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Price Per Month

Lord Helmet

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That is insane, has anyone heard any rumors about the price per month. I figured that it would be about 10-15$ which is accpectable i think. If it gets tot hat 20$ range then its pushing the limits.....but then again i'm a sucka for star wars so?? lol But has anyone heard anything, I know that Runescape, which does not compareto this SWG (I know) i think its less then 10$ but then i think that the sims online is like 15 isn't it?




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Originally posted by adam990

That is insane, has anyone heard any rumors about the price per month. I figured that it would be about 10-15$ which is accpectable i think. If it gets tot hat 20$ range then its pushing the limits.....but then again i'm a sucka for star wars so?? lol But has anyone heard anything, I know that Runescape, which does not compareto this SWG (I know) i think its less then 10$ but then i think that the sims online is like 15 isn't it?






I think Runescape is $5, but I mean, it's a Java game for God's sake! JAVA!



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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

I'm not too worried about the price- they'd be fools to release it at $20 a month, because too many people would tell them to bugger off. I'd cancel my pre-order right now if they decided on $20. But, its all speculation, and I'm sure theyre smarter than that...




Sorry about my above post man, didn't realize I was saying pretty much the exact same thing. :)

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10 dollars top!

Thanks to your president who is a stupid warlord...

Ok, thanks to our president too, who is stupid enough to obey a stupid warlord, but, heh, enough about politics...

1 dollar = 3 reais (brazilian currency)

That means that 10 dollars is like 30 reais and this is already a lot, but is payable, now, 20 dollars, 60 reais, noooooo way, if I could I would pay, anyway, but reall, really, no way, totally impossible...

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This is a SWG site, not a political site. Please keep your "opinions" to yourself unless it has something to with the SW universe.

Month to month fees for EQ, another SoE published MMORPG, are $13. So I would bet lots of $$ that the price for SWG will be $13-$15 (a.k.a. $12.95 to $14.95). And of course a reduced rate for 3, 6, and 12 month long purchases. Any takers? ;-p



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I must agree with Mad here, I also happen to be an American, and even though I may not entirely agree with everything he does, I still have patriotism. No need to be harsh on the man, after all, he has many advisors that are probably pulling at least a few of his strings. I don't hear anyone complaining about Colin Powell supporting his every move? In any event, let's keep the politics and religion talk to a minimum, it just leads to needless, pointless and futile bickering. Thank you.

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

I must agree with Mad here, I also happen to be an American, and even though I may not entirely agree with everything he does, I still have patriotism. No need to be harsh on the man, after all, he has many advisors that are probably pulling at least a few of his strings. I don't hear anyone complaining about Colin Powell supporting his every move? In any event, let's keep the politics and religion talk to a minimum, it just leads to needless, pointless and futile bickering. Thank you.

Agreed agreed... was just a joke... I was just talking about a slight change in price affects me in triple, the whole bush thing were just jokes... gee, you are so sensitive... :rolleyes:

But again, sorry sorry...

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