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Ulic Quel Droma

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I have experience with that since I live in the states, ex: The New Version of E.T., all the guys have walkie talkies instead of guns. How pathetic. Also when I was at my local video game store two kids in front of me tried to purchase Grand Theft Auto Vice City, but the cashier said its for a mature audience and they can't buy it. So I bought it for them. (Kids these days can't be sheltered forever) I think that it will be PG-13 game.

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Also when I was at my local video game store two kids in front of me tried to purchase Grand Theft Auto Vice City, but the cashier said its for a mature audience and they can't buy it. So I bought it for them.

Actually, I think it's like that in most countries around the world. :)

Grand Theft Auto III is rated 18+, and the same with Mafia. :)

Wether it's uphold or not, I don't know. :D

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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

I Also when I was at my local video game store two kids in front of me tried to purchase Grand Theft Auto Vice City, but the cashier said its for a mature audience and they can't buy it. So I bought it for them.


Woudln't shout too much about that, I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

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Let's see.


Maul - severed

Zam - loses her arm

Tuskens - decaptiations

Geonosians - lots of severing

Acklay - limbs cut off

Jango - decapitated

Anakin - hand gets lopped off

Ponda Baba - arm gets chopped

Wampa - same as Ponda Baba

Luke - hand gets lopped off

Vader - hands gets taken off again



I still want a metal leg replacement, then I can have that cool sound effect like the Million Dollar Man.

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Actually, there has been quite a many dismemberments in the movies alone. :)


There's Anakin ... twice. :) One time most of his right arm, and the second time aboard the second Death Star, again part of his right arm.


Then there is Mace, who basically chopped off Jango Fetts head off.


Obi-Wan also did some chopping around, slicing off one persons hand in Ep. II, and another ones lower arm in Ep. IV. In addition he cut Darth Mauls body in 2 aswell. Eeeeewww. :D


Luke cut off Vaders hand aboard the Death Star, but I mentioned that already. :) He also cut off the Wampas lower arm on Hoth.


Anakin/Vader has also done some cutting in the movies. Ones his own sons hand, and then a decapitation of a Tusken Raiders' head, although we didn't get to see that. In addition he savagely "murdered" the whole camp.


Other not so children friendly, you have Han gutting a Taun Tauns belly, and then proceeds to stuff it with Luke. :D


A nasty Rancor eating a Gamorrian, which later gets pierced in the head by a cage door.


Multiple people getting dragged into the Sarlacc.


Darth Vader breaking someones jaw or neck or both (can't remember) with his bare hands, aswell as multiple suffications using the Force.


Many rebel troopers and even more Imperial troops killed.


.... and so on and so on. :)

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Well, for Lightsaber dismemberment there doesn't have to be blood, because according to the books, lightsabers cauterize wounds as they make them, so blood usually doesn't flow out.


For body dismemberments, I wasn't really expecting gruesome, gory explosions. It'd be cool if some attacks just vaporized people *cough* rocket launcher again *cough*. Just wanna see some of the effects that weapons would have.

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