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Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells.

Deft Aklin

Should Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells need to be refilled/replaced?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells need to be refilled/replaced?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I really don't care.

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If you have been watching this board, you may have seen my previous discussion with other members regarding fuel cells aboard vessels and blaster gas in pistols. In any event, do you feel that recharging these is a necessity in SWGalaxies? Is it really that important to the story/plot that you must do so? Please, let me know.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well it would be more realistic and it would make for another product people could sell in stores or something.


In all fairness though Wraith, no one wants to be a gas attendant in real life, why would you want to do it in a game, even if there is profit involved?

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Simply because this is more than just a game. You are able, for the first time ever, to live in the Star Wars Universe, rather than just play someone on a set timeline. :D


You already have to maintian the weapon so it doesn't break, so why shouldn't you be able to re-charge/-fill it? :)

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Don't get me wrong, I fully understand where you guys are coming from, but I personally find it tedious and useless as far as plot. You are basically trying to compile a group of characters different stories here. In that story, do you want to here of the hero stopping to get fuel cells for his YT-1300? I just don't think it's necessary. Though backing up and looking at it as a whole, it all depends on how indepth they take the game. If I actually have to feed myself then it seems plausible to stop and get my fuel cells recharged, otherwise, if the game doesn't go that far indepth, then why have fueling? I guess, in all honesty, it really doesn't matter, we will all play either way.

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In most games, ranged weapons are given a limited number of shots so as to keep the weapon from being over-powered. Doing damage from a distance is a huge advantage, and I cant imagine a better way keep ranged weapons in check, although I have a feeling you guys are about to come up with some other suggestions to do just that :p

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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

In most games, ranged weapons are given a limited number of shots so as to keep the weapon from being over-powered. Doing damage from a distance is a huge advantage, and I cant imagine a better way keep ranged weapons in check, although I have a feeling you guys are about to come up with some other suggestions to do just that :p


You want it, you got it. I am the king of critical argumentation. ;)


Anyway, obviously, things as simple as reload times can solve this. If it takes 10 seconds for a sniper rifle to cool, then less will be apt to use them as compared to a blaster pistol which cools next to instantaneously.

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Yeah, replacing ammo and fuel should be in the game. Not just because of the combat part, but also because of the economy. Fuel and gas gets expended all the time, so new supplies are alsways needed. So its a great way to make money. Fuel and gas are big business in real life too, it just seems wrong to just leave them out of the game, it wouldnt do the realism any good.

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Originally posted by Gontheboy

Would there be such things as pistols which charge up there ammo automaticly over a period of time? They would obviously cost quite a lot.


And then everyone would buy that and would never have to spend money on cells again, therefore there would be no need for fuel cells, and then you have a dead portion of the game....that don't sound too hot

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I think that at the start of the game, NPC's will sell blaster cartridges and fuel. However, when the players have reached a point where they can create those things I hope the devs will erase the NPC's and open up the economy.


I think the NPC's would be selling the fuel cells because it would be too much of a demand for a Player to sell it.


what do you mean by this? That players should not sell stuff that is traded in large quantities? Thats not gonna happen I think, players should run the economy, not just the niches.

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