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Saddam Huisain is a madman, he wants to start a war.


I think that war is nuts, this war should not happen at all!

If a war does start, then he will use nuclear weapons if he has too.



Post what you think about this upcoming 'war' if it ever does start.

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Are you kidding? Hussein is trying to prevent the war because he knows he will get his ass kicked.


Its Bush who is doing whatever he can to start a war. He has come up with so many stupid excuses to start this war that I've lost count. Soon he'll be saying "Dad left his wallet in Iraq."



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Why is everyone after George W. Bush? Congress has the power to start war too, you know.


And whats this with North Korea? They want in on the action too? All of these recent events, among some of them are CLONAID, War on Terrorism, Conflict with Saddam, Conflict with N. Korea's government, they all mean something. The world as we know it is changing in a way only a few can grasp.

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Saddam has no nukes. Sure, he might have weapons of mass destruction, but no nukes.


Saddam does not wish to start a war. If you think that, propaganda has gotten to you.


USA is itching to start a war with Saddam, and with good reason - it'll divert people's attention from more pressing matters. Bush sees Saddam as a threat, as a menace to the western world. But he is not.


And don't get me started on how Americans believe they're currently at war. With whom? From where? Your war was a terrorist attack. It's over now. If your war is to subdue all people who thinks ill of USA, then so be it.


@Lunatic: Denmark has had military draft for as long as I remember - in a year, I too will be called in, and I can't do a damn thing about it.


@Obi: "When the winds of change are upon us, some build shelters, others build windmills."


"When the flood of change comes, build a boat -- to carry you above the swirling waters, and to where they might lead you."

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Originally posted by Flanders

After hearing all this I want George W Bushhead to be fired.


Burn Georgey burn! flamthro flamthro


Don't be ignorant.




And don't get me started on how Americans believe they're currently at war



Don't stereotype Americans as a whole. We are all different. ;)However, if the government of America did not retaleate to Terrorism, it is a sign that the government is weak, and it is not.

Forgive the example, but it is sort of like King Theoden allowing the orcs running free through his kingdom. With no retaliation, it won't stop at all. With retaliation, It will stop some. Terrorism cannot be stopped by anyone on this planet, no matter how rightouss someone thinks they are. Terrorism will always exist.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Don't stereotype Americans as a whole. We are all different. ;)


Sorry. What I should have said was: Bush and the government of USA thinks they're currently at war, and capitalize on that by taking some rights away from people, and giving themselves some new ones.


That USA retaliated was to be expected, a natural reaction. That they're calling it a war bugs me, to say the least. That they're acting like they're at war bugs me even more.

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Originally posted by Cjais

Saddam does not wish to start a war. If you think that, propaganda has gotten to you.


USA is itching to start a war with Saddam, and with good reason - it'll divert people's attention from more pressing matters. Bush sees Saddam as a threat, as a menace to the western world. But he is not.


So you talked to Saddam?


Even if Saddam is not a threat now he will grow to be a threat, we have already been to war with him. We can not wait for a major thing like 9/11 to happen again. I am not saying go kill everyone though.




Also, draft is not cruel. It protects the intrests of the country in war and protection. Would you rather fight or have your country be killed by foregin prople.


Flanders, don't be so frekin idiotic

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Originally posted by Darth Knight

Would you rather fight or have your country be killed by foregin prople.


You know, the reason certain people wants to kill you, is because you fight them, because you bomb their homes and families! Starting new wars only make it worse.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

You know, the reason certain people wants to kill you, is because you fight them, because you bomb their homes and families! Starting new wars only make it worse.



you make it seem like we go around like evil mad men killing everyone we wish with no reason to kill them. We are not the only country that fights there are many other countries that fight to stay alive. The government protects its citizens and allies, when some one threatens those we do what we have to do.

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Originally posted by Masterjo2588

with the stuff on clonaid, thats gonna start a whole new conflict probably. Everyone will want the secret. and then we can say we had our own Clone War...

:eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise:

:eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise:


They don't know if it's true about creating the cloned baby, Most people think it's a hoax for attention.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

They don't know if it's true about creating the cloned baby, Most people think it's a hoax for attention.


yeah i think it is all fake as well. I think they would share more information if it was true. Did any one see the people that claimed to have cloned the baby or what ever? She is UGLY i mean she is UUUUUUGLY


edit: found a pic of her story.boisselier.jpg

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Listen, the technology for cloning humans has been available ever since Dolly was born. It's the same deal, they could very well have created the first cloned human.


They said that there's going to be a non-affiliated scientist that's going to check out whether it's real or not.


Rest assured, if it's fake, we'll very soon find out.

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Originally posted by Masterjo2588

with the stuff on clonaid, thats gonna start a whole new conflict probably. Everyone will want the secret. and then we can say we had our own Clone War...

:eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise:

:eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise:


I think a clone war would be kind of funny, with Epsiode 2 just coming out on DVD. ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Knight

you make it seem like we go around like evil mad men killing everyone we wish with no reason to kill them. We are not the only country that fights there are many other countries that fight to stay alive. The government protects its citizens and allies, when some one threatens those we do what we have to do.


I didn't mean that, my point is that you are only making it worse. And why should war be the solution of everything? As I see it, the US goverment hasn't even tried to get diplomatic solutions.


BTW, why has this turned into another cloning debate?

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Originally posted by Flanders

Saddam Huisain is a madman, he wants to start a war.


I think that war is nuts, this war should not happen at all!

If a war does start, then he will use nuclear weapons if he has too.



Post what you think about this upcoming 'war' if it ever does start.

saddam has his head so far up his ass he cant see that america would wipe him off the map. i think that war will start if he dosent stop threatening us

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Originally posted by whitedragon

saddam has his head so far up his ass he cant see that america would wipe him off the map. i think that war will start if he dosent stop threatening us


I try to stay away form these threads.... but i have to agree......

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Originally posted by ZBomber

I try to stay away form these threads.... but i have to agree......




I soo agree with ZBomber... -_- I would rather watch threads like this slide down into dumps and never come back... :S I guess its because I we all have national pride in our own countries and dont want to face the facts each country is diffrent has there own flaws... so we deside to go pick on other countries that are more complexe... -_- hence why there is a lot of USA bashing in this place... -_- thats kind of why I left the last time... Everyone wanted to talk bad about anothers countrie and not hold there tongue... -_- I guess there are somethings that will just flat out will never change about this place... -_-

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Originally posted by Camus

I soo agree with ZBomber... -_- I would rather watch threads like this slide down into dumps and never come back... :S I guess its because I we all have national pride in our own countries and dont want to face the facts each country is diffrent has there own flaws... so we deside to go pick on other countries that are more complexe... -_- hence why there is a lot of USA bashing in this place... -_- thats kind of why I left the last time... Everyone wanted to talk bad about anothers countrie and not hold there tongue... -_- I guess there are somethings that will just flat out will never change about this place... -_-


Hehe, I feel special now. :D

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Originally posted by Cjais

Saddam has no nukes. Sure, he might have weapons of mass destruction, but no nukes.


Saddam does not wish to start a war. If you think that, propaganda has gotten to you.


USA is itching to start a war with Saddam, and with good reason - it'll divert people's attention from more pressing matters. Bush sees Saddam as a threat, as a menace to the western world. But he is not.


And don't get me started on how Americans believe they're currently at war. With whom? From where? Your war was a terrorist attack. It's over now. If your war is to subdue all people who thinks ill of USA, then so be it.


@Lunatic: Denmark has had military draft for as long as I remember - in a year, I too will be called in, and I can't do a damn thing about it.


@Obi: "When the winds of change are upon us, some build shelters, others build windmills."


"When the flood of change comes, build a boat -- to carry you above the swirling waters, and to where they might lead you."

exactly thank you for saying it cjais
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