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Cadbury's Cream Egg, How do you eat yours?

Lost Welshman

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Posted by Hekx

Depends on the day. If I'm in a bad mood, I'd most probably gobble it down. But every other time; I bite the top of, eat all of the cream, then eat the bottom of the eggs remains. :D



I do exactly the same - even the gobbling it down when I'm in a bad mood bit :animelol:

Posted by Hekx

I like to take two at-a-time baby, yeah! :bernard:




ROFL :lol:
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Well, I tend to put in my mouth, deftly manoveur it so that the sem is aligned with a set of teeth, then break it in two and use my tongue to mop out the fondant.


My mate Dave how ever.... Quite scary....

Best way to put it is genocidally! One after another, rapid fire.... Is proud of fact that he has eaten 16 in about half an hour.

How he doesn't puke I don't know.

Wouldn't be so bad, but he is diabetic, and should REALLY be more careful.

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I just eat it in like 3 or 4 bites so that theres equal amount of cream for all the chocolate I get, or if the cream is extra creamy, I just eat it in like 3 or 4 bites so that theres equal amount of cream for all the chocolate I get. Hah. I like the caramel ones a lot, and the chocolate ones aren't even half bad. They've gotta be in the stores now! My favorite kind of candy! Thanks for reminding me!

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i eat mine by biting the top off and licking the fondant out. then eating the rest. i've been told it looked kinda rude.



smart dragon; a girl i was at college with said it and i guess she knew from personal experience. my boss at work said the same thing 3 years later and i don't want to know how he knew...

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