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Star Wars SE trilogy DVD's


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Are these the recently released VCD's, and not actually DVD's. As far as I know, and what GL has said, it will not be out until Ep 3 is out on DVD, so that is about 32 months away at least.


the name of the site is getvcd's, don't be surprised if they are trying to fool people by slipping these into the DVD section

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No these are real dvd's! I have a whole list of sites wich you can buy these dvd's on. I just recieved my set today. They look like dvd's to me. They have interactive menus and dts sound. The picture quality is pretty damn good too. I know there bootleg copies pirated from laser disc but these look better than laser disc.


http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3120196089&category=2474 or try this one!!!




Heres a couple links on ebay where you can buy them but if you do a little searching you can find them for alot less at certian stores.


Notice how the packaging on the binder is simular to the packaging on 1 and 2.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

dude.. im not commenting on the thread.. but your avatar...

i mean... OMG! that is Mumra right? from Thundercats.. i watched that show when i was a kid.!


Me too, I loved Thundercats! Cheetara was my favourite, I wanted to be her! hehe :D

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Yeah its mumra. And as for the dvd's not being the real thing never said they were. But i'll tell you there copied from laser disc which is pretty close to picture quality of a dvd. They look good to me and will definately hold me over till the real ones come out in 3 to 4 years. I was just looking for wide screen versions and chose to get these over the vhs widescreen, and im glad I did cause the picture quality is far superior to the vhs. I just thought I'd pass on the knowledge to fellow star wars fans!:D

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