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SimCity 4


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I've seen this game around a lot, and it looks pretty good. I never got any of the other SimCity games, but I bought The Sims and a few of it's expansion packs, and loved it to death. I just wanted to ask if any of you have played SimCity 4, and would you recommend me getting it if I liked The Sims? Is there a demo out that I should try first? Any info would be most appreciated:)


Here's some of the features I found on the official site, for those who don't know much about the game and might be interested:


Play God


- Sculpt mountains, gouge valleys, and seed forests to lay the groundwork for your creation.

- Drop a disaster anywhere in your city--set buildings ablaze, pelt your metropolis with meteors, unleash a twister, or wreak havoc with a volcano.

- Populate your terrain with animals that graze and roam … and sometimes stampede into your city!


Play Mayor


- Create, build and run the most realistic city you can imagine.

- Connect your metropolis with other cities you've created to form a massive region of SimCities, each sharing and competing for resources.

- Deploy police cruisers and fire trucks to the scene--you’re up close and part of the action as they deal with fires, striking mobs, crime, and more.


Play With Your Sims


- Place your Sims in your city--they'll give you valuable feedback.

- Follow your Sims to work and home.

- Experience life in the big city, from mellow traffic to commuter hell, noontime crowds to nighttime calm.


More info can be found at the official site - http://simcity.ea.com/

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This game looks very promising. I plan on getting it. The city finallu looks real


The Sims and this are to different things. You have to think more, manage more money or suffer consequences, ect. The Sims is silly nonsense that you send goofy people through life together. Unless you played without cheats....

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Originally posted by mercatfat

Though I find it hard to believe you've never played a Sim City game before, EA has an online version of the classic first game available here:




Go play it.


Uhhh. If you didn't like that, don't think you'll hate 4. That is old. But if you just don't like figures and numbers, don't get it.


My favorite thing in 3000 was to get a castle from cousin Vinnie!

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Well, i was having fun yesterday by making a sim and named him after one of my friend. then i did the meteor catastroph and crushed his house (you can see in which house he lives in).



and yes. you can control the direction of the meteor, which i find very cool. more control over the destruction! :)




as for the region.... i see it more like a country. there are many different squares on that region. you can sculpt everything. hell you could make it look like anything. I was trying to make my province of Ontario (state for you americans). and then you can make as many cities as there are squares on the map (quite a lot!). the more cities you have the more cool it can be. you can make urbain cities like say Toronto. Or like smaller cities like Kingston or Sudbury (all in Ontario). and you can make business deals between cities and etc. Like in real life. So say, Totonto could exchange a certain market, like computers to Sudbury for the automative industries. compensate and share stuff. pretty cool.

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Well, if you're struggling in 3000 and are in need of some dough, I know there are individuals willing to help you out. Even some family. Call Cousin Vinnie.


You do that, you either get a lot of dough, or an equally cool prize, a CASTLE! I am sure 4 include better secrets....


The game does get boring after awhile IMO, and is fun with succesful cities, and then taking premade ones and setting out 20 tornados onto the place! :D


*** Great image sig/ avatar you got there Elessar-Eärfalas. One of my favorite characters, probably right next to Aragorn.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

could i see some ingame pics of this game or not?










I have to admit, the graphics do look rather juicy:D


And yes DARK DAN, the game has been released. I just wanted to know whether it was worth getting, and I think I've been convinced:)Still no sign of a demo?

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