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If your a smart Jedi


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If people wait and keep their Jedi powers a secret and establish Jedi training on some of the outer rim planets where Imperials have weak or no influence then the Jedi could florish but who really is going to keep it a secret.


Most people will gloat about their jedi prowess, so it will be difficult however if the jedi however Im sure theirs a maximum limit of jedi. If that is reached and the jedi repopulate to a large degree, not likely then we can possibly have an Empire verses the Rebel alliance redifined by Jedi.


You think or is their something i dont know

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This thread should be moved to one of the other Jedi Threads already discussing this same topic.



Jedi keeping a secret should probably be no harder than keeping your mouth shut, keeping your lightsaber out of sight, not having a public display of your power, and not getting dressed up in "Jedi Only" garb (if something like that would exist).


Something you might not realize... From what I've read there is nothing that says your force sensitive character can't be aligned with the Empire. In the movies there were Jedi on both side. So if you are frightened of the Empire hunting you down like whomp rats, join up with them at the get go. You may end up a Dark Jedi by doing this.. but the game isn't out yet so we can only speculate.

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you may or may not be able to join the empire as a jedi good or bad....they hunt both equally if not dark jedi more...


But even if you were able to join empire i see no reason why the couldn't hun you even if you were aligned with them..not like vader cared for his admirals health.

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Originally posted by Thrackan Solo

so then whats the point of being Jedi? :confused:


To hide in secrecy for two RL years playing three to five hours a day and become a nasty Master. Then you can come out of hiding and hack up whoever you want. ;D

By then though, you'd be so used to staying out of it, that you probably would stay that way. Occasionally you'd lure some sorry bloke into your lair and fry him like Palpatine in RotJ. Just cause you can. :D


No wait, that's my plan. ;)

You can't steal it!

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

A smart Jedi would would act normally, get a profession, build up his skills and maybe find other Jedi's to make a group with. THe key point of being a Jedi would be staying alive.

well thats the most fantastic advice i heard out of most people :D but seriously that would be the most SMART thing to do... but knowing people... a lot who could become jedi would not last long :p
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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well thats the most fantastic advice i heard out of most people :D but seriously that would be the most SMART thing to do... but knowing people... a lot who could become jedi would not last long :p


--lol. Thanks Wraith. I think most people would run around holding up a "I'm a Jedi sign."

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Originally posted by Bounty

a whole jedi community would be cool, but probably not feasible for a LONG time. The first players who become jedi will probably spark interest again for everyone else.

you know Force sensitive is gonna be different for everybody right.?? Just FYI
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Originally posted by Corpocus

People will no I am a Jedi when I go postal with a Lightsaber in town!!..:)


I can see it now. Limbs everywhere!!..:lsduel::barf2::explode:



Vadar: "Admiral, we have been alerted that a derranged Jedi has been has been performing anarchy against the empire by killing its citizens. I want you to send a squad of troops to investigate and hunt this Jedi."

I'll expect a progess report from you every step of the way Admiral."

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