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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Flips up onto his feet and drops his saber*

"Thats it"

*walks over to juke box and puts in 50 cents and the matrix music starts up, then death jedi starts to run across the walls then he jumps off and kicks sec and sends him flying 50 feet out the the bar (has any1 seen Matrix reloaded yet it rox)

then stomps his feet on the ground breaking down the bar to dust then flys over to sec and kicks him while hes on the ground kicking him even further away

Sec is out for 3 posts


*droids start to shoot at death jed i but he sticks out his hand and they all stop then drop on the ground*


*then rips out the bar sign out of the ground and starts smacking the driods then puts it on one end and starts spinning arounds kicking all the droinds*


*then one grabs death and they all jump on him*



*Death jedi jumps up and all the droids go flying off him*


*he sprints back to the demolished bar*


*Then plays the game Enter the matrix on the computer*


*all the jedi and sith stop fighting and look at Death like this



"Whaaa what"?

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I'm a jedi...morally. As far as abilities, that depends on who I am. For now....i dunno, i'll just be some mandalorian with guns... :D but a good guy.


So....The war has begun, then.


Lauches a missle at Homer. Homer force pushes it away. Holding two pistols in one hand, Boinga1 shoots at Homer. At the same time, he activates his jetpakc, dodges the incoming missle, and lauches a toxic dart at Homer. Over wealmed, Homer is hit by a blaster bolt and the dart at once.


Homer is out 3 posts.

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*Corran leaps up and cleaves a hole in the ceiling, then pulls himself through it. He runs to his A-Wing, double-parked on the roof, and grabs a stash of guns out of the cargo compartment.*


*Corran drops down from the hole carrying an absurdly large complement of weaponry, and starts talking like the guys that sell popcorn at baseball.*


"Guns! Who wants guns? They're cheap!"

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"Ill take a gun!"


*JediNyt yells from across the bar after a looooong meditation.*


"Im feeling fresh now. Gimme a disrupter rifle!"


*Corran tosses a sleek lookin disrupter rifle to JediNyt and is tossed 7 truguts in return*


*JediNyt gets a nasty grin on his face :joy: and turns and fires a full charged shot into Death_Jedis eye vaporizing him.*


Death_Jedi is out for 3 posts.

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*wakes up from his nearly seeming eternal slumber, picks up his turned on lightsaber, sneaks behind JediNyt and impales hi from behind then force speeds his way toward boinga1 and kicks him so hard in his midsection that Zaius`s leg goes right through him, turns around and sees CorranSec*



your next corran. it seems we still have some unfinished buisness that you started a couple of months ago, and its time now for it to end right now!


*Zaius jumps toward CorranSec, saber going downward, corran blocs and they begin fighting undisturbed by anybody else for 4 posts*



*JediNyt and Boinga 1 are dead for 3 posts*

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*jumps up*


Aah! Those poison darts do a number on your head...


*force speeds over to boinga & cuts his guns in half before he even has a chance to fire. Boinga fires off another dart, but only hits the wall. Homer drops down & slices one of Boinga's arms off...*


Hurts doesn't it? Have some more...


*Homer impales Boinga on his saber & then kicks him away.*


Boinga is down for 3 posts

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*Death_Jedi blinking intill all the little colours go away*


"Jedinyx see how you like it"


*death raises his hand and a bright flash appears blinding Jedinyt, then death jumps high in the air slashing down chopping Jedi in half then force pushing both halfs away*


JediNyt is out for 2 posts

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*break* Hey wasnt I already out for 3 posts? When did we decide to keep people out by slapping them with more outs before they even finish their outs and respond? Fine Ill let this one go and be out for 2 more but lets be logical and fair here k?*break*

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*Walks into the Cantina and sees everyone fighting. Ignores them and goes to the bar and orders a Corellian Ale.*


"Interesting fights going on here. Well, I'm up for some action!"


*Tosses crate filled with bricks at Darth Homer. *


Darth Homer is out for 7 posts or until someone gives him a Corellian Ale.*

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Originally posted by topshot

Darth Homer is out for 7 posts or until someone gives him a Corellian Ale.*


(7 POSTS!!!!!!!!!.......i thourght the limit was 3 o well)


*Death Spins around and force pushes TopShot to the ground then jumps high in the air and lands on him stabbing him in the sholder.....then uses Sith Lightning and picks him up off the ground then jumps up and sabers him in half then force pushes the two halfs out of whats left of the bar*


TopShot is out for 3 posts

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ACK!! PPTTH!! Whoa! That Correlian Ale is somthin' else...Thanks, Corran...


Ah, I see Death has already taken care of Topshot for me...lemme see, target of opportunity then...


*Homer force throws a chair at Zaius, but he ducks & the chair hits Corran squarely in the face*


D'oh!! Bartender? One of those Correlians!


*Homer catches ale & uses it to wake up Corran*


Heh...my bad with the chair thing...

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*Death looks down and sees a table leg and kicks it and it flys and hits Zaius in the chest and goes right through him and sends him flying and getting pinned to a wall , Runs up to Homer and Corran*


"Whos our next tagert"


*goes back to back with homer and Corran and puts a table of its side for cover*

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Topshot wakes up, only to find his legs missing.


"Dang! Death's going to pay for that! Luckily, I have these!"


*Takes out a suitcase filled with replacement plastoid limbs and attaches a new hip and two replacement legs.*


"Now that that's out of the way, it's payback time!"


He then runs back into the bar, armed a sledge hammer, and juggles Death up into the air, then hits him across the room, and last but not least, throws the hammer at him.*


Death_Jedi is out for 3 posts.

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