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God Bless America


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Guys, don't get me wrong. I think USA is a great nation. You've done a lot to help Europe, too. And I like most of your ideals.


But it's this self-gratitious attitude that bothers me. I don't claim my country is in any way a better country to live in, in fact, I think it's one of the most downright self-satisfied sh*tholes in northern Europe, that can only see how great and tolerant it is.


But I can also see that I have it pretty good, as well. People pay their huge taxes with pride so everyone can get to a hospital for free. We take care of the weak in our society, even if it means we usually ditch the old folks on pensions left to rot and die in loneliness.


But I won't go state that my country sucks donkey arse, or is the high and mighty welfare state it proudly proclaims, until I've experienced living in other countries. Because, y'know, other nations may have it better, despite what I think of them.


From what I've heard on these forums, the States seem very much like Europe. Sure, you have your excessive flag-waving and barbeques, and we have our hate of the German tourists and strange brits, but really, we're more alike than we otherwise tend to think.


Now go kick some Hussein butt for me.


Thanks Aru-Wen.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

So? He just kills me later than sooner..and sends me to a fate worse than death..


I'm an anthesist,and I'm not full of hate. Hell, I never want a war to happen(While some christians *coughcrusaderscough* started wars and had bloodshed in the name of God..).


Hitler was an atheist was he not?

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

No problem. You really went to town expounding that point, eh? ;)


I probably did ;)


I have certain... issues with my society, but the sad truth is that I like it here, and love it regardless. Which I think holds true for you 'mericans as well.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Hitler...a Christian...lol


Believe me... he was NOT a real Christian.



I'm kinda curious as to how you would know wether or not he was a real Christian. Is deciding who is, or who isn't, a Christian part of being a Christian?

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Jews were God's chosen people...but they rejected Jesus and killed him, of coarse.


I still have respect for Jews, because, they were God's chosen people, and that is quite an honor. I'd never go against any of the Jews.



Hiter was insane, a mad killer, and slaughtered the Jews. Horrible, and a true Christian is not evil. Hitler...was evil.



Think of what he did. Now, do you think he's a person walking around with the Holy Bible spreading God's word? No way. You are just trying to start an argument.

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Originally posted by AutoCept

Come on lets forget the war, it's a nice pic. Leave it at that.

What he said.



I am tired of this senseless debate, it was not meant to be that way. He found a picture he liked and wanted to share it. It did not go against the rules in any way, so he could have posted it. If you want to post a picture of Crocodile Dundee shaking Jesus's hand, go for it. If you want to post a picture of Elvis performing a concert in the Heavens, more power to you.



As I read somewhere earlier, "It's a picture, lighten up!"


I back this quote up. If you get torn to pieces over a picture, I feel very sorry for you. It's not like we are coming to your house and disrupting your neighborhood to show you this picture. Don't make a big deal out of something that isn't a big deal.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Jews were God's chosen people...but they rejected Jesus and killed him, of coarse.


I still have respect for Jews, because, they were God's chosen people, and that is quite an honor. I'd never go against any of the Jews.


The reason the Jews rejected him was because in their holy writings, they were expecting a champion, not a savior, which is the reason they chose to free Erebus (sp?) instead of Jesus. So they made a choice they thought was right and freed the general, not the carpenter.


They [the Jews] didn't kill him [Jesus], though. The Romans killed him. In many of their eyes, though, Jesus was the ultimate blasphemer - proclaiming himself the son of God and to know God's will. There are many Jewish people that still think he was a false prophet, so it all comes down to what you believe.

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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

That pictures ****ed really....I mean I hate the u.s but that's not the point....what about all those people that love the u.s. and hate the christian religion.....that flag would be burnt down within hours of being up :p


Ha. You're a fag. Tell your mom hi for me too.

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Originally posted by C'jais

Tell me why you think America is such a great country.


Have you ever lived in other countries, or do you have nothing at all to compare your values with?


Sure, Freedom über alles. And the chance to wield an M60. And let's not forget all the fast food available everywhere.



I never said it was best. Read my post and point out if I said that.

I know I wrote the wrong thing. I was talking to my bro when I was writing it. I'll fix it. Some people think that showing our patrism is bad (sorry if I spelled that worng went blank from my mind). Post a pic of your flag no one will mind. But notice when an American flag is put on everyone wants to start bashing. Some people need to learn self control.:mad:

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Hitler was into the occult big time..... he wasnt a christian, sorry. You need a good modern comparrison hed probably be one of those loonies killing themselves in an end of the world cult. He was a christian at one time, then he stopped. Im not talking about true christians when i say they cant be turned i mean the ones that are true and really believe in god.... infact, the opposite is true and many people as they get more life experience will turn to god. I used to be an atheist before i had experienced life. I was an atheist, so im not a die hard christian, its not like christians are radicals. Also the only christians that have anything to do with politics or science are the catholics, and i dont like it when you insult christians with remarks like that because i get no benefit from having proof, if tommorrow they proved it all wrong id still pray anyway. Its not something you need to prove, i thought i already said that...


Oh well.... believe whatever you want. I just go with what makes me happy and thats good enough for me. If it doesnt make you happy then i guess thats ok too.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

I know the Jews didn't actually do the killing. I'm summing it up.


and yes, they expected the Savior to be a king and champion, one that would remove the opressive rule of the Romans.


Enough of the "discussion" on everything ,please....it's just...a....picture.


You're using the term "savior" when you shouldn't. The jews never expected a savior - they expected a warrior-king.


A savior is for redeeming their souls. A warrior king is for freeing them from oppression and leading them. That's who they expected.


And you opened this can of worms when you posted this thread, so we can discuss things if we want to. :D

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