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Bf 1942 Funnys!

Hellfire Jedi

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Well I was playing MOHAA and I was on a roll in Algiers and I was taking out Germans out with M1 and one of them was walking aways from and didn't see me so I aimed and fired and hit him in the ass. Ass soon as he was shot he threw up his rifle up with both hands and then grabbed his ass and was dead. I don't play BF 1942 much but since it is a war game I thought it was ok to share it here :D



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yeah, i was playing MoHAA, (for those that know the game pretty well) and when youre with Captain Ramsey and the two 101st guys or whoever in the town with the tiger tank, well a Nazi threw a potato masher at Ramsey, it landed right in front of him, and he picked it up to throw it. well it went about 1 foot in the air and then blew up, killing him! :p :p ok, so that was a long sentence, but i was still funny.

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Originally posted by ImmolatedYoda

yeah, i was playing MoHAA, (for those that know the game pretty well) and when youre with Captain Ramsey and the two 101st guys or whoever in the town with the tiger tank, well a Nazi through a potato masher at Ramsey, it landed right in front of him, and he picked it up to throw it. well it went about 1 foot in the air and then blew up, killing him! :p :p ok, so that was a long sentence, but i was still funny.


Yeah, the first mission with the panzerschreck and the halftrack that won't die :p


I play MOHAA Spearhead... actually, I'm starting a clan with a friend of mine. Any takers? :D

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I'd join but I am a hopefull for another clan. I also haven't purchased Spearhead. I am purchasing it whenever I get my first paycheck along with Splinter Cell.


I also only play Tactical servers so all you can do is walk. It's more fun than run and gunner games. You should play there if you have any time Wes. I already have Jedi 220 into it ;)



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yeah one time i knifed this guy in CS...he cussed me out...called me a hacker...then kicked me out of the server...*sigh* i hate online gaming nowadays. I am just discouraged from online gaming with random people since i stopped playing CS.

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Originally posted by ForceElf

Sorry for slight off topic ness but which one should i get BF of MoHAA??


Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt...defiantely... THAT GAME IS SO FUN!!!! I played the online and offline demos!!! DEFINATELY THE BEST WAY TO GO!

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Originally posted by Ratmjedi

I already have Jedi 220 into it ;)


Damn straight :D


That's the best server I've played on Ratmjedi, I'm on it all the time!


I already have Spearhead :p, I'm just enjoying MOHAA too much to install it already.



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Originally posted by Jedi220

Damn straight :D


That's the best server I've played on Ratmjedi, I'm on it all the time!


I already have Spearhead :p, I'm just enjoying MOHAA too much to install it already.




Yes! Someone who agrees with me!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi

Your a rude one. Get the f$#k outta my thread!


I just played....and I like it when you shoot a tank at a infantry soldier. They FLY it ROXXORZ J00!


haha, f00! i was joking!! :p :p but seriously, it seems like not many people here have "Bf 1942 Funnys" to share, so i just said something on a similar subject and then had a little fun. get t3h 53n53 0f hum0r f00!!

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you want BF1942 funnys?


go on a Stunt Server. Halarious stuff. Take a tank and place it next to a building. shoot at it and you'll roll around. place land mines and drive the jeep over it. you go air born. you can do a paratrooper stunt with everybody on the FlyingFortress (on the wings) and fly really high up and make everybody jump at the same time. very cool.


i play more BF1942 than MOHAA so far. but both are fun. i loved spearhead. very short SP. (AlliedAssault was amazing SP)


both are fun in MP too. but right now i like flying planes and driving tanks.

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