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Mixing skills


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Devs have said that they encouraged the mixing of skills and that they saw some of this emerge in beta. I believe it was Holocron or Q that commented that a lot of beta testers went out and got all 6 starting skills first thing in game.


Are you going to mix and match? What skills, and why do you think they'd work well together?


I've attached a skill sheet...it's far from being mixed...more like a few professions and some loose skills, but it's as close as I'll make it in the current system.


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I'll most propably get most skills from brawler/marksman/commando, but not all. I'll use the rest of my skill points to aquire skills that doesn't indeed boost my character, but makes gaming a bit more fun. If the pets looks good, I'll get enough stats to get at least a small fuzzy one. And if cooking is as fun ingame as IRL, I'll do some of that too. And musician skills would indeed be fun. And why not some basic healing skills, for those times when I'm on my own?


So yes, I'll definately get more skills than the typical commando skills. Because I think it will make my gaming experience more fun, and will make my character more unique.

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Hmm today I seem to favor a Teras Kasi profession, with a carbine rifle, and any remaining skill points into a mix of creature handling, outdoormanship, and scouting.


I dont know how good this skill mix is as far as effiecient use of points. However I feel it would be foolish of me to not cover both melee class primary and also carry rifle support skills.


After that any utility skills I feel best support my changing role in the galaxy.


My next thought was climbing only one skill tree branch at a time and spreading all the remaining points out. Since there will be so many different skill trees I will like I may take a large sampling and then keep adding points until I prove or disaprove of a skills usefulness.


And last I had an idea to simply put points into any skill in any tree. It would take alot longer to decide which one were worth pursueing that way; but the end result character would be exactly the mix of skills I felt were most useful instead of taking a predetermined cookie cutter route.


I dont think I will be able to specify which advancement path I favor until after NDA is dropped and all the info floods out.

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I think that dabbling in many skills to start is the best idea early on, as it's the only real way to decide on what you'd like to specialize in. Most people have chosen professions that they think sound cool now such as bounty hunter, but its impossible to tell if you'll like any of them until you actually get the chance to try in-game. I suspect thats the reason that many betas are spread so thin- experimentation.


I'm going to start out with a little of everything that makes for a good explorer. My first few weeks will likely be spent seeing all that I can, meeting and talking to folks, etc. After I get a feel for gameplay, I'm sure I'll have a better idea what I'd like to specialize in.


BTW, people like you, Matt, make the game much easier for people like me (essentially lazy, lol) to pick up on- that mixed skill set is nice :)



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Originally posted by Jared Sinn

BTW, people like you, Matt, make the game much easier for people like me (essentially lazy, lol) to pick up on- that mixed skill set is nice :)



I'm so psyched for this game that I make a new skill tree like every other week...I've already changed this one a few times.

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Let me go from each profession.


Marksman: Just wanted to get to Carbineer...popular(and probable) assumption is that 3 marksman disciplines go to the 3 higher marksman professions.


Carbineer: I wanna master it...matter of preference I guess.


Artisan: I'm assuming that weaponsmith only has one discipline as a prerequisate(sp?).


Weaponsmith: Nicely rounded (mostly guesswork, some logic so that I end up with 200 points)


Scout: We have the skill tree for it...I took the camping discipline cause I think it'd be the most useful.


Brawler: For the bar fights :) Low levels, but consistent. Just in case, you know? ...Also axed in latest revision.


Entertainer: Again, assumptions. I'm assuming I'll want a little dancing and singing, which is what I've labelled those 2 disciplines until I've heard otherwise.


Medic: I wanna be a moderately good healer.


Brawler, Entertainer, and Medic and really just places to store skill points where I think they would be helpful, but I could do without. If say, weaponsmith requires 2 disciplines, I'll take away from these trees...of course I'll probably take away some brawler or entertainer first before I go into medic. I hope to keep at least keep one skill point in each starting profession.


So, there you have it...it's guesswork, probable assumption, and buffer professions. An assumption may make an ass out of you or me, but it's all we have to go on till NDA is lifted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are we positive of the Reverse SKill Point costs for the Advanced Professions? Seems a little odd that the higher you go in an advanced profession the easier it gets...


ie: You list...




(2)2 2 2

(3 3)3 3

(4 4 4)4

(5 5 5 5)


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