came from or what they are supposed to do...


I think I spelled genes wrong but eh **** it :D

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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

I kinda think we are aliens from another world that came here because of how there is the missing link with apes....just ape and then man...no middle to show evolution.....


There have been found several missing links, but creationists enjoy putting them in little boxes, stating that they're an altogether different species and thus can't qualify for being the "missing link". What a load of bull-dung.


and the fact that we have all these inactive genes that scientists have no idea what they are where they came from or what they are supposed to do...


Those inactive genes are actually proof of evolution. They're leftovers from when we had use of them, and some are inactivated by the blind road of evolution. Dogs can produce vitamin C - humans need to eat food in order to get it. Humans can't produce all required amino acids - a strong proof of God being extremely sloppy in his "creating man in his vision"-idea.

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I am a devout christian. I've seen too much, that If I said I was not a christian, I would be lieing through my teeth. Some say "I haven't seen enough to believe in God." To that, I say that they aren't looking.



Anywho, I won't preach, this isn't the place for it. ;)


I will say this though, no matter how farfetched someone's beliefs might be, no one dare better knock them, or they will answer to me.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

I will say this though, no matter how farfetched someone's beliefs might be, no one dare better knock them, or they will answer to me.


Sounds fair enough to me. I'll watch my tongue, and that of others as well :)


But know this, if you define "knocking" by somehow including disproving beliefs, I'll react.

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well, personally, my view on this was that the first person was born from monkeys after a long period of evolution. our first "human" form strongly resembled apes, and we had very much fur on our bodies. we continued to evolve and became what we are today. someday, we may have something like 3 arms or 3 legs or 3 eyes, or something like that......



that would be really weird however.


however, if i were religious, god would be my answer. he supposedly created adam, then eve, and they reproduced...which multiplied into our race, as the teachings go, if i am not mistaken....


by the way, hello all. i found this site off of jediknightii.net, because i enjoy messin around with Jedi Outcast. This forum is huge, way bigger than i thought possible for an online community.

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i can show you a picture if you like, it ain't pretty :barf::D



as to the theory, i think one day an ape gave birth to a hair-less ape, that ape gave birth to a hair-less ape that stood up straight, then that one gave birth to a hair-less ape that stood up straight and had shorter arms, and so on until to get to what you get today.


one thing i don't get is if evolution is where we came from then how comes there are still apes?

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God created Adam out of the dirt and breathed the breath of life into him, and then he determined that adam needed a partner, so he caused Adam to fall into a sleep, removed one of his ribs, and created Eve from that.



Hello Vegetto.....your name is quite similar to Vegietto, in fact i thought you were him at first until i read the part of your post that said you were new. :D

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no, i bear no relation to this uh....vegietto person whatsoever. i chose the name Vegetto because he is my favorite character from an anime series called Dragonball Z. I am sure you must have heard of it?



as for the evolution thing, i am certain apes came from other land animals that mutated over time due to a widespread birth defect of some sort....

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Originally posted by Sivy B

one thing i don't get is if evolution is where we came from then how comes there are still apes?


So, because apes evolved from little rodents, how come the rodents still exist? If we evolved from single-celled organisms, how come they haven't been wiped out yet?


We did not evolve from apes. We have a common ancestor. Apes and humans evolved to fit a niche of their own. However, certain ape species are getting closer and closer to extinction - just because we've been here for a short second compared to the age of the earth, it doesn't mean that species will become extinct. Apes may very well one day become extinct if their habitat is continually cut down.

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