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C&C Generals Thread


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Review: (from UGO)


Of course, the other implied result of being similar to Hollywood action movies is true: Generals is hollow, bouncing about the globe with no sense of danger or authority. Throughout the campaign missions, players gain access to newer and more lethal armaments, but the sortie always remains the same. More often than not, the region being fought over has an enemy already well fortified and it's up to the player to dislodge them. It's unfortunate that there's nothing stringing the fate of the world together in terms of storyline, but EA Pacific wanted a movie-like atmosphere. Unfortunately, it turned out to be more Johnny Mnemonic and less The Matrix.


Still, the heart of any Command and Conquer game has always been its gameplay. Commanding is a lot easier than Conquering in Generals, as units can be told to defend areas, instead of specific units as in previous Command and Conquer titles. Additionally, air forces can be told to guard specifically against air attacks, shooting down bombers that enter the wrong airspace. Missile-armed vehicles will fire from a distance, and if the enemy closes in on them, they'll back up a sufficient distance to fire again, without babysitting them. This no-babysitting approach works wonders as the air force or Comanche helicopters will head back to base to repair or reload without a click and GLA structures will automatically rebuild in the wake of an attack. All of this allows the player to focus on why they're playing Generals in the first place: To conquer.


And conquering is not the exact same affair this time around. New to Generals is the concept of promotions, and we're not talking about the specific unit experience that will improve firepower or healing ability (that's still in the game as well). As enemy units and buildings are thwarted and destroyed, the player gains a little bit of experience. Eventually, that tips over and the player gains a promotion and points to spend. Sending in tank after tank because the coffers are full won't help you graduate to the next level though, which is a great way of canceling out the old tank rush mentality. These points are then spent on side-specific upgrades, like first-level veterancy for all new Technicals, a Ranger paradrop, an area repair or an A-10 Warthog strike. Some of these are instants, others are timed, so that once you select the Artillery Barrage and fire, it can be called in again after a certain amount of time has elapsed. Additionally, some of these abilities have different levels of rank, so upgrading that Artillery Barrage makes it even more lethal. There are limited amount of points, though, and all transactions are final; once you've acquired and ability, it cannot be deselected.


Also new to Generals are structures and units that do nothing but earn the player money. Now, with careful planning, any player can be choked off from resources and still make a comeback. Chinese hackers are moveable units that can hack the Net for cash, the GLA's Black Market earns dollars every few seconds, and the USA's supply drop brings in a lot of dough every few minutes. When enough of these are built, players won't even need to forage for outside scratch any more.


A real-time strategy war game is only as good as its arsenal, and Generals does not disappoint. The USA force's mainstay are Crusader tanks, Humvees and Tomahawk missile launchers, fighter jets, Comanche attack copters, Aurora bombers and stealth fighters, plus the ability to call in an ion strike, err, we mean, particle cannon attack on a location. The Chinese are able to produce gattling tanks that fire faster the longer they shoot, dragon tanks that can project a wall of fire, and their inferno cannons or MiGs can create firestorms while awaiting deployment of their nuclear missile. And then there's the GLA...


While this is an entirely different debate, it would be remiss of us not to point out some of the less-than-altruistic methods of destruction you'll wield in Command and Conquer: Generals as a card-carrying member of the GLA. You will strap dynamite to your chest, hop into a vehicle and drive it into a building, incinerating the soldiers bunkered inside. You will spread anthrax via modified weapons and a super-weapon that will poison enemy troops. And you will build trucks armed with nuclear or biological agents that you can detonate on impact or via remote control. As America readies itself for a war in which all three of these styles of attack are possible, it's fair to say it's a bit unsettling.


Of course, Command and Conquer: Generals is a game, and while EA Pacific has made an attempt at painting the battleground with a more realistic brush, it's still far from conventional. American tanks boast drone upgrades that will auto-repair the host vehicle, while the Chinese harbor an EMP bomb that can knock out buildings. We're still in a fantasy land here, folks, so before you get up in arms about the GLA's angry mob firebombing downtown Astana City in Kahzakstan, relax.


That said, the GLA build hijackers and toxin tractors, which can commandeer enemy vehicles and contaminate the ground, respectively. Scud launchers rain fire from the sky, while tunnel networks help shuttle Scorpion tanks and rocket buggies to the front line. Additionally, the GLA's Quad Cannon, Technical and Marauder units can scavenge enemy remains and increase their firepower. While even the most upgraded vehicle is tough, the GLA's vehicles are by far the weakest of the three.


It's this range of unit types across the three sides that is Command and Conquer: Generals greatest strength. There's always a counter to an opponent's strategy, whether it's employing different infantry, vehicles, air power and structure combinations OR selecting different promotion abilities. Our online games against the villainous Russell Frushtick and others have allowed us now to actually show some emotion. The match-ups are totally wicked as illustrated in this description of a particular battle:


USA vs. China. We had holed up in various buildings with machine-gun toting Rangers and missile defenders. At the same time, we quickly got our air force off the ground and had them defend the area so that we could stop any Dragon tanks, which can burn out buildings and kill any soldiers inside them instantly. But while we were busy controlling the map and resource points, our Chinese friends erected a nuclear missile silo and the countdown began. We knew that China had bunkered down, as we hadn't seen much in terms of recon or assaults, plus our USA spy satellite told us as much. Knowing that we couldn't build a strong army fast enough to take him down before he took us out, we realized we had to slow down the launch. Cut to the fighters, which we ordered to swing around the defenses to deliver their payload into the unprotected nuclear power plants. The great thing about exploding nuclear power plants is that they leave a small mushroom cloud of their own, destroying any vehicles and irradiating any infantry nearby. With the power out, we were now able to get our own super weapon up and running: the particle cannon. But even the cannon's massive strike wouldn't take out the nuke entirely.


By now, China wasn't just going to sit back and take the lumps. He had amassed a horde of Battlemaster tanks and his plan was to roll into our base, which was largely undefended. Thankfully, our initial gambit with the bunkered missile-defenders proved fruitful and as the tanks rolled across a bridge between buildings, rockets soared from windows into their armored sides. At the same time, the remnants of our air force descended to pick off wounded tanks, leaving the assault force in ruin.


Thanks to all of these victories, we had gained some sizable rank so we chose the A-10 Strike, and upgraded it to level 3, which orders 3 A-10s to attack. Using this strike plus our particle cannon, we were able to take out the nuke, which exploded in a giant boom and shockwave that decimated the Chinese base. From there, it was easy pickings and we had our air force defend the area above the Chinese base, picking off unpowered anti-air gattling cannons and bunkers without putting American boys in harm's way.


This was one match, and we've played over a dozen human multiplayer games and even more skirmish bouts and they are all of this caliber, unless we're facing off against Russell, who's more harmless than an empty troop carrier. Online play is iffy, but it could certainly be due to our connection. At times, we had spotty lag and found ourselves clicking to build units and waiting seconds for it to register. Other times, it flowed like a local skirmish game. We played one-on-one and three-on-threes, and while more often than not the larger games chugged, there were times it was smooth as silk.


So, the verdict? Where Warcraft III redefined the fantasy experience, Command and Conquer: Generals sets the bar for more real-world strategy games. With its varied arsenal, customizable play and gorgeous looks, Command and Conquer: Generals is the ultimate real-time war game and one not to be missed.


Presentation: A-. The visuals and audio gel together nicely, and the animated units and structures are well-done.


Gameplay: A. The same C&C game, but with new units, new sides and an all-new Generals promotion system to make it all worth it.


Overall: A





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I'll have my computer built by Mid February to support all games for this year. Of course Generals will be skipped as I don't like WW anymore for their laziness in balance... :wavey:


Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

C&C suxxors lol


Great spam post there Jedi_Masta! :rolleyes: Very informative as to why you think C&C sucks eh? ;)


Originally posted by Link Antilles

I can't want! All I need is $1133 to get a computer to run the game! Pretty sad, eh? lol

I'm definately playing as the US. Hey Ackbar what side do you think you'll use?


I'm building for $680 total. So what's your excuse? :p;) Granted I do have some stuff left over to salvage anyways. :)

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Originally posted by Link Antilles

I can't want! All I need is $1133 to get a computer to run the game! Pretty sad, eh? lol

I'm definately playing as the US. Hey Ackbar what side do you think you'll use?


i think china wil become my fav


espesaly becose thay have the biggest tank ever :spin:


but i think i wil start whit the usa then china and then gla


china wil be my fav online

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Originally posted by C'jais

*Wondering if his Gforce 2 card can barely run it*


What are the system requirements to this fine piece of software?


And thanks for those links guys.


Depending on how your whole system is, it might be able to run Generals. :)


Pentium 3 800Mhz


8X CDROM Drive

1.8GB HDD free space (additional required for saving and such)

32MB video card

16 bit sound card

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this game is da bom just get it yestterday


its an action RTS game whit super b grapish


it more a multiplay game then a singel play becose thats very short



Ackbar recommand's


1,6 ghz or higher

512 mb ram

geforce 3 or higher

2 gb hard disk


my onlinr name ::: Ackbar ;)

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

this game is da bom just get it yestterday


its an action RTS game whit super b grapish


it more a multiplay game then a singel play becose thats very short



Ackbar recommand's


1,6 ghz or higher

512 mb ram

geforce 3 or higher

2 gb hard disk


my onlinr name ::: Ackbar ;)


Don't you think 1.6Ghz is abit high Ackbar? :p

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I got 2 words for this game. . . F*CKING AWESOME!


USA r00lz. I think the GLA sucks big time, cuz I couldn't do swuat with them... also, could anybody give me tips on how to beat the Dam level? (I'm not cussing, the level where the dam blows and kill all the units and the water level lowers and then they start crushing you by crossing the river). I think it's China's 3rd level. I can't beat it. Although I jus got game earlier today. If anyone is willing to give me lessons or jus wanna play online (with out killing me outright. . .) Let me know, I still think I have an old Gamespy Account.

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ok, I lied about the game being awesome. As of now I have lowered it to annoying b*tch game (for the time being). Because it is giving me all this crap about "Could not log onto Generals Online." It was my understanding they're using gamespy for their MP games, and I already had an account for it, but I keep getting that sh*t. And am I going to have to type in my age every f*cking time!?


if you can't tell, I'm pissed. Hopfully I can fix it myself before giving tech support a peace of my mind. . . . If any1 could help me out that be nice too.... but then again, how many of you are nice? J/K

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