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Thrackan Solo

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I'm not 100% sure, since it was some time ago, but I think I remember some early screenshots including the charming mug of two (!) rancors. And yes, they were on Dathomir. I don't know if the devs ever gave us info if there'll ever be a chance to domesticate them. Don't count on it, since it would seem a little... out of place with a rancor farm in the middle of Naboo!


"Pa! Dem darn Rancors is chew'n up dem fence again!"


"Tarnation, pard'ner! Gimme me shotgun! Ah'l teach'em a lessen!"

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Jabba got his as a gift from his majordomo who got it from a crashed ship.

Also, luke could defeat the witches.

He killed the one who shot fire, and he was just captured by the other one because he was caught off his gaurd. After that he was able to just make his saber fly with the force and untie him.

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