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Quality Question-and-answer thread


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This is intended to be kind of a catch-all question and answer thread. This is actually supposed to be serious, so no questions like "Someone tell me what 2+2 is." I realize that we have people here that know a lot about different things. For instance, I know a fair amount about cars, Rhett knows a lot about LotR, etc. If you have a question, post it. Hopefully someone will be able to answer it pretty quickly. I'll start off.



I'm curious: When does a newbie become a "not-newbie"? I've been on since June 02 (or is it July?), and I'm curious when the title is lost.



Now, someone valid (a mod or veteran forummer) posts an answer.

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I'll answer :D


newbie is a term used widely in people's eyes. Newbness is within the eye of the beholder. Of course, if you have 10 posts, you're a newbie anyway, but if you have some 200-300 posts - and i don't just mean posts, i mean posts that matter, posts that are thought about - I will consider you an oldbie. To me, you're an oldbie, JediDuo :) I've seen your name around the forums quite a bit and making useful posts from time to time ;)

And i also guess the non-newbieness comes with how much you're seen around the forums. A regular visitor for 3-5 months can be an oldbie :p


Oldbie status also comes with familiarity. If i mention your name and some other regular oldbie says, "who's he?" then you're probably still a newbie. if people readily know who "jediduo" is, then you can consider yourself an oldbie :)

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I think this thread has potential!


Vision was said by Immortus to be the reconstructed and reprogrammed Human Torch. This was accepted as truth for years -- until a detailed deconstruction and reassembly of the Vision seemingly proved that Vision was not the Torch. The Avengers then sought out and revived the original Torch, accpeting him into their ranks as well. More recently, during the time-spanning conflict known as The Destiny War, the Avengers learned that Vision was indeed a reconstructed original Human Torch, and that Immortus had hoaxed the Avengers into believing otherwise as part of a plot against the Scarlet Witch (she was married to Vision, and calling Vision's origins into question was one part of a long-term plan on Immortus's part to drive the Witch insane). In preparing for this plot, Immortus had located the original Human Torch shortly after his deactivation by the Mad Thinker and split the Torch into two exact temporal duplicates, one of which was rebuilt into Vision and one of which was later found and revived by the Avengers, continuing to exist as an independent being today.

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Originally posted by Link Antilles

This one is for the computer geeks, which windows OS runs the fastest for gaming and why?



AGAIN Kurt Russell is the correct answer I would also have taken Clefo, Space Ghost, or "Lord Fegie is an idiot" though that would have cost you five points but through our pt. protection plan you could have earned that back in 3 years due to the realginment of Jupiter and a cloud of dust.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Love to me is a bucketful of cash to spend on star Wars Stuff.


I use XP Home too. i think it's the best because you can change compatitbility for games.


What is irc wars?


:devburn: The irc wars are the battle events that take place in the mIRC program, where the target is nuke the victims computer crashing it, or playing jokes to the user like opening and closing his cd unit via IP, or simply disconnecting the internet con :evil6:

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who still uses 98: i think artoo still does. if you don't, artoo, sorry!


what's love: it's a feeling you get. sometimes good, sometimes bad. love can be considered deep affection or emotion. it is also the score of zero in tennis. ;)


Is it possible to blue light? (for those that don't know, that's lighting farts)


i've seen it in movies and heard tales about it, but i've never tried it and don't plan to. i just want to know if it's actually possible. :D


oh, and going back to the first question, have i made enough quality posts or been around long enough to be considered an "oldbie"?

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