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Spices would be interesting, and even simple plants that changed your attributes would be cool... like herbs and such for healing, and maybe even some sort of "upper" like a mint or something that would recharge your mind pool...


Then again, while getting your wookie messed up souds fun, there would have to be useful reasons to have them in the game... perhaps a cook could poison food, or something like that.


They removed the botanist profession right? Maybe dealing with issues like this is part of the reason why.

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Good point about smugglers...


in fact, that brings up the question - what exactly is going to be considered contraband? Certain types of raw minerals? Certain types of blasters or fragmentation devices? Data devices containing sensative documents?


Jedi apparel seems like it would fit this catagory, but I think that the dev's have already made it clear that you can't just buy a lightsaber and whip it around; only jedi can have them.


Then again... maybe that's the sort of thing that you can purchase on the black market as well...?


Anyone know how you will go about looking for something illegal? Maybe ask some smugglers if they know sources?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

I think Spice is an important part for Smugglers and other not-so-legal jobs.


btw, it's Glitterstim, not Kessel spice :D


I stand corrected, I always do that. Kessel is a more commonly used term, and actually, isn't glitterstim commonly refered to as Kessel spice? I'll have to check.


Uh-oh, can't post anymore, I have finally shown you my true colors via my post count.



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"You wanna get hi?"

"Noo crack man. Drugs are bad!"



How is Glitterstim bad? It doesn't get you high or anything. Jus a few moments with psychic ability to reveal the truth in trials, they use it for some kind of mind therapy, use it to track down traitors/spies, and it has other medical uses.


Then there's the "Dark Side." It can be used to uhh.... forcibly read someone's mind. . . I dunno much of the illegal uses. i think it was made illegal cuz the Empire wanted it all for themselves. Then the smugglers started smuggling them out.


Andris Spice is an addictive spice that can enhance your reflexes, give you raging hormones to go on a crazy battle rage, and those body enhancement stuff. I call it the steriod of Star Wars but the effects where off and the user wants more so the get addicted.


Then there's Ryll (sp) Spice. It's mined on Ryloth (Twi'lek homeworld). I'm not completely familiar with this one. I know it has medical uses because it said so and in the X-Wing Novels, when the rebels took back Coruscant, the Krytos Plague broke out and to stop it from spreading they had to dipped people in a mix of Bacta and Rull Spce. It somehow stopped it. I'm sure there are illegal uses for it but I don't know them.


Basically if you ask me, the spices are illegal mostly because of Supply and Demand. There is little Glitterstim left (in the YJK books time frame) but since this is during the OT, there will be much of it at the time. if they didn't add the spices because of the whole "it's a drug issue" that's stupid. It's just a vdeo game, and besides, it's not like the Spices are real.


I hope I have enlightened you with my knowledge of the few Spices that I know about. And no, I'm not a spice dealer ;)


Also, if I misspelled anything, oh well, i was typing fast.



PS - If you actually read through all that, give yourself a pat on the back :D

PSS - do I get an award for this being my longest post ever?

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if you looked closely it ssaid MY longest post ever... then again, my speech on GB.com maybe longer. whatever.


They also use Glitterstim to help communitcate with aliens, patients that cant hear or sumthing like that, a way to help patients who sufffer from amnesia, and many more legal uses.

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