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Originally posted by C'jais

A few grams of concentrated nicotine is enough to kill you.


Same goes for caffeine, or so I've heard.


alcohol too.


but I can't understand why anyone would drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or weed or anything for that matter. I'm confounded by some of the things people will drink or inhale:confused:

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Seen anyone who's life has gone down the drain because of using too much alcohol? :rolleyes:

Drunkards are all over the place, everywhere.


Alcohol is addictive. Tobacco is addictive. Sex is addictive. Drugs are addictive.


Some people lack willpower, it's that simple.


Legalising drugs would bring us more problems. One of the major points is that drugs are insanely expensive atm and if you do heavy drugs, you won't be working (earning) much.


Take a wild guess: of all the stolen car stereos, how many were stolen just because some loser needed money for drugs? 90%? 95%?

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

One of the major points is that drugs are insanely expensive atm and if you do heavy drugs, you won't be working (earning) much.


Take a guess as to why drugs are so expensive.


Drug lords could charge 2000$ for a hit, and those losers would still pay it.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

As there are LOADS of more people driving cars than the amount using pot, that argument doesn't fit at all. And I belive there is quite few of the drug users that drive cars.

You missed my point. The whole point of the propaganda is to find a negative group of people, or negative act, and associate it with marijuana by saying those who do the negative act also do marijuana. But that in no way means that those who do marijuana also do the negative act. I was being sarcastic with the car comment. Of course that would not be true, as driving a car isn't a negative act. But lets just say that most child molestors smoked marijuana. Then it could be said that smoking marijuana will make you molest children. Well, that's entirely untrue. Just as the "gateway drug" statement has no basis of truth either. That is how propaganda works, by spreading half-truths and preying on the those who do not wish to think for themselves.



If you make it legal, it will be more common.
Yep, more common then common. Would that make it super common? I'm saying that it doesn't matter either way, legal or not, it's always gonna be there, easily accesible in almost any clime.




A fact. But if you don't belive it, that's your problem. If you really trust a few guys, who has no medical education, saying pot doesn't harm you in any way instead of beliving all the thousands of doctors who know perfectly well the mental damages pot does, then that's your problem. I'll guess you'll soon say stabbing yourself in the stomach with a knife doesn't do any harm.
Ok, it's a fact. Maybe you could describe what "childish" means in this sense. I'm suprised that thousands of doctors could only come up with the word "childish" as the best description. Sounds more like an insult to me, rather then a scientific opinion.


I know saying marijuana didn't hurt anyone was a false statement. Just trying to get my point across in a poor manner.


I'm not saying that there aren't downsides to smoking weed. Yeah, if you do it on a consistent basis, you'll end up an unmotivated slob. I don't really believe there are long term effects concerning brain function with moderate use of marijuana, after these users stop using. While they are still smoking on a regular (daily) basis, I could see that might be true. But not so bad in my opinion. I'm pointing out that weed isn't the scourge of the planet. Sure, there are some negative things that result from it. But nothing on the epic scale that some of you would have us believe. Yeah, some people crap their lives away on weed. You may know them, and I believe you when you say they have ruined their lives. But I have never seen anyone "ruin" their lives with marijuana. Hell, I've done lotsa drugs, with lotsa people, and I don't really think I've seen too many people ruin their lives because of drugs. That would be because I don't hang out with the scum of the earth. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying that I distance myself from those who are prone to that. Because these people have more problems then just drugs. Yet you associate all the negative aspects of their lives with the common thing: marijuana. Sort of like that propaganda thing I explained at the beginning of this post.




That's the point, I'm not dumb enough to smoke.
Yes, I figured that out. That statement meant you are pretty opinionated about something you have no experience with, and the only knowledge of it is force fed to you. I'm not trying to sway you to believe marijuana is good. I could care less which way you lean. But you might as well be on the payroll for the DEA with all the crap you spread here.






You like that sig Shock? :) That has to be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time, I just had to put it there.

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I don't understand why so many people are so closed-minded.


As far as I know, smoking weed causes a buildup of THC around brain cells that control memory. The buildup is naturally cleaned up over a period of time (not more than a month.) If you smoked way too much- over half an ounce a day for a month - the buildup would be too much and it would kill some of the cells. No one smokes that much, so it doesn't harm, or permanently affect, your brain.


Whether or not it causes cancer is still being debated, but as far as I know it is not as bad as cigs here. It is certainly harmful to your lungs- you are breathing in flaming material after all- but again, as far as I know, it's not nearly as harmful as cigarettes, which have tar and artificial additives. The worst you are likely to get is bronchitis and/or a smoker's cough.


Marijuana has many uses as a medicine as well. It calms spasming muscles and settles upset stomachs. It gives an appetite to cancer patients who would normally throw up whatever they ate. For more information: http://www.medmjscience.org/Pages/reports/nihpt1.html


There is no evidence that it is physically addictive. Of course it is mentally addictive to some people. So is anything. When playing games you are harming yourself as well- sitting inside on your ass for hours on end is detrimental to your health. Eating bacon cheeseburgers is unhealthy too.


You may know that cocaine releases dopamine, giving a happy, contented feeling. Dopamine is the 'reward' your body gives for eating, having sex, and other things. So by eating you are rewarded with a 'buzz'.




Enough about the physical properties of it- I prefer to talk about the principle of prohibition. I believe that my body is my own and I should be able to do whatever I want as long as it does not harm others. Fast food is bad for me, but I still can choose what to eat. Why can't I choose to smoke weed?


It's fun, and pretty harmless. I'll do what I want with my own body.


I have to finish this up so I'll end by saying that weed does affect judgement and reaction time so you shouldn't drive while high.

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*jumps in without having read the entire thread (yeah, I know that it's a bad habit)*


Never did drink, smoke, or do drugs other than pharmaceutics like antibiotics and headache cures, and I even keep those to a minimum (everything has side effects, and every pain has a cause, so if you can sit out the headache instead of taking a pill, or even better find out what hurts and why and solve the problem, then that's better than taking a pill). Not saying that you should never use headache pills, it's just that nine times out of ten it's unnessecary.[/unnessecairily long rant with too few periods]


I find the taste of ethanol and smoke off-putting. Drugs are illegal, and in extreme cases cause insanity (which I find to be the most scary disease that exists). That's my motivation... Oh and not being in control of my own mind (related to the above comment on (in)sanity). I'm addicted to being a sentient creature.

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Originally posted by Kinnopio?

Whether or not it causes cancer is still being debated, but as far as I know it is not as bad as cigs here. It is certainly harmful to your lungs- you are breathing in flaming material after all- but again, as far as I know, it's not nearly as harmful as cigarettes, which have tar and artificial additives. The worst you are likely to get is bronchitis and/or a smoker's cough.


Marijuana has many uses as a medicine as well. It calms spasming muscles and settles upset stomachs. It gives an appetite to cancer patients who would normally throw up whatever they ate. For more information:



You may know that cocaine releases dopamine, giving a happy, contented feeling. Dopamine is the 'reward' your body gives for eating, having sex, and other things. So by eating you are rewarded with a 'buzz'.



Ooooh, so many things to nitpick, sooo in need of sleep, so i'll try to keep this short.

First of all, it has been proven that one marijuana cig does as much damage to the lungs as around 5 tobacco cigs. I think that was on CNN.com, but I don't really want to look up the article, maybe some other time when i'm not tired, so basically you're messing up your lungs pretty bad whenever you smoke marijuana.

Secondly, for nearly EVERY medical use for marijuana there is a legal prescription drug without the same side-effects that'll match it. The only thing that makes marijuana somewhat unique is with cancer patients, making them hungry to eat after chemo-therapy.

Eating, while it may give me a "buzz" is necessary for me to LIVE, and coccaine is both mentally AND physically addictive, and it does damage to your mind and body.

There, i kept that pretty darn short.....

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Marijuana will not cause lung cancer or damage your lungs. Smoking marijuana is what does that. Because the delivery system has negative effects in no way means the drug causes those negative effects.


That's like saying heroin causes abcesses. That's not true, it's the needle that does that.


Cocaine can really screw your nose and sinuses up if you snort it all the time. But that in no way indicates a side effect of cocaine. You could stick it up your ass to get high and then you would not have nose problems.


Pointing out negative effects associated with the method in which you choose to take a drug is a lame scare tactic.



Originally posted by ET Warrior

Secondly, for nearly EVERY medical use for marijuana there is a legal prescription drug without the same side-effects that'll match it.

That's a tough choice. Do I take the prescription drug to relieve this headache, even though the side effects can be blurry vision, nose bleeds, and stomach cramps. Or do I smoke a joint, even though the side effects can cause me to have one hell of a good time? Jeez, which one is the lesser of two evils?

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Originally posted by munik

Marijuana will not cause lung cancer or damage your lungs. Smoking marijuana is what does that. Because the delivery system has negative effects in no way means the drug causes those negative effects.





That's a tough choice. Do I take the prescription drug to relieve this headache, even though the side effects can be blurry vision, nose bleeds, and stomach cramps. Or do I smoke a joint, even though the side effects can cause me to have one hell of a good time? Jeez, which one is the lesser of two evils?


And eating tobacco isn't going to give me lung cancer either...I was simply assuming they were talking about smoking marijuana, sorry, I'll be more specific next time.



And I dont know, but I've NEVER gotten blurry vision, nose bleeds, or stomach cramps from taking prescription anything..

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Probaly are talking about smoking it. You can eat it, too, but that's about it for ingesting it. Most smoke I reckon. I just made the argument solely on marijuana, I thought that was what we were talking about. We could assume most people buy their marijuana from someone else, so a listed negative side effect of marijuana could be interacting with drug dealers. I'm just saying that there are an abundance of ancillary negative effects associated with marijuana. But they are seperate, not directly caused by the drug. Just trying to keep it clear.



And those side effects aren't for one real drug, they are an amalgam of some side effects I hear on TV for those prescription drug comericials.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, Just to clearify....


Yes I drink, in moderation. Alcohol is legal, and I am 28 years of age. I can drink what I want, when I want, yet I use discresion. I only drink after my workday is complete, or on my off days. And sometimes I go days without anything because I tire of it. Point is, if you are of legal age, drinking is still within the rhelm of the law. Plus you go into a grocery store and buy alcohol, you don't go into any store and buy drugs. To do drugs you need a perscription from a doctor. I know, I had some codeine once perscribed for a insatiable ear-ache I had once. Knocked me out for days, during which I was in LA LA land. However Doctors go to medical school so that they perscribe the proper dose of such addictive drugs. I have known people that go addicted to Zanex, don't get me started on that bit. I seen people get it from they're doctors and sell it to each other. Jeezum Crow....


I still do not see the attraction with pot. If the stuff was legal, and in the stores, would anyone even bother? Or would they rather buy some crack on the street from somebody named "C-Dawg"? Yeah these people are pharmasists..... Remember that the FDA is here for a reason folks. Whenever you smoke or inject an illegal substance, you do not have any fancy Gov't regulations to observer the poison you put into your system. Or is that the real thrill....isn't it? I'll take my chances on a Gin and Tonic any day of the week, at least I know what is in it......

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As far as drugs goes, i used to abuse them (to an extent)


I still drink fairly often, usually every other weekend (but never to get drunk)


As far as drug use went, i used Acid/LSD the most, Mushrooms, Marijuana(not a lot though, i didnt like smoking things that much), DMT (same with marajuana, didnt like smoking it...but its different). The worse mistake of my life...i used Datura, if you dont know what it is...dont bother asking because i WILL NOT tell you.


i believe the only reason drugs are illegal is because sometimes(most of the times actually) people are just simply too stupid to be responsible enough to use them thats why.


And by the way, ive been drug free for 6 some months now.

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Also, a LOT of what you guys hear nowadays(some people even said a few things that are BS)...are myths created by DARE programs or Police departments to get kids to not use drugs.


Like i said before...their illegal because of people being irresponsible users, its a law to protect ourselves from ourselves.

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I quote from a book I have.




"Stoffer som gir endrete sanse- og tankeopplevelser, det vil si hallusinasjoner, er blant annet hasj, marihuana og LSD. Disse stoffene forandrer personligheten og påvirker i første rekke tanker og følelser og våre opplevelser av sanseintrykk. Misbrukere har omkommet fordi de har trodd at de kunne fly eller gjøre andre halsbrekkende handlinger. Et typisk trekk hos hasjrøykere er at han blir sløv og etter hvert uinteressert i verden rundt seg. Virkelighetsoppfatningen og evnen til å lære blir redusert gradvis og snikende. "

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

I quote from a book I have.




Intended for me specifically? :p


"Stoffer som gir endrete sanse- og tankeopplevelser, det vil si hallusinasjoner,


I didn't know hash could make you hallucinate, but if you overdose, I suspect it might.


er blant annet hasj, marihuana og LSD. Disse stoffene forandrer personligheten


That's a bit vague. Getting a car of your own is also reported as having changed a person's personality.


Et typisk trekk hos hasjrøykere er at han blir sløv og etter hvert uinteressert i verden rundt seg. Virkelighetsoppfatningen og evnen til å lære blir redusert gradvis og snikende. "


The same could be said for alcoholics and people overdosing on sleeping pills. Take drugs in moderation, like everything else.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

"Stoffer som gir endrete sanse- og tankeopplevelser, det vil si hallusinasjoner, er blant annet hasj, marihuana og LSD. Disse stoffene forandrer personligheten og påvirker i første rekke tanker og følelser og våre opplevelser av sanseintrykk. Misbrukere har omkommet fordi de har trodd at de kunne fly eller gjøre andre halsbrekkende handlinger. Et typisk trekk hos hasjrøykere er at han blir sløv og etter hvert uinteressert i verden rundt seg. Virkelighetsoppfatningen og evnen til å lære blir redusert gradvis og snikende. "


Ummm, yeah...that's exactly what I was thinking.. so how 'bout those Lakers? :rolleyes:



Seriously: reading that stuff is like reading the ramblings of a very drunk horribly dyslexic Swede. :p

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after using LSD the first time back when i was about 15 i could deffinately tell i had changed personality wise. I sensed the world in a different way that i was used to. Its weird.



edit: i cant even smoke weed anymore (even if i had the desire to do so) because it brings back nostalgia from tripping on LSD. It brings back scarry memories, imagees, feelings, thoughts that i simply dont want to experience anymore...

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Originally posted by C'jais


I didn't know hash could make you hallucinate, but if you overdose, I suspect it might.



I don't think it'll need an overdose. You probably won't get it if you only use a little, but if you use it fairly lot, then...


That's a bit vague. Getting a car of your own is also reported as having changed a person's personality.


But mostly not to the worse.


The same could be said for alcoholics and people overdosing on sleeping pills. Take drugs in moderation, like everything else.


Do you think people care if you ask them nicely to use it with moderation? Alcohol is abused quite a lot, yes, and people are overdosing on sleeping pills, yes. But that's not a reason to let people abuse drugs.



And at the last, I would just like to say a few words. If you make "lighter" drugs legal, then it is more likely that people will try them, yes? And if people try them, it is likely that they will do it again. And if they've done it two times, it is even more likely they will do it again, because if you use it, you'll get used to it, and it's not scary anymore, it's just "cool". So the drug users will do it more times. And more often. Often more drugs. And they will damage the brain beyond repair. And of course, people do lots of stupid things when using high amounts of these "lighter" drugs. I may mention an 11-year old girl who was killed by a person high on pot. The highness was the reason for the murder. And not only that, we know perfectly well that the "lighter" drugs often leads to heavier drugs, wich causes deaths all the time, and of course permanent damage to your body.

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My opinion, is that here in Denmark, teh weed should be legalized. Prefferably in a kind of coffeeshop or systembolaget way. Holland did it and they havent gone completly banana split... yet :) . It is already pretty easy to get teh weed her in Denmark, thank to glorious christania. I dont consider weed as dangerous, or at least not as dangerous as alcohol.

Am i right in saying some1 who has drinking, is generaly more violent, then somebody who has smoked a couple o joints.

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:atat: I've been taking drugs for the past 3 years OCASIONALY. People u shouldn't make such a big deal out of something that isn't that bad. As long ur responsable enough to take things morderately and look after urself, then u usually have a good time:bdroid2:
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