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Proof I have too much time on my hands


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Another parody song that I wrote about GB.com


Sung to the tune of "Big Bang Baby" by Stone Temple Pilots


I've got a song about a forum, oh yeah

To the tune of STP

This forum in lucasforums is called GB

Lets talk about people


First there's Boba Rhett

He's the token admin

And he likes to give

All the Newbies Giftbaskets!


Then there's Sherack Nhar now he is from Quebec

He used to be a mod

And now he likes to mope a lot!


And then there's Eets well about that

(He like porn, oh yeah yeah yeah)

Then there's Havoc he's a Married man!

(Don't take pity, oh yeah yeah yeah)


Then there's Tie Guy, He likes FF

Play every one until he's very dead

Will NL_Ackbar ever lighten up?

I do not think so.


Then there's Krkode

He's the Village Idiot, yeah the Village Idiot

Cause he like to spam a lot


Then there's Shannon

She's the only Female, yeah the only Female

And we don't really know why


Darthfergie yeah, might be a hick

(So may Artoo, those guys are pals)


Darth Homer like Python a lot!

(Something something something, yeah yeah yeah)


Then there is me, oh yeah there is me

I am the awesomeist!

Then there is me, oh yeah there is me

I am the awesomeist!


I'm running out of people who I really care to use

Yeah I really care to use

Cause I am mean like that


Rogues 15 and 9

They go to RSN yeah go to RSN

Cause they just might be insane


Dagobahn Eagle's very Liberal

(More than me, that's scaary)


Darth Rommel, whatever happened?

(Short Canadian boy's gone gone gone)


And there is me.. It still is me

I am still the man

Yes there is me.. I am still me

I am cooler than.. yoooou


In case you are wondering why you weren't in this song

Yeah snubbed in this song

I just say: Bite me


I took my sweet time

yeah writing this damn song

so if you don't like it

you can all just biite me


(Edit: Who the frack edited my song?)

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When somebody claims to have proof about anything, the natural reaction is to try to discredit or invalidate that proof. However, having read your song, I must say....


You really do have entirely too much time on your hands, Clefo! ;)


But on the flipside, you seem to be very observant of your fellow forummers, and keenly aware of your own self worth. After all, you are the awesomeist (Is that a word? :p ).


So, in conclusion, You do, indeed, have too much free time, but you have shown the propensity to use that time...um.... well... we'll just leave it at "use it". :D

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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

Hey :p I wasn't mentioned. :(


Oh well. I guess It's going to take a little while for you guys to start to remember me and include me in stuff but I hope that will happen soon.

Don't worry about it, I'm sure it was nothing against you. Many people were left out. We have too many members and too short songs! :D
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