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Occupation: Ground Assault


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Originally posted by boinga1

just for the record, none of you 4 will ever be allowed to complain about off-topic posts for some time....


Damn straight :)


Originally posted by wedge2211

Hey, don't look at me, I was trying to shut them up.


By nuking us? I dunno man...overkill :)


Thanks SkiTzoGuy, you've reminded me there IS a map to be worked on :) I have actually done a lot of design work on it, screenshots soon!

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Originally posted by SkiTzoGuy

Looks like a great map i can't wait for it to come out!


Originally posted by Kengo

Anyway guys...I've decided to keep working on the map, after all, I don't have a MIDI song on my profile yet.


Originally posted by Kengo

Feedback about my map may as well stop now, as I have a confession to make: the only reason I made the map was to have a WIP thread, so I could get a lot of points to get the glow. Now I have the glowing name, there is no need to continue the thread or the map.

If it comes out. I can't believe you requested assets for a map that's only purpose was to have a WIP thread and make points for a glow on your name that you complained about taking ages to pick the color of. (Takes a deep breath) The thread fight was quite entertaining though, so you redeemed yourself in my eyes. lol


On another topic. Hey AKPiggot, can I beta test too? Kengo and I have both spent the last few days trying to help you fix Party Crasher. I would donate for the privilege, but I haven't spent my credits except for a hotel room(what a mistake that was) and still don't have many points. I'm saving for MY glow.

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I just played th original Occupation. There is a problem similar to the skybox issue. The cutscene view of the town shows the plains of plain stone and an eternal drop into a skybox beyond the castle.


Other than the graphic problems of being in a town near the edge of the planet, it was good and the ground assault looks good, especially with the new skybox.


One question about thwe galtech building: is it supposed to be inside itself? I looked at the walls around the entrance in the opening cutscene and it looks like a enclosed area. Since you can't see the ceiling this looks like it could have been a bunch of walls with an open ceiling, justifying the rain.

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Originally posted by master_thomas

If it comes out. I can't believe you requested assets for a map that's only purpose was to have a WIP thread and make points for a glow on your name that you complained about taking ages to pick the color of.


Sarcasm is a concept you need to get to grips with!


The Galtech building at the beggining - the camera starts outside the building, hence the rain. This area is actually like a courtyard, which is why the ground is all kinda paved, but it is outside.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

*Wedge notices that his first nuke didn't actually kill them all.*


*wedge rolls his eyes.*


*Wedge calls in the SSD Lusankya to commence a full-scale orbital bombardment of the planet. Then he nukes the wreckage a few more times.*


Wedge, I hate to brreak it to you, But Lusankya was destroyed enroute... something about a civil war and a bunch of fighter pilots. You may have heard of them... Rogue Squadron? :)


Originally posted by Aru-Wen

That's no moon...


That's no moon... it's some kind of crustacean with a liking for bad italian pasta! Oh, wait... that's Lost Cause I.... :D


Kengo, with as much smack talking an off topic posts as THIS thread has had, this had better be a killer map. On the other hand, by the same reasoning, it could be a complete dud and STILL not have lied to us... as you've made no gaurentee of quality that *I* could find! (insert wry chuckle, degenerating into senceless laughter)

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Originally posted by Kengo

Sarcasm is a concept you need to get to grips with!


I was being sarcastic too. That's why I said you were redeemed. I'm not stupid. You made a set of tutorials for fledgling mappers. I knew you weren't selfish. Besides, why would you starting a fake and funny war of insults and completely changing the purpose of this thread redeem you.


I do understand though. It is hard to detect sarcasm and to understand if someone got your sarcasm when you can't see or hear each other and have no idea of who people are or where they are so I justified that remark with a response.



I was also merely trying to make Leslie feel better about himself at no care of what it could do to your self-esteem.:rolleyes:



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Originally posted by master_thomas

I was being sarcastic too. That's why I said you were redeemed. I'm not stupid. You made a set of tutorials for fledgling mappers. I knew you weren't selfish. Besides, why would you starting a fake and funny war of insults and completely changing the purpose of this thread redeem you.


I do understand though. It is hard to detect sarcasm and to understand if someone got your sarcasm when you can't see or hear each other and have no idea of who people are or where they are so I justified that remark with a response.



I was also merely trying to make Leslie feel better about himself at no care of what it could do to your self-esteem.:rolleyes:




Oh well, looks like I got the wrong end of the stick too...and I can assure you that is rare.....:c3po:


Don't go making Leslie feel better about himself, that's just wrong. :)


Oh yeh, I have done a lot of work on the actual map. I infact make the guarantee that the next time I post on this forum it will be with screenshots!


Shadriss, I make no guarantees about this map, except that it will feature lots of shooting, and I will probabaly copy other people's ideas a lot....

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Wedge, I hate to brreak it to you, But Lusankya was destroyed enroute... something about a civil war and a bunch of fighter pilots. You may have heard of them... Rogue Squadron? :)


Bzzzzzzt! Lusankya fell into New Republic hands until it was destroyed by ramming it into a Yuuzhan Vong worldship.


*Wedge summons Pnut_master to back him up*


and anyways, I've still got the Death Star. Pbbbbbbt! :nut:

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Originally posted by wedge2211

Bzzzzzzt! Lusankya fell into New Republic hands until it was destroyed by ramming it into a Yuuzhan Vong worldship.


*Wedge summons Pnut_master to back him up*


and anyways, I've still got the Death Star. Pbbbbbbt! :nut:


LOL...I was wondering if Wedge was a NJO fan O_o..


Ya, and he's right, poor ole Lusankya was sacrificed in a battle against the Yuuzhan Vong.


And remember the words of Vader.


"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force."


The force is my ally... and my weapon :D

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Well, it's taken a fair while, but finally some updates!


*Hits Aru-Wen with a metal bar. Aru-Wen collapses to the ground.*


*Aru-Wen gets up, hits Kengo with a metal bar, Kengo falls to the ground*


*Kengo gets up, both Aru-Wen and Kengo hit each other with STOP signs at the same time. A few minutes later when they regain consciousness they shake hands and forget all about their differences*


Kengo: Can you smeeee....

Aru-Wen: Don't you EVER use my lines, you got that?

Kengo: (With sock puppet): Sorry Aru-Wen.



Remnant warehouse...I got rooms full of this stuff! Note the neatness in Remnant stacking.



This may not be saying much, but best door I've ever built






Hmmm...for a Remnant warehouse, they sure seem to have a high budget...



Could it be any more obvious? Hazadous materials! I will have to make some custom signs at some point.


Question: What kind of font do the Remnant use? Can I just use Englsih signs or is that a no-no? It would make things a whole lot clearer if I could, but then if it ruins the atmosphere and realism, not worth it. I may be able to use symbols I guess.




The lighting needs some work but this I'm really proud of, my first ever curved corridor! Nearly killed me doing this...


At just over half way into the map (second level) you will be given the choice of two routes. One takes you across warehouses and a starport, the other, yet to be started, takes you across barracks, armoury and training grounds. The second route will probabaly be more hazardous but crammed full of weapons. Of course, if time becomes a problem, I'll just ditch the second route, but I don't plan to as yet, hopefully!


BTW, a lot of the lighting here is fairly temporary, I know in laces it's awful.

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Originally posted by Kengo

Well, it's taken a fair while, but finally some updates!


Yay! almost makes nuking you worth it!


*Hits Aru-Wen with a metal bar. Aru-Wen collapses to the ground.*


*Aru-Wen gets up, hits Kengo with a metal bar, Kengo falls to the ground*

since you won't stop...


*Death Star blasts the planet into oblivion*


wedge: Sorry.


wedge: No, I'm not.


Question: What kind of font do the Remnant use? Can I just use Englsih signs or is that a no-no? It would make things a whole lot clearer if I could, but then if it ruins the atmosphere and realism, not worth it. I may be able to use symbols I guess.

You can download the Aruk-Besh fonts from http://www.theforce.net/scifi3d/ under "Environment." Use those. As long as you put an appropriate graphic, it will be perfectly understandable.



The lighting needs some work but this I'm really proud of, my first ever curved corridor! Nearly killed me doing this...

Good start! Try putting some bevels and a simple patch mesh on the ground so that that inner walkway is continuous. (Might I recommend my patch mesh reference sheet? :))


Cool! Non-linear layout! AWESOME! i really hope that works, it would be so much more realistic than following a level that is "an Imperial base" but is essentailly a maze with one correct path.

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I would advise against using English in a Star Wars maps, though that is just my personal preference. You might find most people aren't bothered. I always believed that English was never used in the films, although when watching ANH the other day I noticed that in the scene where Obi-Wan shuts down the tractor beam power, the closeup shot of the power display has English written on it. Apart from that though, I think Uraubesh [sp?] was used. I'm guessing it was a descicion made post-ANH.


If you don't have it already, you can download a similar font called Arekbesh (probably a copyright issue or something) here:




The shots are looking pretty good, by the way. :)



EDIT: Looks like Wedge beat me to it... ;)

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Originally posted by wedge2211

since you won't stop...


*Death Star blasts the planet into oblivion*


wedge: Sorry.


wedge: No, I'm not.


You can download the Aruk-Besh fonts from http://www.theforce.net. Use those. As long as you put an appropriate graphic, it will be perfectly understandable.


Good start! Try putting some bevels and a simple patch mesh on the ground so that that inner walkway is continuous. (Might I recommend my patch mesh reference sheet? :))


Cool! Non-linear layout! AWESOME! i really hope that works, it would be so much more realistic than following a level that is "an Imperial base" but is essentailly a maze with one correct path.


We stopped right after and made up and everything! I dunno..you're just to eager to destroy entire planets..makes me wonder about your mental stability a little... :)


Thanks for the help with the fonts' I will do as you suggest with that, now to get some kinda freeware paint program or something :)


I will also as you suggest get that continuous walkway going on.


About the non-linear thing: I really, really didn't copy it from AKPiggot, I did think of doing it before he posted about it, really I did, the script was already in a draft stage! :) His thinking it was a good idea did strengthen the case for using it in my mind I guess, but thats all! Really :c3po:

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Originally posted by Kengo

Well, it's taken a fair while, but finally some updates!


This may not be saying much, but best door I've ever built.


You want to see a door? Take a look at THIS! ;)



Congrats are in order for your first curved corridor - "you've taken your first step into a larger world." :D


I'm glad that we've stopped fighting... too bad Wedge killed us anyway. Oh well, I'll haunt him real good!

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Originally posted by Kengo

About the non-linear thing: I really, really didn't copy it from AKPiggot, I did think of doing it before he posted about it, really I did, the script was already in a draft stage! His thinking it was a good idea did strengthen the case for using it in my mind I guess, but thats all! Really


Why would anyone accuse you of copying AKPiggot for a non-linear level design? Many people have talked about that. In the "suggestions for the next 'jedi' game" thread, it was discussed over many posts, mainly between StormHammer and I. Non-linear design is almost always good to have.


Kengo, about the door, it may be the angle of view, but the textures don't look even. The left is higher than the right.


Aru-Wen, I'm impressed, how did you get the candle light like that? .


Note to all viewers: Keep any weapons/battle stations of mass destruction away from Wedge2211. He tries to restore peace, but doesn't read the entire posts that don't have anything to do with the original topic and will destroy all if given the chance. lol

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Rumours of my death have been greatly exagerated....my PC has been down for nearly a week, then suddenly it started working for no reason, just as I was about to format the hard disk and re-install everything!


I'll get back to the map with new vigour tommorow :)


Hey Star Runner, thanks, I never noticed that Englsih thing in ANH. I think it's just one of those things you think you remember, there was no English in SW, and there was. Then again, apparently you can see a white van at some point in Brave Heart :D

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Rumours of my death have been greatly exagerated....my PC has been down for nearly a week, then suddenly it started working for no reason, just as I was about to format the hard disk and re-install everything!



Once I had to get a new CPU because mine was completely destroyed by a virus. I never knew it was there because my stupid "Dr. Solomon's Find Virus" program, which came with my computer was "eaten from the inside-out" by the virus. The icon was their, but the program wasn't. I hadn't checked for viruses in a month. I realized the anti-virus software was destroyed, so I got e-trust anti-virus, from my sister's friend. I had 589 infections :lol:, wait a minute, that's horrible. I lost a CPU to that ****ing ***** of a virus :mad:.




What rumors of your death? Reminds me of the sarcastic remarks when I was extremely sick with folliculitus and out of school for two weeks.



Now to stop fantasisi-, I-mean, ummm-uhhhh, th- thinking about the horrible loss Kengo's death would be to the world.lol


My question about Aru-Wen's candles has been answered in another thread.


Interesting. In this relatively long post, I posted only one thing that would have had any relevance to JK2, which didn't really accomplish anything. Like about 20 other posts in this thread.

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Damn... looking good Kengo. It has progressed quite a lot.


Sorry but I have not been able to send the Rebel Commander samples to you. There are some problems with my e-mail client and then my hard drive broke so I have to re-re-record those samples again.


Also I hope it doesn't matter if Rebel Commander doesn't sound the same as he did in that second map.


Anyway, I try to get those samples to you ASAP. Keep up the good work. :)

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Originally posted by master_thomas

Interesting. In this relatively long post, I posted only one thing that would have had any relevance to JK2, which didn't really accomplish anything. Like about 20 other posts in this thread.


Some times things don't have to accomplish anything. Abou those textures: They are slightly uneven, I will have to look at that. Nice to know you care :p

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Originally posted by Darkblade

Damn... looking good Kengo. It has progressed quite a lot.


Sorry but I have not been able to send the Rebel Commander samples to you. There are some problems with my e-mail client and then my hard drive broke so I have to re-re-record those samples again.


Also I hope it doesn't matter if Rebel Commander doesn't sound the same as he did in that second map.


Anyway, I try to get those samples to you ASAP. Keep up the good work. :)


Thanks man :)


No probs with the time really, there is a fair while to go for this level to get done thats for sure, long as it's done by the end really is all that maters, soon is great but don't feel the need to rush as there isn't one. When you say different sounding...I was hoping to have him as the same character if possible, doesn't have to be a perfect rendition tho, just close. If you aren't able to do this then OK I'm happy to go with a different voice, but similar is my preferance.


Look forward to hearing those samples, and I will continue the work in earnest :)

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It's been awhile since that picture was posted, but here's a suggestion. For the ridges, use Gtkgensurf if you have it. It's a plugin that comes with gtk radiant. If you don't have it, search the forums for a download link. It basically makes a bunch of pointed brushes that give it a rough, terrain look to it. Nearly perfectly rounded mounds don't look as realistic as gensurf can make it look. Even if they are artificial, they wouldn't be perfectly round.


I have a picture of the wonders of gensurf in my showcase thread.

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