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Fakey is missing

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Originally posted by darthfergie

*is still confused*




I never got the points back there. Fakey was empty when I grabbed him and then I never got any points. I waited 3 days for some points to appear...but still none. I wouldn't care too much but I'm donating these off to a friend...


Did you PM Matt?


BTW Whoever answered the last question could you post the answer too?

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Originally posted by KingPin

fergie, your not aloud to take all the points:rolleyes: but yeah i could use ahundred to donate to Chi3f




Hehe, I wouldn't mess around with a super mod. :D


*Dramatic mode*

Ah!! Please, take all my points, just don't ban me! *curls up*




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I got it!


The old password was:




Yay for me! *does ewok dance*


Okay...now I need to change the password and everything...I'll be back in a bit to edit the post once I've changed it up.



You have to be a gamer to nail this one *well that doesn't seem too hard of a requirement on this forum*

anyway...A new-ish game that is set in WWII. You can be over 200 nations on the game starting at any time during WWII. (1939-46...or something around those guidelines)


It has capitol letters on all important ones (the, of, and, etc are all small lettered) but no spaces.

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