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How were you introduced to the MI series?


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Ah, the first time I played the Secret of Monkey Island, im not abrevehating(SP!!??) because It deserves more respect. It was the year the game was out, on the Pc, Not sure where it came from it was just there. Im 15 now, so i was young when i first played it, but it went something like this.....


Deep In the Caribbean


On the shores of Melee Island (sorry I cant remember the exact quote)


Then the twinkeling music began, with the twinkeling lights, my eyes opened wide. The music had me in a trance and then, DOO DOO..BEE DOO BEE DOO DOO... DOO DOO BEE DOO BEE DOO DOO DOO. What more do I have to say, I was hooked. The first time I heard the LeChuck theme I wanted to go back and hear it again, while seeing the ghost ship dissapear into the ocean.


Then a Sequel came out, Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge, I had to get it. So I did. This game was even funnier, as I was older and appreciated the comedy more.


Then Without my knowing it, BAM, The Curse Of Monkey Island. I got the game on the day I found out about it, just imagine my exitement, and the cartoon graphics and the not so scary look of LeChuck, I was in heaven. When the intro music played I couldnt resist doing a dance wildly around the room.


The Fourth game seemed to take forever to come out, and I must say I wasnt dissapointed, until the end. If youve completed it youll know what I mean.


Now with news of a fifth game, I sit in wait, in exitement, in dissapointment as it is not for release this year.... Come on Lucas Arts, Hurry Up!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well My story begins not with the early 90's but in 1998/9. I had just got a demo disc free from somewhere or someone and saw grim fandango I thought I would install it as it might be fun and played it for ages. After getting stuck lots of times I finally completed the demo and not soon after bought the full game. I then played this for ages and ages till it was complete.

Not too long after I was round at a friends house and I was talking to him about Grim and how good it was when he showed me CMI I thought this might be cool and so lent him grim in return for CMI, once again I was hooked and completed the game fairly quickly with a lot of hints. This same friend then later showed me other series such as Broken Sword and others. I later saw the monkey Island bounty pack on sale and so bought it on the spot and played throught the first 2. then flash forward a few adventure games and I learn't via the net about EMI preordered the game and it arrived on the day of launch. After this I found this odd place on the net and have been here every since.

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I bought an oldschool LucasArts combo pack, all on floppy discs. Cuz I had been looking for the game "Maniac Mansion" and found it with this pack, which had Indiana Jones, Zack McCracken, Loom, The Dig(i think), Full Throttle(i think), and Monkey Island one. I played Monkey island probably last, thinking that pirates would be boring...little did I know it was the best game in the pack, and possibly of all time. So I bought the series when they came out...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our local library had recently begun lending out computer games along with books. One of those games was a rather beaten copy of Monkey Island 1 for the Amiga. I was hooked from the first moment those magical notes issued forth from the TV Speaker, till Guybrush finally kicked butt.


The version i had, for the record, was on 4 disks. Amiga MI2 came later on about 11 or 12. I'd also like to add that I both bought and finished MI2 without the benefit of a Hard Drive. Yay me, but my favoritest irony is that the version of MI1 with a CD soundtrack I now own sounds superior to it's own sequel, on the same CD :)

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Actually, by accident, I actually bought the PC version first - some fool had left it lying with the Amiga games, and I picked it up without checking. Fortunately, I noticed just outside the store, and got it switched over without too much hassle.


The difference was in the disk format. I'm pretty sure there was a PC version on low density floppies that would have been about the same size as the Amiga version, but the one you're referring to would probably have been the High Density version, with about 1.4 meg on each disk.

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Originally posted by Udvarnoky

Well, the Amiga one came out on a lot, but for PC Monkey Island 2 came on five disks only.


The Amiga used low density disks, so 11 Amiga disks roughly equals five or whatever PC disks.


EDIT: Or just view smith's post. ¬ ¬

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Remember when the Sound Blaster 16 came out? 16 BIT SOUND OH YA! My dad got it for our newly upgraded machine (386/33MHz to a 486/66MHz) when I was 6, and it came with the cd version of TSOMI, which featured high quality music lol. So anyways, I played it non stop for a year until I got to the grog/freeing Otis part (shut up, I was 6 ok?). So I got bored with it cause I couldn't figure it out till I found it under our computer desk in 1998, not even knowing about MI2 or CMI at that point. So then i (this is sad) went onlien and got a compelte walkthrough and cheated through the whole game of TSOMI. Sniff... But I realized my cheating ways and played the next 3 games without cheats, so there you go. My story.

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I've been a fan of Monkey Island for as long as I can remember.

I'm 16 now... my parents used to play them on the Amiga when I was younger... i always used to watch them.. but never actually played them until CMI was released.

I remember seeing a bit on either MI1 or MI2 where 2 skeletons were dangling fromtrees and guybrush was talking to them.. actually i think they started dancing.. i was young and got scared...


hid under the table until they were gone :p


I'll always bee a Monkey Island fan... let's hope we see a lot more Mi adventures.. I think Lucasarts are making far too many Star Wars games and not enough of anything else

Star Wars is bad..... really bad....

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My story is short and sweet:


I was in E-Play about 4 years ago and lo and behold, I saw the Monkey Island Bounty Pack. I looked at it and decided that I would die if I didn't get it soon So, I risked 5 weeks' worth of pocket money to get it rather than waiting until my birthday.


Since then, I'm glad I parted with my cash.


I'm going to indulge in Monkey island now.

Don't expect me back for another 100 years. See ya! :);)

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It was in ...1989,(it´s always hard to talk about this subject, it brings tears to my eyes:rolleyes: )...but I saw MI1 for the 1st time in some guys playing in a computer expo(Amiga version), and I remember like it was today - The Otto in prison scene when he says "I´m a victim of society".

I finally got the game (6 disks) on my pc 8088 without a harddrive (in my back and white screen). But my firts contact with LucasFilms games was with good old (I´m starting to cry again):rolleyes: Indy and the Last Crusade, since then I´m a Lucas Fan.


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For me, I think it was in 1990.

I bought my amiga 500 ('cause i'd had not enough money to buy one of the very expensive PC on the market) one year before and had never played an adventure game before....

:eek: it was the most important gaming experience I have ever met !!!

I play the first one and was so impressed that since i was waiting for the other game of the series day by day....

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My first encounter with Monkey Island was when I was about 4. I was visiting my cousin and they had just bought a new game called "Monkey Island 2" for their computer. I remember the moment those monkeys came in and started dancing only to be chased away by Guybrush i had the image ther forever. I have a pretty good memory, considering I was 4 at the time and a game I had never played before wasn't exactly #1 on my wandering attention span, bu I could remember little snippits of the game. I could always remember Guybrush digging in the graveyard, and the inside of the building of Largo's flat and the name itself. I had very little memory of the characters except for the mere appearence of Guybrush, which I always seemed to remember him more realistically than what he really was.

Now, about 10 years latter, I had gotten hold of all the Monkey Island and I was struck with an overpowering feeling of deja-vou when I saw Guybrush dig in the graveyard.

I love these games!

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When I was very young, my parents had the games on Amiga and I remember that when I was about five they introduced me to it despite my illiteracy. The only place I remember was that place outside of the Scumm Bar and all those buildings.

It so happened that when I was ten years old I had an operation on my teeth so my parents bought me Mi1 and Mi2 on PC for being brave.


Now I've gone and told my life story... I have a friend who has borrowed that CD since 2000 so I am not a happy camper.

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i remember seeing the cover for MI1 in a computer shop where my uncle worked and i fell totaly in love with it. i would come there like 2 times a week just to see the cover and the screenshots on the back, but the game was way to expencive for me to buy. (i was 8 years at the time) later i saw some screenshots in amiga forum. i keept imagining how this game would be like. (this process of dreaming of games when you were a kid, man what a great time) the a friend of mine finnaly got a pirated version of MI1. man we spent the entire summer inside just playing monkey island. what an amazing game! then when i heard monkey island 2 was underway i started saving money and bought it as soon as i could. they didnt have it where i lived, so my father bought it when i was in Oslo. the joy of just holding the box in my hand was amazing. MI2 is the ONLY amiga game i ever bought. (had like 60 or so copied games thou) i still have it. its my pride. in mint condition. the amiga 500 version with all the 11 discs :) i remember the letdown when i compleated MI2 when i dicovered(?) that Guybrush was just a kid. :(


i have to agree with Lemmon head, if only we could apritiate games like we did as kids.


years later i got a PC and picked up MI1 again, and the graphics were CRAPP compared to the amiga version. hehe.


i still havent checked out EMI. i saw the graphics and hated it. but i guess ill have to play it sooner or later. i enjoyed CMI thou. great game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I'm somewhat a newer Monkey fan I guess. I discovered it when CMI came out. I got a Lucasarts demo disc in the mail. I can't remember what all was on it other than the demo for CMI. I thought, "Monkey Island"? That sounds strange. Ha ha, maybe I will pop it in for kicks.


That was it for me. I was completely sucked in.


The music was amazing. That was the first thing I noticed. Then the graphics, and then when they started talking, the humor. I remember having the conversation with Wally and finding out that we had met before. I can't remember if I knew there were already several games before that one or not. I must now say THANK YOU lucasarts for sending me that demo disc. I can't even remember why I got the demo.


I went out and found the Lucasarts Archive that had that Monkey Island Madness in it (and full throttle, actually). I played Monkey Island 1 and 2 straight through and then bought CMI. I wanted to make sure I'd play them in order. I eagerly awaited MI4 and bought it and started playing it the day it came out. Not quite as good, but still MI.


Now as an electronic media student in college, I'm doing what I can to write on a script version of the Monkey Island saga, holding onto the dream of one day overseeing a film version of it.

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How I found out about MI:


My friend told me about this great game they had found called Grim Fadnango, I tried it, really liked it and decided to buy the full version. I went to LucasArts.com to buy it, and at the time they had a special offer where you could buy CMI and Grim Fandango at a low price. I found out that MI was also adventure, so I bought them both. I liked Monkey Island soooo much, now I have 2 copies of each Monkey Island!

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Well when i was about 6 (and im nearly 13 now) my friends Brother was playing it on his computer. I thourght it looked cool and i went to his house alot to play it. when i was about 9 i downloaded Monkey Island 1 and 2 then when i was 10 i was looking at games at the shop. And i saw CMI and i bought it

then when MI4 came out i bought it and my computer wasnt good enough to play it. So about a year later we got an upgrade and it started to let me play it

thats how it all happened :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the record, it was something my big bro let me play with a few years ago. He got a pack of five LucasArts games - Indiana Jones Last Crusade, Loom, Zak McKraken, Maniac Mansion and - of course - SOMI. Not being one to mess with detail, the rest is history.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When my family bought its first cd drive for our Mac LCII, it came with a bunch of software, including something called "The LucasArts Mac CD Gamepack" that included Indy3, Loom, Pipe Dream (that game has always sucked, even in 1991) and the Secret of MI.


I was like 10 at the time, and obviously easily confused. I thought originally that the Dial a Pirate bit was the whole game. "This game bites", i stupidly said. I played the other games, but didn't really have the perseverance to finish them.


Later I saw some screenshots in a games mag (I've still got the clipping that mentions it, god bless this piece of paper!). I said "hey, thats not a stupid pirate heady thing", and gave it another shot. Rest is history.


A few months later I read that there was a sequel in the works, and that it would be out sometime in '92. I had to have it.


I heard many years later of CMI, but I was cursed (no pun intended) with a Mac, and they never made a port to that platform. My friend had it, so I played it a bit, but not much.


When I FINALLY got a PC in 2000, I went searching for CMI and the older games. I didn't find CMI, but the guy at the store told me that MI4 was coming out next week. So I got that as soon as it came out.


Later I tracked down CMI on the net, bundled with the Monkey Madness CD with the two first games on it. The sound and music on the old Mac versions own all. You haven't played Monkey Island till you experience the sound on the Mac versions.


This history is way to long and boring. If you read it all, cheers to you.

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I had been introduced to Monkey island by a neighbour, and from the moment I started playing, I loved it. My neighbour showed me LCR, but at the time he showed it to me, technology had moved on considerably since the amiga, and it was difficult to get hold of a copy. But needless to say, when CMI came out, I just had to buy it, since I had enjoyed what I'd seen of LCR so much, and then, joy upon joys, the Monkey Island Bounty pack came out, so I was able to play the two original games!:D

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Oh yeah ... i still know it as if it was yesterday ^^ ... it was my

cousin who first came up with Monkey Island 2 ... he always

played the End Showdown with LeChuck's Voodoo Doll and stuff

... so well , I found it quite cool and little Woody bought his first

very own PC Game Monkey Island ... *sigh* Those were the days

... :>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear, this page has not been added to in a while, but I feel that I must put my voice out there. Though no one is still listening, perhaps, one fluke of a day, someone will run across this.


I remember the beginning of my Monkey Island Adventure. Though it seemed like the beginning of the world, it must have been the mid-90's. My family had just gone out and spend ALOT of money on the brand-spankin-new CD version of Monkey Island and Loom. I remember getting home, and the whole family crowed around as the games booted up. First - Monkey Island. Me, being tiny, young, and not important, was shoved to the back and to the side. I remember not being able to see, but hearing the music chime in. My whole family gave their "ooh's and ahhh's" as I died to be able to see that screen. I remember my father controlling Guybrush (quite poorly) across that screen, and finally, after being fully disgruntled by this new challenge, he quickly gave up. The brilliant music paused, and we went into our new experience with Loom. (On a side note, anyone that has not played the game Loom is missing un-believabley greatly. I hold it in higher regards then some of the Monkey Island's. Go out and give it a whirl). The Loom experience was quite the same.


After a couple of days, the family lost its interest for the games; except young Christopher. I nagged at anyone around who could read as I wandered around Melee talking to everyone possible. I actually can think back and remember how pethetic I was at the game, but that did not matter. It took me 2 years to beat the game. After this, my Monkey Island career went along like anyone else's. I bought COMI, and after playing and defeating it, realised that there was a game between SOMI and COMI. I played and loved this with all of my heart, and lived my life to this day, replaying all, and bringing in EFMI into my life at the same time. Dear Lord, I love these games.

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My cousin was playing a demo of CMI, I'm not sure what it came with. He invited me to come watch and we both laughed very hard at Murray. I forgot about it for a while until I saw it up for sale (This was still the time when cartoon adventure games were selling) and I bought it. :D And then, I played the other two older games and I bought EMI as soon as it came out.

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Well I first played it when I got the Lucarsarts Classic Collection pack for my Amiga 500+ which was some while ago now. It had in it Indiana Jones and the last crusade, Loom, Zac Mckracken, Manic mansion & Monkey Island 1 on it. Great game pack.


My fondest Monkey Island 1 memory was getting very mad when I couldnt get past the swordmaster or even working out how to get fired out of the cannon really early on. There was no internet then so if I was stuck I couldnt get any help. Just had to battle it out, very infuriating at times but I loved playing it.


Still have my amiga, will have to get it out one of these days.

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