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Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells.

Deft Aklin

Should Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells need to be refilled/replaced?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Blaster Gas and Fuel Cells need to be refilled/replaced?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I really don't care.

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Hmmmm.... in most MMORPGs you can buy basic Arrows or make really nice ones yourself (or buy from PCs). So it would make a lot of sense to do the same for charges and propellant. I am truly into the realism of the game! The more real it is the better the game is...


So where did you say the crapper was? :barf:



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The problem I have is this, truth to the movies, in my opinion is the very definition of canon. In order to be canon, they would leave out the same things the movie left out. I guess you can assume that these things were done, but never take the tedious effort to do them. Who really wants that crucial life or death moment to come down to the last time you reloaded your blaster cartridge? I guess it's really a moot point, if it's in there, I'll deal. If it's not though, I think I'd be a lot happier. Even if they just had infinite blaster cartridges and I had to refuel my ship. I can deal with that.

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I'd like to take back my comment on the 500 round cartridge, that's false info. :D I really didn't thikn it thru there. ;)


Anyway, if we are going purely by the movies, then there wouldn't be much left of a game.


No refueling.

No rearming.

No Corellian Engineering Corparation.

No Kuat Drive Yards.

No Rendelii Star Drive.

No species name for Greedo.

No this, no that.......


It's never mentioned in the movies, thus it cannot be implemented.

You see where I'm going by this? ;)

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In all honesty, I never read many of the books, but you tell me, do they describe people taking these actions?


Also, canon, by my definition, is the SW universe as defined by GL. GL did give these things names, faces, descriptions. He never explained how to recharge your fuel cells though. He never said how many blaster shots are in a power pack. He did however tell us where blaster gas comes from, what companies made what ships, what weapons. I guess, in all honesty, it is not that important of a discussion. I have my opinions and you have yours, it is apparent that neither will change their opinion for the other and after all........

You already won the damn poll. ;)

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Also, canon, by my definition, is the SW universe as defined by GL.

Yes, my definition of canon is also that.

Canon sources take precedence over any other official sources (except for a few minor points).

If something in a book says one thing, but the movies, or novelizations of the movies, say something else, then what was said in the book is overruled by the movies and/or novelization.


And just to state the current canon sources, they are:






Those are the canon sources, in that order.


In all honesty, I never read many of the books, but you tell me, do they describe people taking these actions?

I believe the book Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary, which explains about the props that was made for Star Wars OT, contains this information. And seeing it's written by Dr. David West Reynolds, a LucasFilm employee, I would think that this information is correct. :)

This is the same person that wrote Star Wars: The Incredible Cross-Sections series.

I trust this guy to his word. The only person I trust above him again are very few, with George Lucas himself on the top of that very short list. ;)


Oh, and a small added info: The pack you see on the left side of the E-11 (standard stormtrooper rifle) is a powerpack, and provides the rifle with enough power for 100 rounds.


Additional cool info: The E-11 seen in Star Wars are actually real guns. ;) So to anyone who thinks it's a simple prop, that gun can actually kill you. As in dead. :p

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As in dead.
Dead as in no more :elephant:

:freakout: I knew that they were made out of real guns, never knew they actually worked.


Where do games stand on the canon-line? before or after novelizations? I think when making games, approval from Lucas is needed, just as in SWG.


In Jedi-knight there definetly is ammo.

Fuel; I dunno howmany fuel containers I blew up in XWA, but there sure were alot. Fuel is big business in the SW universe.


That would indicate that refuelling and reaming is a neccesity.


On to the next poster...

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I knew that they were made out of real guns, never knew they actually worked.

Yeah, they worked. The flash you see comming out of the barrels are from blanks. :)


I don't think games aren't a "canon" source. They're juist EU. When Jan was talking about novelizations and such I believe he meant of the moives themselves.

Yeah, that's right. The only canon source noveliazations are the novels of the films. All other novels are EU.

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Originally posted by Zendjir

Dead as in no more :elephant:

:freakout: I knew that they were made out of real guns, never knew they actually worked.


Where do games stand on the canon-line? before or after novelizations? I think when making games, approval from Lucas is needed, just as in SWG.


In Jedi-knight there definetly is ammo.

Fuel; I dunno howmany fuel containers I blew up in XWA, but there sure were alot. Fuel is big business in the SW universe.


That would indicate that refuelling and reaming is a neccesity.


On to the next poster...


in jk 2 you have to help lando carlissan refuel his ship

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