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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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Yes indeedy. And Psion couldn't kill me either, cos I was dueling.

Anyway, it seems it's been six posts....


*Zaius and Corran's blades clash, sizzle, then Corran disengages and twists away. He gasps for breath, sweat pouring down his forehead. Corran nods to Zaius, and raises his blade in a classic guard position. Zaius' face contorts in a snarl.*


(Zaius) Too cowardly to confront me, then?


*Without waiting for an answer, Zaius raises his blade high above his head, then leaps at Corran. With a flick of his wrist, Corran sends a table hurtling into the air to block Zaius' path, but Zaius cleaves it in two with his lightsaber and continues hurtling at Corran.*


*With barely seconds to spare, Corran spins away from Zaius' rapidly descending blade and stabs at his chest. Zaius meets the stab with a slash and a step to the left. He raises his left hand and shuts his eyes, and Corran senses the building of dark side power. Corran takes advantage with a series of diagonal cuts, which Zaius still manages to parry.*


*Corran feints to the left- Zaius blocks. Corran feints to the right- Zaius twists to the left, just in time to meet Corran's next feint, a downward sweep. Zaius raises his blade, and launches a massive series of counterattacks.*


*He slashes from the right, then the left, then begins battering away at Corran's blade. Corran blocks the attacks, but is forced backward, and is tiring immensely.*


*Zaius grins insanely and hacks downward from the left. Corran blocks, just in time. Zaius hacks downward from the right, but Corran blocks again. Zaius spins and begins the final finishing move, a stab from the right diagonal, but Corran isn't there.*


*Zaius overbalances and flails about for a second or two- which is all Corran needs. He stabs his blade deep straight through Zaius' blackened, twistened heart...... and collapses, lacking any energy.


And after all that, which probably bored you half to death......


Zaius is recuperating his Sith energies for 7 posts

Corran is lying on the floor, defenseless and lacking any will, for 5 posts.

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looks about, sees destruction everywhere and worst of all no southern comfort or guiness left, so pops out to the shops.

will buy lots of crisps and chocolate so that everyone can have a brake when I get back.

"does anyone want anything in particular?"


smartdragon is taking orders for three posts

then at the shop for awhile.

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ckcsaber hides in the rafters of the bar watching Darth Homer, who amazingly seems alright despite the 2 arrows ckcsaber shot into his chest.


Silently ckcsaber unslings his bow once again, and lets fly 3 arrows, 2 of them pinning Darth Homer against the wall, and the 3rd impaling his stomach.


ckcsaber jumps down and steals Darth Homers wallet.


Darth Homer is out for 4 posts, and has no more money

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*Corran slowly drags himself up off the floor, astonished that nobody defiled his corpse/stole his wallet during the intervening time.*


Uh... thanks, people.


*Corran sees cksaber making off with the purposelessly slain Homer's wallet, and smoothly draws his saber, ignites it, and throws it.*


*Cksaber takes the saber straight through his... leg.*


*Corran walks over and retrieves it.*


cksaber is repairing his leg for 3 posts

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*realizes he's not burning anymore*




NOOOOaw screw it...



*uses his yelling to his advatange and shoots Darth Homer in the face with a crossbow and runs away*


*Darth Homer is blinded for 3 posts*

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*Corran hears a sharp 'tink' noise. He looks over and sees a thermal detonator bounce once, twice..*


*He twirls his hand, and the thermal detonator rises up in the air, and flies out of the cantina in pursuit of leXX, buzzing angrily.*


*Corran sighs as the cantina returns to normal.*


There's never any action around here any more....


*He wanders over to the bar and orders some tea.*

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*after waking up from acoma, Darth Zaius gets up*


time to die Corran!


*Zaius force speeds behind Corran and jumps right through him, takes out his saber and just before his body dropps Zaius decapitates Corran*


here Darklighter, heres a beer for your pain


*Darth Zaius pays for Darklighters drink and force chokes Pnut_Master untill he dies*


*Darth Zaius then goes to MydnightPsion force lifts him up and slams him against the wall so fast untill he explodes*


man im going to need a new set of clothes after this fight is through


*Darth Zaius raises his lightsaber in position, waiting for somebody to attack*

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After "repairing" his leg, ckcsaber quickly ducks behind the bar counter. He spys Zaius waiting behind a door, ready to atack with his saber.


Quietly, ckcsaber reaches into his quiver, and pulls out a special arrow. He cooly lifted the "gas" arrow up, and let it fly with a near silent*twang*.



Zaius drops to the floor. ckcsaber stealithly moves to the unconscious body and steals his wallet.


Zauis is unconscious for 4 turns, and no longer has a wallet


that makes two, heheh

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*Corran drags himself up off the ground, confused that his untimely decapitiation didn't result in any downtime. Oh well, I'm not complaining...*


*He sits up, goes back to the bar, and continues to sip his tea.*


*Suddenly he spies cksaber making off with yet ANOTHER innocent Sith's wallet.*


"Ah... it seems all I'm doing these days is protect the corpses of my enemies..."


*While cksaber is rifling through Zaius' pockets, Corran silently moves up behind him, and smacks him on the back of the head with the pommel of his lightsaber.*


*Cksaber drops to the ground.*


cksaber is unconscious for 2 posts


*Corran ambles back over to the bar.*


"Tea, anyone?"

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*stands up, pulls arrows out of self, limps over to bacta chamber*


*sits in the chamber for a couple of hours*




*suddenly lawyers for the die hard series run in the door and immediately begin to sue Darth Homer based on the gounds that they own the phrase "with a vengence"*


Darth Homer is litigating for 5 posts

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hay where did you get that tea from I just had to go to Alpha centori for this stuff and youv'e all been eating with out me.

hand out orders, one molatov cockail, one vaderade, one Gin and arsenic. Also jave cheesy puffs for everyone as well as buscits and soft drinks for these not yet able to handle the stronger stuff.

eats some bics and follows them down with a cup of tea.

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*pulls himself back together*

Ow, what was that for, Zaius?

*sees Homer in trouble and decides to beat down on the attacking lawyers with a bat*

*is now being sued for assault*


*MydnightPsion is locked away for 5 posts*

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"Dont worry Ill take care of those lawyers for you."


*JediNyt mind tricks the lawyers to sue themselves for everything they got and give it to the cantina.*


"Hahaha, thatll teach em! A round of drinks for everyone bartender, the cantinas many credits richer now."


*Turns and looks at Darth Zaius, slowly walks into position to where theyre facing eachother from across the cantina.*




*Lifts his cloak back exposing his saber as it floats up and snaps into his right hand. The weapon ignites, he smirks as he raises the blue white blade to traditional guard pose. Zaius prepares in the same manner. They leap at eachother with Force speed, the center of the cantina erups with the crackle and light of the sabers connecting. Brilliant red and blue white blades clash and dance across the cantina. The two saber masters battle on with countless moves both graceful and powerful.*


JediNyt and Darth Zaius are dueling for the next 3 posts.

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*yes its that time to spoil your merry moods, technically I had not got up or say anything on my behalf, so whatever you people have said about me getting back up is null and void, but I do appologise for my reluctance of not posting, been busy lately*


*gets up and gets ready to fight*


now its time for everybody to die


*Darth Zaius goes ballistic ands kills everybody except Lexx, and raises his lightsaber*


*Unguard, lexx and Zaius begin to fight*


*Everybody except Darth Zaius and Lexx are dead for 2 posts*


*Darth Zaius and Lexx battle undisturbed for 3 posts:p *

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Abandon the duel will you Zaius? Why I oughta...oh well, Ill just find another ass to kick. Force pulls a curtain off a window and ties it in a knoose around SmartDragons neck and throws the other end into the ceiling fan and it pulls SmartDragon up and hangs em for 2 posts.

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