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Dagobahn Eagle

Do you believe in ghosts?  

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  1. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?

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Do you believe in ghosts? Personally, after having been trough a few experiences I can't explain myself, I do.


The soul

The soul, when inside a living being, takes on the shape of that being and encapsules it (as many ghosts, when visible, look like the people they were when they died). Ghosts often, or always, wear clothes, which could mean that souls take on the appearance of the last memory the host body had of itself, rather than just the body it was in?


I also think that the soul has no feelings, emotions, traits, or abilities: This is all determined by the brain of the body it's in. Technically, it's like a plane on autopilot: The pilot can't take any actions, he just experiences the flight. Likewise, the soul only experiences the body's life (by means of the sensory equipment of the body). I do, however, think that souls have memories (not necessarily that they, insted of the brain, stores memories, but that they keep the memories when the body dies).


What are you others' views (I halfway expect Rhett to make posts here). Do you believe in a life after death, or in ghosts?

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I may LOVE X-Files, and they have a lot of ghosts, voodoo, etc. besides aliens and government conspiracies, but I do not believe in anything spiritual.


Anything spiritual can usually be explained by something logical. Voodoo zombies are something to do with a poison which makes a victim appear dead while still bieng physically conscios.

Ghostly occurances can be hellucinations, crisis apparations,

after-effects of a movie, wind, hearing things and even central heating (happens to me all the time).

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interesting POV dagobahn eagle, you say it hasnt feelings right?


then, why we cry?


the soul is the true heart of the body, what happen when you love someone? you even risk your own soul by letting be with that special person


about ghost, yea i believe in them, in my house my grand grandmother died in her room (now mine) so i can still feel someone walking at my backyard in the night, if you dont believe me i can describe her exactly as it was.

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But then, why do we cry?


If the soul is the true heart of the body, what happen when you love someone? you even risk your own soul by letting it be with that special person

My POV is that species like dogs and birds do not cry. Thus, the action of crying is defined by the human being. I don't know how much of a part the soul has in it, but in my opinion, if the soul was the part of us that cried, why doesn't it make, say, a bird cry?


I think what you mean might be that the soul has feelings, just that it has different ways of making the body communicate those feelings (for example, a dog is incapable of crying, so maybe the soul sees that and makes the dog feel like howling or whining, or maybe just lie there and be sad)?


Oh, and about communication with ghosts: I don't think this can be achieved trough rituals and stuff, but many people say they have physically seen ghosts (see above post).


My English teacher (yes, a teacher, of all people) once told me a story about one night when he was in college, when he stayed at his (ex-)girlfriend's house (his girl's family, including the girl, was away on some occasion). So he slept on a coach in the basement with his dog lying on the floor.


Suddenly he woke up, and there was this ghost sitting by the fireplace, petting his dog. He says he got so scared that he couldn't move and he closed his eyes TIGHTLY shut for about a minute, and when he opened them, the ghost was gone. Says he, the ghost was a middle-aged woman wearing clothing from the 1800's.


Eventually, he told his girlfriend, who at first laughed. Later, however, he had it verified, as others had been staying at the house, too, and they, too, had seen it. Also, someone, I think his girlfriend, had experienced that some things would be moved around and everyone would say that no, they didn't move them.


Funny thing is, that was my teacher, who shouldn't really talk about that, right? Second, I made a joke about it and he gave me an angry stare. I mean, if it was a joke, he'd have admitted that rather than making a fool of himself.. or would he?

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I do believe in "ghosts", and that they do take the trait's of their past lives. Ghosts, A.K.A. spirits, do have emotions. Wheither it was how the person felt when they passed away, with content and ready to pass on, died in battle and looking for vengence for the people who killed him, etc.


My families cat, which was born before me, died in May, and since then, when I am just looking at something and not anything else, I have noticed either a black shadow or a brown shadow. Occasionally, I'd see him jump on my bed.


Us Natives believe in an after life and spirits a lot. Sometimes it's comforting to know you're not alone, other times it's disturbing. And no, I am not crazy, depressed, or taking drugs.

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intresting topic. ;)


well, i do belive in ghosts, sorta. before i explain, let me say one thing. i'm a Christian, and I belive that the Bible is truth. and my belief is that animals don't have souls. so when you asked why the soul didn't make anlimals cry, my answer is plain and simple, they don't have one. but back to ghosts.


i think they are real to an extent. the Bible warns people not to try to do witchcraft and summonings and magic arts. why would it warn about something that wasn't real? so i think that ghosts excist. but not to the point of that they float around scaring people, or that they're people's souls. i'm no expert or anything, that's just my views.

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I don't really believe in ghosts. I do believe that anything is possible inside the human mind and if the huma mind chooses to believe hard enough in ghosts then as sure as heck they'll see one someday. Of course by that time they will also be recieving help from a psyciatrist...but it all works out for the common good eventually.


I do however think there are other intelligent beings out there beside the human race on Earth...but that's a whole new crate of oranges...

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