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*spoiler* baldurs gate II


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this game really dissappointed me. it was too long, the graphics sucked, the fighting was fun at first but then it got really boreing. the story was good but it dragged on and on and on and on. but what really dissappointed me was the view on the mythic races of men, dwarves, nomes, elves, halflings, and wisards. first most of the men you meet are slaves, pirates, or just plane evil, dwarves will stab you in the back before becomeing your ally, nomes are all theaves and will steal from you any chance they get, elves are so full of themselves that they dont even know whats going on half the time and some are evil, the only halflings i met were eather stupid or dident care and i met a big group of them eating eachother and others, and most of every wisard you meet is evil and working for theaves, pirates ect. its almost like your liveing in a world were the only decient person is yourself and the only character i liked was minsc and boo so ive given up on this game entirely. please tell me if you share my opinion.

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I love this game.


My favorite characters are myself, Minsc (he rocks), Imoen, and Yoshimo. I'll agree the rest aren't at all great. Jaheria never stops hitting on me and what not.


I never beat it. I just like wandering Atkathla and killing people (not civies, just Shadow Thieves and the like). Suggestion. Start an MP game by yourself and make your own party. Make one person, start the game, escape the dungeon, and then once you-know-who is captured, fill her spot with another made up character and whenever people are killed, keep doing that. It's better than the characters in the game.


I discovered one, twisted, sickening plot twist. Read at your own discretion if you haven't beaten the game.



Imoen is your sister!



I find this gross because that was one of the closest party members in BG I that could be considered a romantic interest.

:barf: yuck

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Originally posted by MydnightPsion

too bad Yoshimo turns on you and gets struck down by a NineLivesStealer THAT YOU CAN'T GET DAMMIT!!!


Aerie is one of the coolest characters.


Never got that far. But I know there is a bug to prevent it. I read it a BioWare's forums while reading up on KotOR...

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I liked BGII. Sure the story was dragged on a little,but I really liked the combat,so that didnt matter. I liked the views on the races,it made them more mortal, different from what Tolkien did(mind you,I like both styles the same,it was just refreshing to have a game where there was no good or bad,just like in the world today).


On second thought,most of the races you described WERE like tolkien's creations. Men were greedy and selfish(with exceptions,but look at boromir for example). Dwarves backstabbed,too. And I could've sworn there were only 1 or 2 dwarves. Elves were stuck up(had a holier-than-thou) attitude,just like in LOTR. Gnomes werent in LOTR,but I think your exagerating. Jan didnt steal from you alot,did he? Well except for boo that one time..but even i would've done that,wouldnt you?:p And as for the halflings,there were also like that in the book. Excerpt from the FOTR the movie: "Hobbits dont mind ignoring or be ignored from the big folk." So they didnt really care,like in BGII.


And also,Imoen isnt really your sister. She just has the same divine power you have. She isnt blood related to you at all.

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