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Crazy_dog no.3

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Does anyone else like/have this game? It's ****ing awesome! It's like the Godfather meets GTA3, only with less cursing and blood.


There's 3 modes of play: the actual game, Free Ride and Free ride Extreme. The actual game follows a storyline, but still requires u to go around the city. Free Ride allows u to wonder around with no storyline. However to unlock everything for Free Ride, such as options ( population, police level, etc.) and all the 60 or so cars, u need to complete missions in Free Ride Extreme, which is only unlockable if u finish the single-player campaign.


There's tonnes of features, like police fining u for speeding! I would reccomend this to anyone who doesn't mind blood, a little swearing and heavily-implied sex.

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Is there a website for it? Cuz I liked GTA 3. I was playing that the whole time I was at my cousin house. He has PS2, I have GC. He had to literally pry the controller out of my hands. . . . .


I jus loved stea... er ahem "borrowing" a motorcycle and run over people and shooting them with my uzi, and "borrowing" the apache and shooting the crap out of cops :)


It was an awesome visit until my Aunt (my cuz mom) saw us playing it, and she wasn't happy about it. . . It was rated M and I'm 16 and my cuz was 14. My cousin is still mad at me. . . a lil . . .


Anywho, is there a website for this game?

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Yeah i have that game... I LOVE IT!.... the only thing is that i never finished it... i was at the last thing.. i had to kill.....


Paul or was it sam?


anyway... i had only 15 health left... and i would never make it.


and my comp was screwed up so i did a re-install and all my save games were gone :D but i do know how it ends.. my brother did finish it :D

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Missions! that game actually had a point. . . beside killing and stealing things? I'm joking. That's better than me. i couldn't even FIND the first mission. . . to busy. . . doing the other stuff *cough* the strip club *cough* of course I hat to kill the fat blob danving on the table in the corner. . . that was jus gross.

I'm downloading the Mafia Demo now :)

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