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So basically, if I spend a year with my character, and open up the FS slot, then I have to make a new character on a different server or delete my current character to play the jedi on my current server. Not cool. I liked it better when i thought that my character might actually become FS. I guess that's the price you pay. I think they should at least give you the option to make your current character force sensitive rather than having to make a new character and everything. I only wanted to play one character. I figured if he became a Jedi, that would be cool and I'd play with it, but I don't know if I want to devote my time to two seperate characters.



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Sidious, its an additional slot on the same server.

Once you do whatever action is required you "unlock" the magic FS character slot. So that server becomes a MCS. Your main character who can go about his daily business and the additional character you get to create to become a Jedi if you choose. You could also just use that second slot to make a regular proffession but the character is FS.

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The "permadeath" penalty for dying more than 1 or 2 times is more than enough of a reason for me to ignore any force sensitivity i might aquire... It's starting to look like the Dev's really have planned well to keep the Jedi population down, lol. It's going to be far more work than its possibly worth!




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Let's say you have opened a FS slot and your FS character dies (permadeath). Do you still have the slot? If so does that mean you just create a new character in that slot if you die and they are FS, or do you have to open the slot again with your regular character?

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I think it is a good solution. Most of all, it will teach eventual Jedi adepts to be as careful as a true jedi should be! ;)


And be quiet about this, but....


It makes it so much funnier to let your group abandon a fledgling jedi in the middle of hostile wilderness!


Sssshhh! Don't let the Jedi PA's know I said this! :D

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You already have opened the Jedi character slot, Helmet. :) And you can only open 1 Jedi slot per account.


Whatever server you played on when this slot was opened for is the only server the Jedi is allowed to play on. This will make that server MCS for you.


So, just to get a small overview:

  • You have 10 slots per account with which you can make a character from.
  • There are only one character allowed per server.
  • All of these characters have the potential to open the Jedi slot, but only one Jedi slot can be opened per account. (Not totally sure about that first part. The Devs may very well have set it so only 1 of those 10 has the potential to open it. One of those unanswered questions so far, unless I've missed it. ;) )
  • Once it is opened, it will never close.
  • You now have 11 slots. 10 Normal-Character-Only slots, and 1 Jedi-Character-Only slot.
  • The Jedi slot is not the same as the slot that opened it, meaning, if you (example) only have one character made it will not turn into a Force sensitive character. You will have to start all over again if you wish to play a Jedi. However, you do not have to abandon your main character if you choose to play a Jedi.
  • The newly created Jedi character can only be played on the same server as the character that opened the Jedi slot.
  • Training to become a Jedi is extrordinary difficult. (sorry, just had to put that in. :D )
  • From Force sensitive to Jedi Knight you will suffer permadeath after 2-3 times (maybe more, but not more than 5 times) of dieing. This means your Jedi character is deleted and you will have to start all over again.
    !Note! The Jedi slot will always be open.
  • Once you reach Jedi Master, you will no longer suffer permadeath. Instead, you will become one with the Force the same way as Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin did. You can still go around, but noone will see you except other Jedi, and possibly anyone else that you choose to reveal yourself to. (again, that last part is just an unsupported guess. ;) )


You know, it just occured to me. For someone who does not desire to become a Jedi, I seem to know alot about it. :D

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Originally posted by setsuko

I think it is a good solution. Most of all, it will teach eventual Jedi adepts to be as careful as a true jedi should be! ;)


And be quiet about this, but....


It makes it so much funnier to let your group abandon a fledgling jedi in the middle of hostile wilderness!


Sssshhh! Don't let the Jedi PA's know I said this! :D


That would be funny indeed! I do think the idea of a Jedi PA is quite rediculous especially given the time-frame that SWG is taking place in. Sure it might help the Jedi's for a time, eventually when BH A and BH B go hunting for a jedi, and they die over and over and over again, just respawning at the cloning facility, it's like an uncountable waves of uncontrollable doom, like a snowball. Rolling towards the Jedi...preparing to crush them, and after x amount of BH's die, perhaps Vader himself will here of this wonderfully skilled Jedi, and come to invite him to tea. Just super! Is the PA going to protect against Vader? No, because if they do, Vader will know, "hey, look at all them Jedi, time for a Jedi roast"

No that's the reason I won't join a Jedi PA if I become FS. I do not want to be part of it if Vader comes along, that's one more impossible mission to keep me from Jedi status! lol...

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