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To Toonces and Co. - Do you allow new skins of your jedi models to be submitted?


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I sent a PM to Toonces a while ago but didn't hear back. Does anyone know if they allow submission to jediknightii.net or wherever of reskins of their Mace, Obi-wan, and Qui-Gon skins? I'd just like to get permission to proceed is all.


Cheers :)

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If you want to reskin dash rendar, you can get the wireframes from the model and use that as a base. I do not appreciate people taking my work, making a few changes, or doing some sort of cut/paste job and submitting it as thir own.

If I find any uploaded to the JK2 files, I have them removed.

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I actually had to remove a file like that today.


Anyway, if you sent me an e-mail at the drivingcatstudios.com address I may or may not get it. My e-mail server has been really strange recently so I've not gotten alot of recent mail.


On the whole re-skin issue, feel free to reskin the model, but please make your textures from scratch. I want to avoid a situation like what happened today where I had to pull a file off the site.


Oh, one last thing, 99.9% of modelers will have no problems with somebody doing a reskin of their models as long as you start with blank textures, but it's always polite to ask :D Editing the geometry however is a completely different story


edit: Just saw the pics and I'm going to ask you not release him. This may seem a little harsh to some but you simply recolored his head, garb, and took the boot texture off Qui-Gon

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edit: Just saw the pics and I'm going to ask you not release him. This may seem a little harsh to some but you simply recolored his head, garb, and took the boot texture off Qui-Gon.


Hi Toonces,


That is correct (although I did touch the face up a bit to make him look younger). This is a character that I have had for a while (back to JK days), and he has gone through several incarnations. The Mace model is so close to how I wanted him to look. I made all the changes I needed to get him exactly how I want him. I agree there aren't a lot of changes to your model and skin. I originally did him for personal use only.


Had I submitted him, I certainly would have made it clear that 99% of the work was not mine, and I in fact only tweeked it a bit, and I would have listed those tweeks. But I certainly will respect your wishes, and so I will not submit him to the various JO sites.


I do have one request though. I have my own site with earlier versions of this character. Several people who have seen my avator and have requested I send the skin to them. Would you permit me to fulfill these requests through email? Or perhaps I could host the skin files I have altered on my above site, and a link to your model's page on JKII.net? I only ask this because I have gotten several requests, and this is how I always wanted my JO character to be, and I'd like to have at least the skin files (but not the model) on my site for completeness. Full credit will got to you of course, but I will again respect your wishes if the answer is no.


Cheers, and thanks for responding ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, if bringing back a painful post like this, will cause projectiles to be thrown in my general direction - but I didn't want to start a whole new thread about this...


I already know you don't approve of someone doing a simple re-color, or cut & paste of your models or whatever - then releaseing them as a simple little re-skin. I know I wouldn't like that, either.


Anyway, I need to know if it's alright to do something similar of that nature - give more than full credit to the original author(s), and release it with a Single player Level Pack/ Mod.

I prefer not to use other people's work with my own, but I have no means of creating playermodels in Jedi Outcast (boo-hoo we've all heard it before.), that's why I'm forced to do this. But, I have no intention of taking any credit for the re-skins. I'm more interested in telling a good story, than taking credit...


Further explaination:

I need different NPC characters for my Level series, and one, for example, uses a "re-colored" skin of the Qui-Gon model (The evil one to be exact). He looks great with the goatee and the recolored Jedi clothes, which is why I'd hate to have to re-skin him with anything else...


So, with all that said... Would this be alright with the authors (Tex360, Toonces, Arco, Sithlord.)?




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