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LEC Community: Likes & Hates?


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I thought he was being sarcastic :) (Well maybe not about the RTX screeshots... but the rest... !)


Likes? Well, hmmm, there being a place I talk can about adventure games for one! The fact that people like Benny are dedicated to making old game work on my new system (very important!). A lot of the fan stuff is pretty impressive too (the art and such)... I just wish there were more NEW decent quality adventure games being released :(


After MI4 I don't even hold out that much hope for FT2... I certainly don't like Ben's new posture... Fingers crossed it will be back to form for LEC!!!!


~ Johnny

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The people here were unquestionably friendly when I first came on, unlike on some forums and chats where newbies are automatically labelled as 'annoying' and 'stupid' and, uh, 'newbie'



Where people can argue about stuff and yet agree to disagree.



We're a funny old bunch.








People that are unfriendly, which there aren't really many of, and people that have the "GUYBRUSH IS NOT A KID I DONT CARE U R DUMN IF U TINK HE IS!" attitude... as mentioned above several times.



The forums are very slow on my pathetic dial up

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What I like the most about this community (the lucasarts gamers community you mean?) is that if I visit mixnmojo.com I'll possibly find news I'd find interesting to read and also have features to check out. But wait, what I like most about this community is that it *is* a community. That each fan does develop and moves the community forward, in some way. Mostly positive and interesting way. Where will this lucascommunity be in 5years? then this will be the old times. hee. I'm not full of crap, but I just mean that it's about the games and our passion for them. And I'm very grateful to all fans who've made great work to share with others. Also, sharing thoughts and getting to know other gamers with similar passion is.. cool.



Good stuff: The mixnmojo features and news.

Features, Interviews,Reviews,Previews


The best part of this community is the people who makes things happen.


What pisses me off the most or what I think is the most stupid about this community is... when I my self dont agree on something and get insulted.

What the most stupid thing would be.. I dont know. Possibly if LucasArts would stop makeing great games.

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- The community. Not just that we all like the same things, but that we like them in different ways. Granted, Mojo tries to keep to a "one site per game" standard (otherwise, the server and their menu would be PACKED), but there is such intermingling between all the LFNetwork sites, as well as those small sites that seem to be eternally hosted in some back corner of the web on some Geocities-style setup, drawing even the most remote sites into the fold via links.


- The community (yes, I repeat). Along with this intermingling of sites, there is also a mixing of tools, graphics, files, etc. Fan-created items like art, stories, music, etc gets shared in this community faster than LEC news. I admit, I really like this - gives the games more coverage and shows off the talents of many of us by using a broader net to reel in other fans. I know when LEC announced FT2, I was chomping at the bit to help existing, fledgling, or soon-to exist FT fansites by openly telling webmasters "As long as you credit the creators of the files, feel free to mirror the Kickstand's downloads section". That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. We help our own. Plus, I get a kick out of seeing my work displayed with honor on someone else's page.


- The community (etc., etc.,). We all agree to disagree. I mean, how many communities of this size out there still discuss the storyline to Stationfall? Or the graphics of Hugo's House of Horrors? Or the voice acting in Titanic: Adventure out of time? None that I know of. Yet, in our community, you can always catch someone discussing the secret of Big Whoop, 2-d vs. 3-d, why Elain was British in CoMI, but American in EFMI. And, on the same tack, you can hear others argue against it, not only stoking the discussion's fire, but most often drawing people in and adding fuel.


- The community (ad nauseum, et al.) For the lack of true "war". I mean, everyone who pours their blood, sweat, and tears into a fansite wants it to be the best out there. We all want the huge hits and to be mentioned by LEC employees or, if we're lucky, to rise to the point of getting press badges and invites to E3 to rub elbows with the "gods" of our little cult. Yet, for all this, we often lean on the shoulders of the very people we are "competing" against for feedback, support, or ideas on how to make it better, and then we turn around and lend a shoulder to others so that they can do the same. I may have sole custody over the password to the Kickstand, and final judgement of what goes and what stays, but you....all of you...have helped shape it. You are all, in your own ways, my co-webmasters, and your blood flows through my veins just as mine flows through yours. Do you know what that's called? Not "community", but "family".


- The fans. Without you, none of this would be worth a damn.




- Software pirates. There is no excuse, there is no forgiveness. May the fleas and ticks of a thousand camels infest themselves upon your crotches. 'Nuff said on that.


- LEC's silence. Yes, I know that loose lips sink ships, but communication is a two-way street. You just hired a PR liason, but we would like some unofficial feedback from you. We've all played nice with the games you have given us (with the exception of a couple of naughty mp3's) and have kept it clean. Is there anything that we are doing that irks you? I would hate to think that any of my sites please you 99% of the time, but that there's a 1% that makes your blood boil or makes you want to climb onto my roof naked with an AK-47 just to wait for me to emerge in the morning to go to work, giving you a clean shot at the back of my balding melon. Also, isn't it better to ask specific questions of us to get feedback beforehand rather than pump tons of time and energy into some aspect of a game you think we might like only to watch us tear it apart like disgruntled wolverines, forcing you to make a note not to repeat the mistake or wonder just what it was you did wrong?


- Bickering in forums/irc/wherever. Yes, I said I liked the difference of opinion in the community, but I've seen enough "war" on #monkey-island to make me neglect even watching the chat some times. I know that every society tends to segment into small circles of friends, but come on... Can't we all just get along in the aspect of 'ein community, ein channel'? I'm not saying "ditch the other channels", just saying "let's not force people to leave #m-i entirely and create splinter channels out of anger/rebellion." Same goes with forums.


- Time. I only get 24 hours in a day, and spend most of it with the job, the wife, the toddler, and the baby-to-be (due in Oct) and would love to be able to get more chat, forum, web update, and news reading time in, but I can't. I realise that this is out of the scope of the community, but I need a scapegoat. For this, I choose Spaff - the hidden man behind the curtain...The Great And Powerful Wizard of Mixnmojo! Sorry, Spaff, but it's just past Easter and my cross is empty. Hand me those nails, would you?

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