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New Xmen in X2

ET Warrior

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dont know about the thread, havent read any info. but from the one trailer i saw we can expect nightcrawler and iceman, i think i heard gambit will be around. but really im looking forward to seeing nick fury (he is in this one right?). so while you're answering ^his question tell me if nick fury will be around please.

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Heres the cast ( figure whos new yourself ):


Patrick Stewart .... Professor Charles Xavier

Hugh Jackman .... Wolverine/Logan

Ian McKellen .... Magneto/Erik Magnus Lehnsherr

Halle Berry .... Storm/Ororo Munroe

Famke Janssen .... Dr. Jean Grey

James Marsden .... Cyclops/Scott Summers

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos .... Mystique/Raven Darkholme

Anna Paquin .... Rogue/Marie D'Ancanto

Alan Cumming .... Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner

Brian Cox .... General William Stryker

Bruce Davison .... Senator Robert Kelly

Kelly Hu .... Yuriko Oyama

Shawn Ashmore .... Iceman/Bobby Drake

Aaron Stanford .... Pyro/St. John Allerdyce

Katie Stuart .... Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde

Kea Wong .... Jubilee/Jubilation Lee

Daniel Cudmore .... Colossus/Piotr Rasputin

Shauna Kain .... Siryn/Theresa Cassidy

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I just checked with Internet Movie Database (http://www.imdb.com) and here are the two people will be looking forward to


Steve Bacic .... Dr. Henry McCoy/the Beast (uncredited)

James Bamford .... Remy LeBeau/Gambit (uncredited)



Gambit needs a bigger role. Gambit is the man. I mean, who is a cooler character than gambit (other than wolverine).

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Originally posted by Toonces

Think "Liquid Man" will return? Or will Mystique still be impersonating him?


Well if you remember from the first one, Magneto said that things aren't always what they seem. So its possible that what Liquid Man didn't die, he just hadn't learned how to control his powers just yet.

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I thought LiquidMan was the president after Magneto mutated him, nad that he lost molecular cohesion and just kinda fell to primoridal gloop.


Looking forward to seeing IceMan and Pyro in some tag team hell raising! :D


And Gambit MUST be in it - he is the Han Solo of the X-Men - and everyone loves the scoundrel!

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Well, technically, he will be in it, but not as a credited member of the cast.

Also, if you remember at the end of the movie, that particular Senator Kelley was actually Mystique in her usual disguise.

And about losing cohesion. My guess is that yes he went into liquid form, but like that is natural resting state from him, just like Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Its like they need to go into liquid form for a certain time whether they want to or not. It helps keep them alive, so his naturally NEW mutant powers forced him into it.

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