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AOTC:TC News Update


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As Andy has now gone on holidays and no one else wants to update the jk2.net with news and updates, ill post it on here :p


MP Code

Since we started the mod, we have continued the Saga side of the project mainly, it then came apartent that we should realy also include some mod for the MP game it self, it was at this time that I was given a unique chance.

Many of you will be used to using ProMOD and have enjoyed using it, well you will be sorry to hear the Artifax has stopped developing the mod and has released his final version 3.1 to the public.

It was at this time that Artifax offered the source code to myself to develop and expand into AOTC:TC and so with this ProMOD will be part of the MP code that will be used in the TC.

We will support the mod as much as we can and updated version and the current version will be available from our site and the support will be found on the forums.


The Site AOTC:TC

After bouncing between servers for the last couple of months, and losing a lot of fan base because, we have now got a great deal on the server and are able to do what ever we want with it pretty much.

Im sorry that you have all be messed about and that we havent been able to keep you updated, but now its our home for the distant future and there will be no downtime or anything else like that ever again.


Files and Maps

My friends at the TC having been working thier socks off trying to get maps finished off and completed, with the server move abouts its been difficult to get everyone back and find everyone again, hopfuly everyone will re-find us and we will be releasing the Beta's of the maps sooner rather than later.


Staff Positions

Yep with the move we have also found out that we have lost a few members of staff either, they have left due to workloads at school/college/uni but we will now have the chance to recruit more staff into the TC, the more staff we get the quicker we will get it all done. You can find out more by going to the site and reading the news as the links are there about the staff positions.


I hope that this will be most of you back and keep on asking us about development etc. It would be great to see some of the familiar faces back on the forums :)



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I'm not a great fan of ProMod, but I'd be willing to download the AOTC:TC, aslong is it's nothing like the single-player 'Battle of Geonosis' map... *Shudders*


Just a quick question; is the modifcation going to be based on the MP code, and have no elements of the SP code?


I personally can't stand SP anymore. It's the little diferences that make it unplayable for me. No kick, jumping on heads, and general 'sliding' about. :(


Anyway, I look forward to the progress of the mod. :)

It's good to see everything is back on track. ;)

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Yeahm I'm also quite interested in how this TC will hold up, I anticipate the SP the most, since I am a fan of it, it's just that there aren't any real unique or interesting levels, I personally don't care about the MP part of it, since I'm fine with the MP we currently have

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In the SP code, you cannot:


1. Use new animations like the MP code.

2. Make new weapons.

3. Add new Force powers.

4. Create new AI.

5. Anything that's important.


You could use the MP code to recreate SP like the DF mod team is doing, but since there isn't anything important (in my opinion) done on the mod as it is, that's shooting a bit far.

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Originally posted by Anakin

We are still mainly concentrating on the MP side of it, I am waiting to see what AKPiggot comes up with on his Map so that I can see what we can and cannot do in SP.


Don't worry, it'll hopefully be out soon. So far I've managed to do everything I've wanted to do in it. I haven't had to change the story or anything to fit better with the engine, and that actually marks a first for me. All the BoaMs / ToaMs underwent at least a few changes each from the concept simply because they weren't possible to implement with the resources I had.

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Some of you seem to be confused about the direction we're taking, so I'll clarify. All of our energy and focus is currently going into a class-based, objective-based (saga) team multiplayer conversion. We just got our final class tree nailed down, and I honestly believe that if we manage to do everything we have planned (and it's all possible with our current resources) our release will definitely mark a turnaround for the game. SP is still in the plans, but it'll definitely be on the back burner for quite some time.

Btw, we're still looking to fill some staff positions in just about every department (player modelers are especially needed), so stop over at our forums if you're interested!

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Yes yes to Indy you must listen. We have decided to concentrate on whats possible at the moment and that is MP conversion. Although I am still making sounds for SP just incase we pick back up on SP, that why we wont have much to do when converting things over to sp. Most of models, sounds, textures, and partial maps (will reedit if SP is back in production). So there you have it.

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

Some of you seem to be confused about the direction we're taking, so I'll clarify. All of our energy and focus is currently going into a class-based, objective-based (saga) team multiplayer conversion. We just got our final class tree nailed down, and I honestly believe that if we manage to do everything we have planned (and it's all possible with our current resources) our release will definitely mark a turnaround for the game. SP is still in the plans, but it'll definitely be on the back burner for quite some time.


SWEET!!! Don't let Spider Al see this. He'll go ape**** about how you're destroying the purity of the game or breaking with tradition, etc., etc., or somesuch nonsense. Me, I'll be EAGERLY anticipating the release of the mod. I've been craving some class-based objective multiplayer in JO since it's release. Add to that ArtifeX's ProMod code for sabre combat, and you've got a hell of a mod (or at least a hell of a lot of potential).

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People, please dont worry about this. AOTC:TC is much closer to releasing than most of you think, I have to say that I have a great team of staff that work on this project all thier spare time, and for that the hard work that they produce is fantastic.

So dont worry, MP will be there, and maybe we will do somthing SP.

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