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Catch Me If You Can


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I saw this movie last night, and I must say, it's the best film I have seen in a while (except for Signs, I rented that out Saturday night - highly recommended). I thought the film was put together really well, and the director did a really good job in making the film tragic, thrilling, dramatic and often hilarious, all at the same time. It restored my faith in the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio can actually act well when put to the test, as well as Tom Hanks in the supporting role. Has anyone else seen this film? What did you think of it?

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It's based on a true story about a boy called Frank Abignale (DiCaprio) who, when he's only 16, starts frauding cheques and impersonating as a pilot, a doctor, a lawyer, and many more characters to build up a hefty load of cash, whilest the FBI bank fraud officer (Hanks) is chasing him all over the country. It really is a must-see, very clever and witty.


Check out the Official Site here:



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I've lost all faith in Steven Spielberg as a director. See, I'm the kind of person who whenever he sees a movie loves it, raves about it, claims it's one of the best he's ever seen! Well, even I hated A.I. and Minority Report (both good concept that were botched badly and were way too long). And I didn't like Leo DiCrapprio and Tom Hanks in the first place. No, the only way I'll see this movie is if some hot chika convinces me to take her ;)



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just because your "peers" think that leonardo and hanks are "gay" or "stuped" doesnt mean you shouldnt see the movie, i wouldnt even have know it was leonardo if they didnt post it in such big letters, but anyways the movies REALLy REALLY good munk you should see it


also playing now that is good


Shanghai Knights



its just so damn funny but im gonna save my laughter for owen wilsons brothers movie "Old School" that looks good

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